(14) Gwaine - A Cause For Laughter

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Reader type; matter-of-fact courtesan!reader -- she/her pronouns

Relationship type: platonic

Summary: Gwaine places a bet with you that the can make you laugh in three days. You accept.

Requested by; piccolos101


'Oh, come on miss (Y/n). There must be some hint of an emotion behind your stone cold features.'

'Who says there's not? I'll give you three days to make me laugh.'

'Challenge accepted.'


Day one

'Go on, eat one.'

He was holding up a freshly baked pie to your face.

'What have you done to it?'


Hoping that he really hadn't done anything to it, you put the pie in your mouth. Unfortunatley, a moment later, you had to spit it at Gwaine's feet as your tastebuds became accustomed to the taste of soap. Sighing you grabbed a hold of your scarf and rubbed it along the edge of your tongue, while silently cursing.

'Gwaine! That was a terrible idea.'

'I'm not sure. I guess I just really wanted to see your face; which was absolutely cracking by the way! You won't be living that one down for a while.'

Day two

It was pelting down with rain when (y/n) finally stepped out of the bakery. Squinting through the rain she scanned the castle courtyard for the sight of Gwaine. He was sure to be somewhere causing mayhem.


A blob of mud hit your head, and you turned around to see who'd thrown it. Unsurprisingly it was Gwaine; who had a wide grin on his face and mud splattered hair (evidently the town's children had gotten to him first).

'Mud fight!'

Your eyes gleamed with competitive glee.

'Oh, you're on!'

The fight only ended when the both of you were caked in mud and Gwaine was laughing so hard that you had to drag him inside by the ear.

'That was absolutley brilliant. I cannot believe that you didn't laugh once, (y/n).'

'I don't laugh at stuff that is trivial and messy. Now, hurry off and get clean; before that muck sticks to your clothes.'

'As you wish, ma'am.'

Day three

You opened the door to the tavern to see it a mess. Gwaine was standing on a chair, his head soaked in wine and caked in what appeared to be eggshells. Where they'd come from you had no idea, just that he looked absolutely ridiculous. Suddenly a glass hurtled towards his head, and smashed onto the wall behind. Startled Gwaine lost his footing and fell face-first onto the tavern floor. You couldn't help it; he looked so stupid that you started to laugh due to your own accord. Gwaine glanced up from his position on the floor and stared open mouthed at you.

'I do a whole range of things to myself and those around me and that's what you laugh at?? Me, falling off a chair onto my face in this dirty bar?'

'What can I say? I'm a sucker for physical comedy.'


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