William Schuester- Phone Call (c)

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Glee One Shot

You were pretty sure that Mr Schue had never imagined anyone would take up his offer to pick them up when they were drunk. Granted now wasn't one of those times. You weren't drunk. But you did need him to come and pick you up.

Putting his phone number into your phone was only for an emergency, you never thought you'd get to the point where you'd actually need to phone him.

"Hello," a sleepy voice answered the phone.

It was gone midnight and you felt terrible phoning him. He was probably asleep before you phoned him, God knows if someone was with him, not that you really wanted to know, but it made you feel bad that you could have woke them up.

"Mr Schue, it's... it's Y/N," you whispered into your mobile.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" He asked still sounding terribly tired and to an extent grumpy.

"Kind of... um... you said if anyone ever needed to be picked up rather than driving drunk, you'd come and get them. I'm not drunk, but I am in the hospital. And they told me to call my parents but they are out of town and I didn't know who else to call," you said attempting to not let your tears fall.

"Hospital? What happened?" He questioned, instantly waking up.

You took in a deep breath, trying not to let the grumpy nurse's expression get to you, as she clearly didn't want you to spend so long on the phone.

"I... I was in an accident," you said softly. "Don't worry. I need to go and get a cast put on my arm."

As you pulled the phone away from your ear you could hear him say something but didn't know what.


You went and got your cast and by the time you got back to your cubicle someone was sat there. Mr Schue was sat in the chair next to the bed. His hair was more of a mess than it usually was, and he wore jogging bottoms and a cardigan, looking slightly messy, not that that was surprising seen as it was gone midnight.

"Y/N. What happened?" He questioned.

"I'll leave you two for a moment," the nurse said gruffly leaving the cubicle.

"It's stupid really, I had to go and bring the bin up, as it was windy, but ended up falling down the steps outside my house. I hit my head and landed on my arm. My neighbour sits outside at stupid times of night and saw what happened so phoned the ambulance. I told him he didn't have to come here with me, but I forgot to get my key and I had no way to get home anyway," you sighed.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

You shrugged softly.

"I guess. My head hurts and I guess I'm going to have to get used to my arm in a sling for now. But thanks for coming Mr Schue."

He smiled softly in a pitiful way as your eyes filled with tears again. He stood up, wrapping his arms around you, being careful to not hurt you any further. You broke. You cried into his cardigan whilst he rubbed your back softly.

"It's okay. When do your parents get back?" He asked still holding you.

"Monday. But Finn's Mum and Kurt's Dad said it's fine if I needed to stay there. I just don't want to bother them this late. I'll just see if I can stay here until I can go into school tomorrow," you said in a near whisper.

"Don't be stupid. You can stay at mine tonight. And I'll phone Em- Miss Pilsbury in the morning and ask her to bring some clothes in tomorrow for you to change into."

"You don't have to," you said softly. "I don't want to impose. I shouldn't have phoned you. I just didn't know who else to phone."

He gave you a soft smile tapping the shoulder of your non-injured arm.

"It's okay Y/N. You look tired, I know I'm knackered. In the morning I can phone Emma, and try to get in hold of your parents to explain what happened and you can call Burt and Carol or speak to Finn and Kurt at school tomorrow," he explained. "I can't leave an injured student in a hospital."

"Thank you Mr Schue."


Written by Charlotte.

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