TMI #1

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This is also going to be short.

Clary's P.O.V
"Please Jace" I beg giving him the puppy dog eyes. "I will not go to some mundane music festival" he said. "If you go I'll reward you" I say. "Ok" he says making me smile"Yay!" I cheer hugging him.

"Where are they?" I ask getting worried. "We're here" I hear a voice a call out. Simon and Izzy appear, Izzy pouting. "What's wrong Iz?"I ask. "She's upset because she doesn't have any makeup on" Simon says. I just shake my head. "Can we please go in now? It's about to start" Magnus says.

"Lets go" I say. We find our spots just as the they begin to play.

Since I am very short I can't see a thing I sigh then I get a idea. I grab Alec and start pushing him down until he's low enough that I can get on his shoulders. "You're not getting off me are you?" he asks "Nope!" I say popping the "p". He sighs then stands up I can see everything! I smile. This is going to be a good night. Also just as he stood up "Centuries" started to play! That is my all time favorite song.

3rd person P.O.V
Jace and Magnus watched jealousy radiating off of them. Simon then decided to say "Is that a duck?" Making Jace scream, the people around him have near heart attacks, and Clary nearly fall off of Alec's shoulders making breaking his neck.

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