(47) Daniel Jackson - Mercy Kill

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Warnings: Character death (major)

Reader Type: Daniel's Partner!Reader (They/Them)

Summary: Daniel is dying and you have to kill him so that information doesn't get into the wrong hands.


'(Y/N), please. Just shoot me.' Daniel begged. He was crushed under a large chunk of rock and was bleeding badly, a few minute ago he'd begun to cough. This wasn't good.

'I-I can't.' You replied, tears running down your face.

'There's no other way, you have to leave me here. Before they arrive.'

You didn't have to ask who 'they' were, you already knew. The Goa'uld. In fact, you could already hear the steps of a squadron getting closer.

So, you closed your eyes and pulled the trigger. There was a quiet bang (you'd had the silencer on) and then Daniel was dead. Gone forever.

( A few months later )

You stopped short in the doorway to the briefing room. Daniel was awkwardly standing there.

'Uh...hi?' He said. 'I'm afraid I'm a bit lost?'

He was a Daniel, but not yours. You couldn't help it, the yearning that is,
but you knew that to you wouldn't ever be able to get him back.

So you gritted your teeth and asked him what he needed. Hopefully in helping him you'd absolve some of your guilt about what you'd done.


Sorry this was so heavy....

6th July 2023

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