Chapter 11- The fire

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Fang couldn't believe it. His school, where he had made his very first friends, was on fire. That's what the fire truck was for! But Fang could hear something. There was a noise that rose above the scorching flames and the fire truck. Voices. There were people and dogs in there!

Fang rushed into the flaming building without another thought. He had to save them! The first dog he found looked like a new student. "I'm going to get you out of here, just follow me." Fang told the dog. The little dog just nodded and followed Fang. Fang lead the little dog out the way he had come and once they were out, the little dog took a deep, gasping breath.

"Thank you for saving me!" the little dog told Fang. "My name is Tiny, what's your name?"

"Fang but there's no time for introductions, my friends are in there!" Fang yelled over all the noise.

Without another word, Fang leaped back into the burning building. He had to find Pumpkin and Bella! Before he could go much farther, Fang bumped into Kati. She had what looked like a whole class of students with her and was trying to guide them out. Kati had a shocked expression when she saw Fang and looked as if she were about to speak, when Fang just pointed his tail in the direction of the entrance and rushed off.

Where were his friends? Fang was just about to turn back when he heard cries for help. They sounded like the same voices he'd heard before he entered the building. And the voices were very familiar. His friends! Fang followed the voices until he came into a room. Inside were Pumpkin and Bella trapped between the wall, and a wall of scorching hot flames.

"Pumpkin, Bella are you okay?" Fang called.

"Fang? Is that you?" Pumpkin and Bella asked.

"Yes it's me! Who else would it be?" Fang asked. "I had just gotten to school when I saw the fire. I'm here to save you!"

"But the fire is too hot! You'll burn yourself!" Bella called to Fang through the flames.

Fang didn't seem to hear her, because he just leaped though the flames over to his friends.

"Get onto my back." Fang said to Pumpkin. "I'll carry you over to the other side." Pumpkin climbed onto Fang's back and Fang leaped through to the other side of the room. Then he turned to go back for Bella.

"Thanks, but I can do it myself." Bella told Fang.

So Fang and Bella leaped over to where Pumpkin was side by side.

"Now let's get out of here!", Pumpkin exclaimed over the sound of the fire.

Fang lead the way out of the classroom. He just wanted to get out. It was super hot, and smoke from the fire filled his lungs. Before Fang and his friends could start the way he had come, Fang heard a call of help. When he heard that, he stopped in his tracks and listened intently.

"Did you hear that?" Bella asked.

"Someone's calling for help!" Pumpkin exclaimed.

"It came from that way," Fang said pointing in the opposite direction from the exit. "Let's go."

Fang let Bella lead the way so he could keep an eye on Pumpkin. He just didn't think his little friend could cope with all this smoke. But Fang knew that Pumpkin wouldn't want to be left behind, so Fang just decided to keep an eye on him.

The cries kept getting clearer and feebler at the same time. The person or dog in trouble must be starting to lose hope. Fang just hoped that they could save the creature in trouble before it was too late.

To Fang's horror, the cries for help were cut off. But fortunately, The voice was coming from the door to the exact right of him and his friends. Bella entered first, Fang following. Bella stopped abruptly with a gasp. Fang was wondering why when he saw what she was looking at. There was a dog laying down on the floor of the classroom. But it wasn't just any dog, it was Princess! There wasn't much fire in this room, but Fang saw that Princess's leg was trapped beneath a wooden book shelf. Now Fang could see why Princess's cries were so desperate. If the fire spread to the book shelf, she could die.

"Bella can you help me lift the shelf?" Fang asked. Bella nodded. "Great. Pumpkin, you get ready to pull Princess out from underneath the book shelf while Bella and I hold it up."

"Sir, yes sir!" Pumpkin said with a smile.

Fang and Bella stood in front of the shelf. "On the count of three." Fang told Bella as she positioned herself. "One...two...three!" Fang lifted the shelf as much as he could. It was heavier that he expected. It took all of Bella and Fang's strength to lift it. At first Fang didn't think they had lifted it high enough. Then Pumpkin said "Okay, you can put it down now" and Fang set it down slowly with relief.

"Now we just have to carry her out, and we'll be safe" Fang said to Pumpkin and Bella. Fang looked at Pumpkin. He looked as if he were about to pass out. Fang was about to offer to carry him when Bella offered first. Fang gave Bella a nod of thanks and heaved Princess onto his back. Bella lead the way out into the hallway. She went back to where Fang saved her and Pumpkin in the classroom. There was just one problem. Fire blocked their path! When Fang turned around, he saw flames making their way towards the four dogs.

"We're trapped!" Bella exclaimed with worry. But Fang noticed an open window directly between the two walls of fire. Fang looked at Bella, then at the window. Bella seemed to know what he was thinking, but her eyes still glittered with worry.

"We'll never make it!" she exclaimed.

"Would you rather die in this building because we never tried, or die trying to save ourselves and our friends!?" Fang asked, raising his voice above all of the noise both inside and outside the school.

"I guess I see your point," Bella muttered.

"Okay, you go first then," Fang told Bella. Before she could object, Fang interrupted her. "Pumpkin has smaller lungs than us and needs to see a vet as soon as possible."

"I know," Bella said. "I just don't want to lose you. You were my first real friend at this school. I just don't know what I would do without you."

Fang agreed. Besides Pumpkin, Bella was the only dog who understood him and he didn't want to lose her either.

"Fang, If one of us don't make it, I just want you to know something," Bella began. "I love you."

With those last words, Bella leaped out of the building, out into the cool morning air. Fang couldn't believe it. Bella loved him. He had always had feelings for her but never knew if she had the same feelings. Fang stood there for a moment, taking in what had just happened. He jumped though when he felt blazing heat close to his tail. Fang turned around to see the fire getting closer and closer to him. So he braced himself, made sure Princes was securely on his back, and leaped into the air. Not long after he leaped was he falling through the air. This is the end. Fang thought as he got closer to the ground. Then, everything went dark.

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