We'll Get Through This Together

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This is another AU. Enjoy.

Note: Please, for the sake of the story, go with the flow. Remember: this is a 12 year old writing. Not a historian. Do not try to correct me, because everything in this plot is there for a reason. In this plot, it is in the future where we have gone back to the idea of monarchies, since we nearly killed each other over democracy. Also, we still have technology. They are demigods, and all mortals are taught what they are and their purposes. Sally died of natural causes, and this is centered around Percabeth, so you won't see other people too much.


Percy's POV

I was sitting in my bedroom, looking at the kingdom I would soon own through my window - Sparta. I was the only heir there was to the throne, and in a month, it will be mine.

You see, I only come here when I'm stressed, like when they run out of blue food coloring, or when my Ο pateras (that is how father is written in Greek) thinks it is okay to remind me of my duties. I love my dad, but once in awhile, Paul gets on my nerves.

In this case, I am apparently going to marry the princess of Athens. ( I know Athens was a democracy. Again, I didn't say a date, and if you correct, you will get an online slap. ) I mean, she is pretty and all, but there are a three cons to this.

1. I am already engaged to my soulmate, Rachel.

2. Athens and Sparta aren't exactly buddy-buddy; in fact, we hate each other. I mean, we are opposites. plus, I heard that Athenians prefer red and purple over blue. Isn't that terrible!?!?!?!?

3. She is color blind.

Now, don't hate on me for this, but it isn't exactly fun to have a color-blind woman as your wife. How will she help me choose my clothes?!?

The rumor is that when she was fighting Medea, she cursed her eyes. The doctors helped with her blindness, but she can't see color.

Not that I follow rumors.

"Percy," Reyna called. She stood on the doorway, leaning against the door frame.

I sighed, and turned around. "Yes, O Superior Queen?"

Reyna smirked. "Your father is looking for you. By he way, I like the new nickname better than mom."

"Thanks for reminding me, Mom."

Reyna facepalmed, cursing softly in Greek. "Vlakas."

"I heard that, mom. That is not appropriate."

She looked at the ceiling, as if she was saying, why me. Honestly, I was quite enjoying this.

She cleared her throat. "You really need to go, though."

I groaned. "Fine." I sprinted off.


Annabeth's POV

I was standing in this strange gray room, that had different shades of a color I didn't understand. Thalia, Piper, Luke, Hazel, and Nico flanked behind me.

Thus comes the question: a room can't just  be gray; are you colorblind!?!??!!

Yes, I'm colorblind.

Before you start giving me your pity, let me explain.

I was five years old, playing with two of my best friends, Thalia and Luke. They were about seven years old. We were playing in the meadow located in the garden of the palace. Two guards, dressed in a magnificent purple color, were standing about ten feet away. It was in the crack of spring, with flowers just hinting of their blooming time. As usual, Thalia was sneezing her butt off, and we were totally helping by putting more up to her face. It soon became a game of tag, where when tagged, you get a noseful of dandelions, lilies, and pollen.

Suddenly, there was a dark figure who emerged from the shadows, and started ambling around, but cutting sharp glances towards our way. I assumed it was either Nico, or the gardener, since both, to this day, act that way. Then, when it raised, it revealed a sharp knife that was gleaming back at me. I started to scream, but by then it had already started to advance, with rising speed.

Luke reacted faster than Thalia. Both tried to push me out of the way, but Luke got there. He had tried to push me out of the way, but he was a tad bit too late, and instead of my brain, the attacker grazed my iris. It took the doctors a total of three weeks, but I was able to see. The next day, my days of seeing color were over.

Anyway, I was standing in that strange gray room, with King Paul of Sparta, apparently waiting for Prince Percy. I noticed the three thrones, and the carpet leading to them, so I assumed this is their throne room.

"I'm - I'm - I'm here," a man panted.

I figured he was the prince, considering that he was wearing silk clothes He looked out of breath, and was bending over.

Let me just say, he was a hunk of handsome. His jawline, his vivid gray eyes that its' messy but still hot hair, and his body structure was . . . . not ugly.

Percy stopped panting. "Excuse my asking, pateras, but why did you call me here?" He put his hands on hips. Looking around, he finally noticed me.

"Oh, hi," he waved at me. "Are you here to pick up the laundry?"

I rolled my eyes, but he didn't notice. I wasn't exactly dressed best to the occasion; I had on only jeans and a t-shirt that said, I'm a royal, but you can still fist-bump me. I also had shades on since the room was bright, and I couldn't see any hues of gray.

His Majesty interjected before I can kill Percy. "Perseus, remember that peace treaty that we signed with Athens? Well, the condition of them signing it is you marry their lovely daughter, Annabeth." he gestured to me.

"where is she? Oh, this dish rag of a person? Honey, that outfit is a fashion don't! Wait, the blind one!?!?" He exclaimed. I scoffed.

At this point, I broke. "No, Perseus, the colorblind one. She can see and hear everything you are saying and doing. She is not a maid here to pick up your laundry!!!She is standing right here, thinking about how low your IQ is. ARE YOU ALWAYS THIS INSUFFERABLE!!!!!!"

Percy looked a little scared when I glared at him, but then gave me a troublesome grin that resembled the Stolls, but had a hot flare to it. "Can someone please tell this maid to be more respectful to the people who hired her?"

I started to jump for him, but one of the guards held me back.

"This is going to be a long marriage."


Third Person POV

They were sent to Percy's room by Paul, to "Have some bonding time together." Basically, they were locked in the room until they stop arguing.

Percy sat on the couch, and Annabeth sat in the corner farthest from him. It took five minutes for one of them to do something, besides them glaring at each other.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, then scrunched her nose. "Don't you ever clean up around here, or are you Spartans just that lazy?" She got up, and started to put his clothes in the hammock.

Percy shrugged. "Hey, I don't have enough free time to clean, unlike someone I know who is standing in front of me, putting my clothes away."

Annabeth turned, and gave him her famous death glare. Percy shrunk away, as if she was going to slap his perfect face.

Then she softened, and sighed. "Why do you hate me so much? I literally just met you!"

Percy looked thoughtful, and shrugged. "I don't know. It's just your heritage; aren't we supposed to like hate each other?"

Annabeth looked somewhat passionate. "The whole point of us going back to our old ways was to I don't know, fix, the mistakes our ancestors have made. Together, Athens and Sparta were a powerful force. Both kings now realize that, and here we are. We don't need to be like what everyone says we should. Honestly, I want to make this relationship work. I may be color-blind, but that doesn't mean I don't have feelings. Honestly, a little support would be nice. Also, you aren't too unbearable, nor are you ugly." At this, Percy raised his eyebrow and smirked.

"You're not too bad yourself, Wise Girl."

"Oh, is that an insult or a compliment?"

"It was neither, Wise Girl."

Annabeth looked around the room, trying to find anything that would help with a stupid nickname. To be honest, it didn't help that she was colorblind; using his favorite color would've been nice. She noticed that the room was sea-related; the walls had a wave that differentiated the different hues of whatever color.

"Seaweed Brain," Annabeth snickered.

"What?" Percy replied.

"I'm gonna call you Seaweed Brain."

"Owl poop." Okay, how did he know her favorite animal? By online-stalking her, of course. Everyone does it, except Annabeth.

Annabeth looked taken aback. "Kelp Head."

"Nerd turd."




At this, Percy looked up at her, and grinned. much to his dismay, his legs were too long, and tripped Annabeth. Soon, she was on top of him, their noses touching.

"We'll get through this together."


*4 Weeks Later*

Author POV

Annabeth and Percy were getting along just fine. Their friends were supporting each other too. In fact, their friends kept tempting to do it.

Piper would pipe in the middle of any conversation, "So when will you be ready to make Percababies?"

The birds were singing, and everything couldn't be better.

Of course, it is my job to tell you that this phrase did jinx it, but it also improved their lives.

Why must I torture you?

Again, it is my job.

It was a cloudy day in about August, just 2 weeks shy of Percy's coronation. Percy and Annabeth went on a picnic to celebrate their one-month anniversary, much to Annabeth's discomfort. The last time she was in a meadow such as this one, it had been rather . . . . unpleasant.

She couldn't do anything about it , because Percy actually made the food, and it was a surprise.

Before I continue, yes the food was blue, but to Annabeth  it was grayer than usual.

Anyway, they were on their desert part of the meal - brownies - when, like last time, a dark figure emerged from the shadows.

Unlike last time, Annabeth was trained to be alert, and how to protect herself. She did notice the figure, and immediately got up. She brushed off her dress, and pulled Percy's hand.

"Hey, Percy, we have to go." She cut right to the chase.

"Why?" Percy trailed off, looking around. He noticed the figure, and immediately understood. He picked up Annabeth and started to run, carrying her bridal style.

"DON'T GO ANY FURTHER IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIVES!" The figure yelled. It pulled down its hoodie, and revealed, not a man, but a -

HERMAPHRODITE. (Hermaphrodite - a human being that has the parts of both sexes. Note: this hermaphrodite is bizarre. Most look normal. Continue)

Its features had some of man, some of woman. One boob, one tit, that of a muscular man. Half lipstick, half beard. Half of its hair looked like the average white girl, even with a bun cut in half. the other side finished the other half boy with a man bun. It had coral blue scars where its nose and eyes should be. You can tell when it was looking at you though, because a ball of kaleidoscopic irises stared back at you, the pupil being white. 

I don't even want to insert a picture of it

To sum it all up, it was horrifying.

Percy just stood there, frozen as an unmoving statue, his mouth agape, his eyes filling up with tidal waves right before a storm.

Annabeth exclaimed. "It was you! You took my color-seeing away!" Usually this is the moment where Annabeth would send her a death glare, but as soon as she finished speaking, she hid her face in Percy's toga., but had one eye peaking out.

The mutant hermaphrodite sneered, and continued. "Your ancestry traces back to when your 122-great grandfather, Hannibal, destroyed my city: Rome. I have been trying to kill anyone with your bloodline, but as you can see, this is how I've become. I am the one who made your mother leave- because of the wounds -  and you, my dear are the final descendant. I tried to kill you before, but your overprotective male friend intercepted. I have a few, ah, allies, who will take care of him."

At the word kill, Percy regained himself. He snarled and took out Anaklusmos.

"You are not getting Annabeth You'll have to get through me first."

As soon as he was going to throw it through its thick skill, the creature knocked him out by the flick of its hand.

"Percy!!!!!" Annabeth scurried over to him, and checked his pulse. It was there, but getting fainter and slower by the minute.

At that point, Annabeth had had enough. Her eyes became darker, and it seemed as if there were clouds swirling, like the middle of a hurricane. Her aura began to grow, until she was literally glowing gray.

Her aura was so strong, Percy woke up and started squinting at her. The hermaphrodite started to back up as Annabeth stepped one foot closer.

"You've done enough," she said in a deep, dangerous voice. it was that voice someone used before they would have a full-on meltdown. And melt-down she did.

Somehow, her aura grew brighter, by her will. Through her naivety, her energy was being used to the point of fainting. This occurred right before she defeated this, thing. Annabeth fainted in front of Percy. Percy stood up, and glared at it with more power than even Zeus.

It didn't notice.

The hermaphrodite cackled, and poked Annabeth. "You're just a pathetic daughter of Athena. You are useless."

"DON'T SAY THAT ABOUT HER!!!!" Percy yelled, and made a huge wave rise out of the blue. It swallowed it, and preserved Annabeth. The beast melted, and all was left, but a necklace.

Percy ran over to Annabeth, who started to wake up.

She coughed. "Per-Perce-Percy, did you kill her?"

Percy tried not to cry. "Annabeth, please don't die on me."

Annabeth chuckled, "I'm not dying, just tired." Suddenly, she sucked in a breath.

"What?" Percy demanded. he thought there couldn't be a worse time to comment on his appearance.

That was not what Annabeth was thinking about. She cupped his face, and breathed, "your eyes are so . . . . vivid. They are . . . green, but blue, with a hit of gray."

Percy sputtered. "You can see colors!??!"

Annabeth nodded, and they moved closer, and closer, but Annabeth stopped just as Percy started to close his eyes, and pucker his lips. "Seaweed Brain, we need to save Luke, and possibly Thalia."

Percy cleared his throat. "Of course." They started sprinting toward the palace.

At the Palace

Luke and Thalia were enjoying their lunch at Leo's Taco Joint. They were celebrating the fact that they were going to have a baby _____; Thalia wanted to hold off the sex until its birth, and Luke knew to never argue with a pregnant woman.

Leo came out, with a bunch of powder on his nose. "Do you want anything else, guys? It's on the house, and you know my rule."

Thalia and Luke chorused. "Always accept free things."

Just then, a guy emerged, looking like his, sibling, but you can tell it's a guy. He looked like scars were his skin, and he had no pupil or iris; like how when your eyes roll to the back of your head.

He grunted, "Will you accept this free punch??" He got a pole that was holding up the umbrella they were sitting under, and swung at Luke.

Luckily, Luke had enough smarts to duck, pulling Thalia and Leo down with him.

Much to my own dismay, Percy and Annabeth came over as soon as he started to swing.

"NO!" Percy yelled, and kicked at the pole, thinking it was a sword. When they connected, there was a big clang! sound, and Percy yelped.

"Aye!" He fell, clutching his foot.

Annabeth took the advantage and kicked him so hard in an . . . area, there would be no more mutants running around. The burly man fell, and Annabeth punched his back, and he fell unconscious.

Percy scoffed. "You make me look like the girl in our relationship. Next time, let me save you."

Annabeth glared at him. "Don't be so idiotic next time, then." She stuck her tongue out.

Luke cleared his throat. "Okay, what just happened?"

Thalia and Leo nodded, quite perplexed.

So, they sat down, and enjoyed some tacos while telling of Percy's and Annabeth's struggles. It was silent, but for Annabeth and Percy.

They ended with Annabeth's now 20/20 vision, and Leo clapped. "That, is how to end a story."

Percy threw his arm over Annabeth's shoulder and whispered in her ear, "We'll get through this together."


While they chatted, and attended to their wounds, a certain hermaphrodite was watching in the corner.

"My time will come."

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