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Choi Daera bit her lip. How did she end up inside the SM Building once again when she swore to herself that she would never return after what Lee Donghyuck had done to her? Daera couldn't explain to herself as to why she was here, she could only explain how she ended up sitting in one of the big plushy chairs in the corner.

Daera was on her way to her uncle's workplace when she bumped into none other than Kang Seulgi. And as if that wouldn't be enough, the woman decided to drag her along so she could finally talk with Donghyuck about what had happened.

"He's going crazy." Seulgi had said. "He's on his phone twenty-four-seven always looking if you have answered his texts or not. And if he see's that you left them on read he can't concentrate anymore." She explained and Daera bit her lip. "I just don't know what to answer him." She confessed and sighed. And then Seulgi decided to let her sit in one of the pink chairs and went to get Donghyuck, so the teenagers could finally clear all their issues.

Daera's knees were wobbly as she bounced her legs up and down, the weight of her books heavy on her book. Why didn't she think about taking her Seulgi slogan with her today? It would've calmed her down. But it was on a clothing rack on Daera's balcony as it was really dirty.

"I hope he's not here today," Daera mumbled and sighed. "Sorry to disappoint you," Donghyuck answered and Daera almost screamed. Donghyuck sat down opposite her and looked at her with a sad look on his face. "You ignored my text messages." He started and looked into his hands-

Donghyuck was wearing practice gear. He was probably preparing for the Hollywood Bowl and KCon. Daera sighed.

"To be honest, I didn't know what I should answer. I was frustrated and angry. And your first apology didn't even seem like one." She said and remember the words she read in that big bible of falling in love; If you're mad at the person you love, don't punish them with a cold shoulder. Explain why you are hurt and mad. 

Daera took a breath. "I understand that you must've been stressed because I read zoned you. But please understand that I was hurt because of your words. I would've understood if you would tell me that I annoy you at your practice room, but telling Jaemin that without my consent was simply rude."

Donghyuck seemed surprised about the fact that Daera told him about her feelings without breaking out in tears or screaming at him. It made him feel at ease. He didn't want to ruin his "friendship" with Daera. "I see that I hurt you. And I am really sorry about the way all these things happened. I wish I could turn back time and—" - "There's no reason to turn back time. What's done is done."

Daera stood up. "Maybe we can become friends somehow," Donghyuck said, standing up as well. He didn't want Daera to leave right now. He wanted to clear things and start from a good point. But the stubborn girl didn't even give him a proper chance.

"Friends? You think I am annoying and you want to become friends?" Daera asked and moved her hands through her bangs. "Donghyuck? I am not dumb or something." She turned around and walked towards the door. Her heart was beating too fast and she didn't know what to do anymore. 

He was irritating her.

She wanted to go home and continue reading in her book, learning more about falling in love. But she couldn't because right before she could touch the door to leave the SM building, Donghyuck had grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him.

Daera bumped against his chest and held her breath. She had read a scenario in her book, about boys being romantic and suave while doing something like this; If a boy ever pulls you back by holding your wrist, he's serious about you. He doesn't want you to leave.

"D-Donghyuck!" Daera said and tried to wiggle out of Donghyuck's embrace, but the teenage boy didn't let go of her. "I'm so sorry for hurting your feelings with what I said. I don't want you to leave. I don't think you're annoying. I don't know why I said what I said but believe me, I never meant that!" 

Donghyuck never stopped talking. He held Daera tight in his arms and apologized over and over again. "You're not an annoying Fangirl. I'm jealous Seulgi has such an adorable fan like you are." Donghyuck took a breath and slowly let go of Daera who seemed to shook to speak.

"D-Daera?" - "Don't you dare to hug me again." Daera's lips shivered and she looked at Donghyuck through her bangs. "Did I hurt you?" - "No, you... You, you make my heart beat faster when you act like a suave gentleman." Daera looked down, she didn't want to show Donghyuck her cheeks.

"Eh?" Donghyuck let out, completely struck by the girl's confession. "I make your heart... beat faster?" He asked and watched Daera nod. "Is this why you were extra sad about what I said?" He continued to ask, counting one and one together. Slowly the pieces were connecting and the whole drama was making more sense to the singer.

He remembered how she always watched him with a smile on her lips, from her seat on the couch. He remembered how she cheered extra loud for him, while he and the boys played games in their breaks. He remembered how she brought fizzy drinks and gave him his with a warm smile on his lips. 

"I'm so stupid." He chuckled and licked his lips looking at the flustered mess in front of him. "Ya, Daera. Look up!" He called and she looked up. Her cheeks were bright pink and she looked absolutely cute.

Donghyuck blew up his cheeks. "Do you like me?"

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