Pride(the Louis family)

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I know Pride is over, but it popped into my head and it was a good idea. Tell me what you think! I have nothing against anyone who's LGBT+ ! Don't forget to vote/comment!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!! <3  you guys!!!!

~~~ Kelpy W. <


Will's P.O.V.

It's Pride month!!! Well, tomorrow is the parade and I'm going to ask Nico if he wanted to come with Reyna and Thalia(yes, I ship them. Deal with it haters) and I. "Hey, Neeks?" I called, hoping he would answer. And he did. "Yes Will?" Nico replied. I finally was going to ask him! "Will you go to Pride with Reyna, Thalia and I?" I asked, not expecting the answer I just got. "Yeah! I've always wanted to go, I just didn't know if you wanted to." Nico said sheepishly. I engulfed him in a hug. "Great! Let's go!" I said as we headed it the door.


Reyna's P.O.V.

It's beautiful. I've never seen so many colors all in one place before. We all wore a flower crown. Mine was a light blue mixed with purple. Thalia had a purple one mixed with blue. It was the best! We dragged each other everywhere.

  At around noon we all started to get hungry. "How about ice-cream?" Thalia suggested. We all answered with 'Yes!'. Will and Nico went to get the ice-creams as Thalia and I enjoyed the view before us. "Hi!" A voice said, shocking us back to reality. "I'm Jamie," A girl with light ginger-colored hair introduced herself. "And this is my girlfriend, Lizzy." Jamie said, showing us their joined hands. "Hi. I'm Reyna and this is my girlfriend Thalia." I introduced us. We talked for ages, unaware of what was going on at the ice-cream stand...


Nico's P.O.V.

You would think that people at Pride would be kind. Nope! The moment we got our ice-cream, a boy around the age of 13 walked pass, muttering something like 'Stupid gays. Attention hogs, always wanting the spot light. Can't like the opposite gender because it's not 'real' love for them.' I shook my head and held the ice-creams while Will payed for them.  "Come on, Neeks! Can't let them melt!" Will said, gleefully. On the way over to Reyna and Thalia, I bumped into the boy from earlier. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to--" he cut me off. "Shut it, gay boy. No one wants to hear you talk. Why? Because it's all a bunch of trash. At least I'm straight, like a normal boy should be." He said, making me feel ashamed for being gay. "Daniel Louis! Leave that poor couple alone!" A teen girl called. She walked up and grabbed Daniel's ear.  "Shut up, Brenda. Why did I even have to come? I know you and Jamie are lesbos, but I'm not gay. Why'd mom say I had to come?" Daniel demanded. Brenda looked angry. "Why are you do rude to people who are different?!? It's not like they did anything to you! And so what if I date a girl? It's a free country, after all." Brenda snapped. Daniel glared at 'Brenda' with some sort of hatred. After the two glared at each other, Daniel walked away, probably to find some other person to make miserable. "Don't worry about him. He's my brother. Brenda Louis, nice to meet you." Brenda said, holding out her hand. I shook it, and so did Will. "So," Will began, "Why'd Daniel freak out over the fact that there are people dating the same gender?" Brenda sighed. "Well, my parents said that if we found love, they'd be glad, no matter what the gender. So, when I started to date my gf, Kila Cater, my younger sister Jamie had told mom and dad she liked a girl too. They were overjoyed that we found love. But Daniel, he hated it. He says that girls date guys and not other girls. I got angry and told mom. She talked to Daniel, but it didn't help. I guess he just thought it was wrong and gross." Brenda said with a shrug. "We better hurry. Hey, Brenda, maybe we could introduce you to our other friends!" I said, happily. She nodded, a smile plastered on her lips.


Daniel's P.O.V.

Ugh! Brenda ruins everything! First, she dates a girl when she should be dating a guy, then she tells mom what I said what, and now this! I hate her! I saw guys holding hands with guys and it discussed me. They should be holding hands with girls, not guys, I thought bitterly. I was walking when I saw a group of girls talking, one with dark black hair was holding hands with a punk chick. Oh no, Not those two!, I think, quickly running through their hands. "Hey! What the Hades was that for!?!" The punk girl screamed. "Daniel! Why can't you leave us alone?!?" My 14-year-old sister yelled at me. Jamie was only 1 year older then me, so I didn't care. "I was saving them from a mistake." I shot back. "Mistake? How is it a mistake?!?! She's my GIRLFRIEND!" The dark-haired girl screamed. And if that wasn't bad enough, Brenda and her new friends walked right to where we were. "Daniel! I told you to stop doing that!" Brenda yelled at me. "No way! They should be straight! Not dating the same gender!" I argue. Bread eyes turned steely. "Hey, Will, Nico, wanna met up at the coffee shop down the street?" Brenda asked them, handing her number to them. Punk and Black-hair did the same with Jamie and Lizzy. Then Brenda grabbed my arm and pulled me to the car. Oh well, I last I made people feel ashamed for being gay or lesbo.

Hey guys! What ya think?!? I made it extra long and maybe there'll be a part where they can go out to coffee. Anyway, how you enjoyed and have an amZhang day everyone!!!!! <3 <3 <3 you guys!!! Bye!!!

~~~~ Kelpy W. <3 <3 <3 <3

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