Random Dude Next Door

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The title is a joke. This dude's name is Jack Russel

Jack's POV

UGH! I hate the new guys and new girl at my school! My names Jack, Jack Russell, by the way and I attend Goods High School. I have short, brown hair in a military-style cut, plain white t-shirt and blue jeans with white vans.

The new guys are so annoying! They keep stealing my babes! The new girl is kinda hot but she hates my guts. Her name is Thalia. Anyway, here comes the loser and his loser friends.

Percy Jackson, the guy who was involved in a nation wide man-hunt and the supposed leader of the group; Jason Grace, the guy that tried to eat a stapler when he was two and a well thought-out guy; Frank Zhang, a giant panda-looking guy that's taller than most kids here but he's not the guy to bully anyone; Leo Valdez, a scrawny Latino elf with a lot of energy; Nico di Angelo, an emo freak; Will Solace, a ray of sunshine, and, at last, Thalia Grace, Jason's older sister that hates all guys except her cousins and brother.

On most days, they would walk all cool-looking down the hall, Valdez would even have on a cool pair of shades. Thalia would glare at all the guys and girls that were giving her looks. Percy would casually walk, having a conversation with Jason like they were best buds. Frank would be nervous, like he would die at any giving moment. Nico and Will  would be bickering about something.

But today, they all seemed like it was the best day ever. Percy was smiling, which was rare, Jason was talking to Thalia, who was cracking a small smile. Frank was less nervous than usual, and Leo was still in his shades,  pointing finger guns at all the ladies. Nico and Will looked like they did every day, bickering over something that no one knew about. When they came near me, I slammed Leo into the nearest locker, pinning him with my hand. "Hey, loser. What's up?" I ask all casually. Leo beamed, saying stuff real fast. "Oh, you know, the sky is up. But our girlfriends are coming here and we were gonna go to camp!" he said. I frowned. Since when did these losers have girlfriends(SINCE YOU WERE AN IDIOT)? "Haha, nice try loser. You got a girlfriend? I'll believe it when I see it." I told him, raising my fist to crush his face. He just shrugged. How is he not scared of me?! I'm twice his size and the captain of all the teams, except the swim team, here!!! "Leo, what are you doing?" A voice from behind me said. I dropped the punk and turned to see that Thalia had just walked over from the office. Leo got up and walked over to the rest of the group. "Nothing, this guy just thinks that we're all single." At the part, Leo winked at Thalia, who blushed. Huh? I'm confused. Thalia hates Leo or any other guy that isn't her brother or cousins. "Shut up!" She snapped at him. Leo backed up. "Wait so are you and Rey-" Nico tried asking, only to get cut off by Thalia snapping at him. "I said shut up!" She growled, a blush still visible on her cheeks. "So Thalia's not single anymore?" Jason asked innocently. Thalia glared at him. "Say one word about this and you guys ate so gonna regret choosing to play Capture-the-Flag against me and the Hunters." Thalia said. The boys all paled, except Nico, he's already pale. "You wouldn't!" Percy said. Thalia crossed her arms, a smug smirk on her face(try saying that 5 times fast!) "Try me." she challenged. The boys wisely shut up. "What the hell was that about?!" I said, stomping over to them. They didn't even flinch! The nerve these guys have! Thalia just gave me a bored look. "It's called none ya. As in, none ya business!" she replied sassily. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. And who's Rey? Sounds like some drug addict." I said. Thalia narrowed her eyes. "What did you just say?" she growled. "You know what I said, Grace." Before I could even flinch, Thalia had pinned me to a locker, a fist raised above my handsome face. "Never, and I mean never, insult my family." she growled. I gave a whimper and nodded. She released me and went to class, the guys following from a safe distance. Her own brother is even scared of her!


Now that school is finally over, the guys have to prove about they're loser girlfriends. I bet they're all strippers or something! But I was surprised when a group of hot teen girls drove up to school in a truck that said Delphi Strawberries. The first to hop out was a girl with honey-blonde hair that fell in perfect ringlets, gray eyes and a natural tan. She was in an orange shirt that said something in Greek with a winged horse under it, some jean shorts and grey vans. The next girl who got out had choppy brown hair with little braids that were just randomly placed. She had a Native American skin tone and eyes that changed colors. First they were blue, than green than purple than pink than red! She was dressed in the same orange shirt and some camo shorts with black sneakers. The third girl to get out had carmel colored-hair, soft, brown eyes and a tan-ish skin tone. She was dressed in a plain white shirt with grease stains, simple working shorts and plain working boots. She had a grease smudge on her right cheek. Her hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail. The fourth girl to get out was a small African-American girl with curly chocolate-colored hair, a purple shirt that said SPQR, jean shorts and simple running shoes. Her eyes were a beautiful gold-ish color. The last girl to get out had black hair in a side braid, the same purple shirt that said SPQR, jeans cut off half to her calf and a pair of normal shoes. Her eyes were like obsidian, a very dark brown. She had a Mexican-like skin, almost as if she's always training or fighting something. The blonde waved over at Percy, who happily jogged over, giving the girl a peck on the cheek. "Seaweed brain!" She giggled, pushing him playfully. Percy gave a sideway smirk. "Hey Wise Girl, how's it going?" Percy asked her. 'Wise Girl' smiled and began to tell him about about some project she was working on. Probable about her favorite color of lipstick. Jason walked over to the girl with braids in her hair. "Hey Pipes, I missed you." He said sweetly, wrapping his arms around her waist. 'Pipes' smiled. "I missed you too, Superman." She replied. Leo ran over to the girl with the grease smudge. "Caly!" He said happily, engulfing her in a hug. She scolded, but then smiled. "How many times do I have to tell you? It's Calypso, not Caly" she said, sighing. Leo just give her an elfish grin. Thalia smiled at the girl with black hair. "Hey, Reyna. How's CJ?" Thalia asked. Reyna shrugged. "The same, other than the occasion visit from Hylla." She replied. Will dragged Nico over to them. "Nico!" Reyna said, giving Nico a quick hug. "How is everything?" She asked. Nico shrugged, then replied. "You know, the Hades cabin still looks like a vampire home" the four began laughing. Frank shyly walked over to the African-American girl. "Frank!" She said, giving him a hug. Frank smiled and hugged her back. "Hi Hazel. How was camp?" Frank asked her. She smiled and began to tell him everything that happened while he was away. I was just stood over to the side, staring dumbly at the scene before me. Maybe the losers did have people who loved them. And maybe I could get someone like that.

Hey guys!!! Here's your update for the week!!!! You can thank Ravenbloodfang for this update cause it was her idea. Sorry for any typos, I'm writing this on my phone. Hope you guys enjoyed!! Love you!!!!!

~~Kass Water

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