(10) Bobby Drake - Reptilian

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Reader type: mutant!reader -- they/them pronouns

Relationship type: platonic

Summary: You mutate during school and end up running away from the people in the school. Bobby promises to help.


As (Name) looked down at the test that the history teacher had just given them a series of thoughts went through their head. None of them were good and a lot of them were worrying. (Name) needed to calm down. And fast. Thinking about how to calm down (Name) pushed the test to their left and reached into their bag which contained their pencil case. With hands shaking they grab the bag and open the zip to the back pocket.

In a few seconds (Name) had the pencil case in their hands and heaved it onto the table. Only then does (Name) notice that their hands are covered in small scales nd are a light green. Luckily it wasn't noticeable, unless you looked closely at their hands. (Name) starts to freak out now. (She/he/they) needed to think of a way out.

Go ahead ask for something.

"Please sir, can I go to the bathroom?'


(Name) was staring at their face in the mirror situated above the sink in the bathroom. Their face entire face was now covered in scales, and their their eyes now looked lizard-like. Blinking off the sort of stupor that fallen over them. (Name) turned on the tap and splashed water into their face, half wishing that this was just some kind of crazy dream.

I need to leave before someone enters this bathroom.

Unfortunatley, just as they finish this thought a person entered the bathroom. (Name) freezes. The person looks in (Name)'s direction. They drop the compact that they were holding, hit the small button embedded into the floor and ran away (probably to hide in the closest broom closet).

Right. I need to get out.

(Name) was running. They didn't know where they were running, or where they'd end up. All they knew was that they had to get out and away from the school. It wasn't a safe place anymore. More footsteps behind them. It seemed that more people had joined the hunt. (Name) sped up.

Hold on, whats that? A door?

It really was. There was door directly to (Name)'s right. They seized the opportunity and sprang through it.


The door led out into a miniature forest full of conifers and oaks. Knowing that their pursuers couldn't be far behind (Name) made a beeline for the closest tree. It only took about 2 minutes to get halfway up the tree. Once up there (Name) swings a leg over the closest branch and sits down. From up there the mob of people looked like tiny ants. (Name) sighed.

'Why can't I just live up here forever and avoid all of life's problems?'

'I know right?!'

(Name) almost falls out of the tree from shock. They hadn't noticed anyone else in that tree.

'Wh-where are you?'

'I'm up here, you want me to come down?'

'Yeah, I want to see who I'm talking to.'

The leaves from the upper branches shook as the mysterious person makes their way down. It turned out that (Name) had been talking to a boy about their age. His light blue eyes shine with excitement and his hair seems to have been struck by a bolt of lightning, that's how spiky it was. He smiled at (Name). It was a nice smile. One that seemed to light up his whole face.

'Are you a mutant as well?'

(Name) spits out the last syllables on the word mutant.

'Uh yeah, why else would I be up this tree?'

(Name) shrugged.

'I don't know, maybe you just like trees?'

He laughed.

'Sweetheart, do I look like someone who likes climbing trees? I only climbed up here because I thought the 'mutie' alarm was for me.'

'What's your mutation then?'

'Didn't I say? Its cyrokinesis, or the ability to create ice from thin air. You want to see?'

He moved his hands so that they were focusing the mob, splayed his fingers and shot twin beams of ice at the attackers. A few of them even became encased in ice. (Name) giggled.

'That'll stop them for a while don't ya' think?'

(Name) nodded.

'My name's Bobby, by the way. What's yours?'

'(Name) (Last name)'

'That's a good name. It suits you.'

They smiled.

'Now, I'm kinda getting bored with this tree and I can't feel my feet. Do you want to go someplace safe?'

(Name) nodded again.

'Good, because I know just the place.'


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