Rosa Elizabeth Valdez(p2)

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Sup! It tis I! Rosa Elizabeth Valdez! The apparent daughter of Astraea, goddess of stars. Weird, right? Turns put my mom isn't Rosa Valdez! She just took me in because my birth dad couldn't take care of me!

Oh! And it turns out that Hazel is the daughter of Pluto, Frank's the son of Mars and that James is the son of Ate, goddess of mischief, ruin and delusion, but with the way he keeps looking at a son of Eunomia,--I think his name is Felix Duy--goddess of order and justice, you'd think he had a thing for good kids and not trouble makers. Heh, must have a type. A brown-haired, chestnut-eyes, goody-two-shoes type, if you're picking up what I'm putting down.

Anyway, I loved being around the Apollo kids, but they're really bright. Like, supernova-Oh-My-God-bright. Will Solace is like a freaking star! Jesus! I mean, Zeus! God--GODS!--this is so confusing!

I walked around the camp for a moment, pausing only to look up and pray to my mom silently. Hazel told me that my siblings were probably at Camp Jupiter, but I found that hard to believe, seeing as I kept getting looks from all the other cabins and Astraea is Greek and not Roman. So did James, probably because he's pinning over a freaking Law and Order boy. Like dang, he really likes good boys.

I shoveled more food into my mouth, ignore the chatter of the Apollo cabin. Chiron figured that I could sit at the Artemis table cuz my mom is the goddess of stars and Artemis is the goddess of the moon. Yeah, he forget to tell me they're not here very often. Woohoo. I looked up and saw that James was dealing with the same problem as me. Damien White was trying to convince him to get even with the Ares cabin after they teased him endlessly, but James wasn't gonna do it.

Weird, am I right?

However, during the campfire, he did manage to get the Hermes cabin and the Athena cabin--two, contrary to popular belief about the Hermes cabin not being level-headed, of the most level-headed cabins!--into a s'more fight, so plus on the mischief scale. I watched him sit between the two cabins, horror and embarrassment scribbled across his face like he never wanted it to happen. He stood up and bolted, heading for the nearest cabin. I followed him while the two cabins were still throwing melted chocolate and marshmallows at each other.

"Hey, Cameron?" I called, walking around, pulling on a strand of my hair as I walked. I heard some sniffling and followed the sound, finding the son of Ate curled in on himself and crying silently into his knees. I sat next to him, tapping my knees awkwardly.

"So, son of Ate. Cool right?" I tried, shrugging slightly. "Mischief, ruin and delusion. Fun!" He ignored me, sniffling again. Rolling my eyes, I tugged his sleeve. He looked at me, his dark brown eyes filled with tears and rimmed in red. He'd been crying, but why?

"You don't understand! I embarrassed myself in front of him! I'll never be able to show my face near him without him thinking I'm a some freak!" James hissed, wiping his eyes stubbornly to stop the flow of tears. I raised my eyebrow.

"Really? You made two of the most level-headed cabins in this whole camp go at each other! That's some awesome talent right there! If this boy can't handle that, he ain't worth it. What's his name anyway?" James sighed, looking at the stars. I smiled up at them, thanking my mom silently.

"Felix. His name is Felix. And he's so adorable! Have you see his chestnut eyes? His smile? It's like a super nova whenever he smiles. Oh gods, I'm in deep." He groaned at his realization, falling over onto his back and raking his fingers through his already messy hair. I laughed, helping him up.

"Here's the deal; if I play wingwoman for you and help you get Felix, you have to help me during the three-legged death-race." I held out my hand, helping him stand. He shook it, smiling.


Dudes. I had to google the names of these goddesses to get them right. And from the pictures of Eunomia, she has chestnut or hazel eyes and some pretty rusty-ish-coloured(???) hair. So yeah. I updated. BE HAPPY!!!! THIS MIGHT NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!!! Jk, jk. Maybe...

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