Lizzy Spearmen

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Lizzy's P.O.V.

Hello world! I'm Lizzy, so unless you live under a rock, you must know me. My daddy is the owner and CEO of Spearmen Corp. and my mom is a super model. So, I'm rich and beautiful! I'm the Queen of Olympus High School(made up and sorry to anyone with this name) and have 13 boy friends. But, I want Leo Valdez. He's the hottest(gag) guy at OHS and I'm the hottest girl. We're might to be(hahahaha no.)! Besides, I can dump him when a hotter guy comes along. But the only problem is he's always with his loser friends. But, I'm sure he'll ditch them if I tell him too, because what guy wouldn't? Anyway, right now I'm walking up to him, me and my friends swinging our hips to look sexy(A/N I just gagged twice in one paragraph) and winking at all the guys. Except the nerds. Ewww! "Hey Leo." I purred, running my hand down his back. He shivered in delight(read as disgust) and turned around. "What Lizzy?" he said, sounding annoyed. Probably because I haven't kissed him yet(gagging some more) and gotten him away from his loser friends. "I'm having a party at my house tonight and you're invited. You can bring whoever you want." I said, handing him an invite and winking. Tonight, Leo Valdez will be mine!


Lizzy's P.O.V.

Everything is perfect! I'm wearing a strapless dress that show a lot and high heels that made me look super hot. I had on the perfect amount of make-up on and was ready for Leo Valdez. My parents aren't home and won't be until next week because of a business trip. At around 7:17, people started to show up. Finally, Leo showed up at 9:16. He was with some chick and friends of his. The chick was hot, but not as hot as me. "Hey Leo," I purred, batting my eyelashes, "Want to come to my room and have so fun? My parents aren't home." Leo turned around and glared at me. "No, how about we play a game instead?" he asked. My heart broke a little, but hey, he can still be mine. "How about true or dare?" I asked, secretly knowing that all my friends had a crush on Leo's friends. I hate the game though, Leo doesn't. "Sure!" he said. After we all sat down, I said, "Leo, truth or dare?" Leo perked up and said, "Dare! Show me what ya got, Spearmen!" "I dare you to kiss me." I said, batting my eyelashes. "Sure" Leo said coolly.  I closed my eyes and leaned in. And kissed someone's grease-covered hand! "ECK!EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" I shout. "My turn. Krissy, right? Truth or dare?" Leo asked my ex-best friend. "Truth. And yes, that's my name." Krissy said.  "Do you like Tristian over here?" Leo asked. Krissy was as red as she could have ever been. "Yes." she said at last. "Yes! Will you go on a date with me Krissy?" Tristian asked her. "Yes, yes, yes! A million times yes!" Krissy said hugging Tristian. "Awe. Trissy!" The chick next to Leo cooed. "What the hell does that even mean?" I asked rudely. "Don't speak to my girlfriend like that! And it's Tristian and Krissy's ship name. Mine and Calypso is Caleo. " Leo said, beaming. "What! I'm your girlfriend!" I screech, pushing the chick out of my way. She fell down in the process. "Calypso! We're leaving. Now." Leo said angrily, helping the chick up. "You guys coming or not?" Leo asked them. All my friends stayed. Except Krissy! (Yay! Trissy is a new ship I just made so yeah. Trissy is so cute!) "KRISSY! GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW! You listen to me and me only!" I screamed. "No. I'm don't." Krissy said, turning and kissing Tristian on the cheek. And that was how I met Caleo and Trissy. I hate them both(yeah, well , you're just jealous!) so much!

Hey guys! I'm hoping this is a good present for not updating in a while. And dam! I got 34 note-thingies? Dam! That is a lot! I put the song because it's good and I'm sorry it doesn't have Leo in it! Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed. I'll try writing more often. Bye! <3 you guys!

                                                                                                                                                                                         ~~~~ Sage <3

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