Chaper Thirteen | Tightrope

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Tightrope, by Michelle Williams

Their fingers brushed and he almost caught her but then, she felt sickeningly nauseous and everything went black.

Draco saw her fall and felt an icy hand clutch his heart as terror overtook him. Darkness consumed Hermione's falling figure and she slipped into the night. Draco froze, only for a moment, but it was long enough for her to disappear from his sight. It wasn't until Hermione screamed that he came back to his senses. He dove, flying as fast as he could and searched for her. When Hermione fell into the moon's light and Draco met her eyes. He reached out, his fingers only inches from hers. Draco made an attempt to grab her hand but missed.

The overwhelming fear in them caused him to shudder. He pushed the broom harder and leaned out, reaching further. Draco could feel the tips of her fingers as they brushed his. Hermione uttered his name, her voice breaking. Tears streamed down her cheeks, her expression revealed nothing but sheer terror. Draco tried to keep his expression neutral so she would know that everything was going to be alright, to let her know that he would catch her, but his voice betrayed him, his own fear evident as he cried her name. It was too late, he wasn't going to reach her!

ย ย  Draco cried out, screaming into the wind. He had to reach her, he had to catch her, and he had to save her. Draco promised Hermione he wouldn't let anything happen to her. He would reach her. He would catch her. He would save her! Draco called for her, her name barely escaped his lips when her head snapped back, hitting the stone wall. "No!" He screamed, seizing her hand before she hit the ground. Draco cried out in agony as a wave of pain shot through his arm. The wound from the bludger accident felt as though he had been electrically shocked. He was certain the muscle in his bicep must have torn, but he didn't let go of her. Draco tried to lift her up but she hung limply and he didn't have enough strength to pull her onto the broom. His whole arm throbbed and he could feel a wet substance begin to bleed through his sleeve and drip down his arm.

ย ย  Hermione began to slip and Draco called her name but she didn't move. He tried to pull her again but she remained unconscious. A horrible feeling settled in his stomach and Draco let the broom descend to the ground.

Once he was close enough to the ground, Draco gently lowered her to the grass and jumped off the broom. Careful to watch her head, he pulled her into his lap and pushed the hair from her face. "Hermione?" He asked, but she did not reply. Draco tilted her head and saw blood drip from her nose. "No." He whispered.

ย ย  With a shaking hand, he caressed her cheek. She wasn't breathing. Draco's breath became ragged and he felt for a pulse. There was nothing. "No, no, oh please no!" He voice cracked. With a shaking breath, he pulled her face to meet his. Hermione remained still, unmoving. Draco trembled. She couldn't be dead, she just couldn't. Pulling her close, Draco placed a kiss upon her forehead and hugged her still figure. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "I'm so sorry!" Tears streamed down his cheeks as he broke down, shaking uncontrollably.


Draco felt the warmth of her breath against his neck and gasped. Her fragile voice shuddered as she whispered his name. Draco let out a breath of relief and held her close. "I'm here, Hermione. I'm here." He pressed his lips to her forehead and closed his eyes. Hermione let out a ragged breath, then her head fell and she went limp in his arms. "No. No! Hermione stay awake." He stroked the hair back from her forehead. When he pulled his hand away, blood covered his fingers. He noticed that blood not only dripped from her nose but her left ear as well. There was no gash on the back of her head, where she had hit it off the stone wall as he had expected.

Gathering Hermione in his arms he whispered in her ear. "Hold on, Hermione." He picked her up and began to make his way to the castle. "Stay with me." He had to get her to Madam Pomfrey before it was too late. He was thankful for it being dinnertime as most of the students were at supper, so the corridors were empty. Draco made his way down the halls as fast as his feet would carry him.

But then Draco heard footsteps from behind them. "Mr. Malfoy?" Said a voice from behind. Draco spun around and saw McGonagall. She gasped when she saw Hermione's limp body. "Ms. Granger? Malfoy, what on earth happened?!"

"She... she fell."

"We must get her to the hospital wing! Come along, and hurry!"

McGonagall spun around, her robes flowing behind her. She cleared the way, leading him to the infirmary and opened the doors. Madam Pomfrey's head snapped up as they made their way over to the hospital beds. Draco laid Hermione down gently and Madam Pomfrey gasped. "What happened?!"

"She fell and hit her head." Draco said, stuttering over his shaking breath.

"Fell?" McGonagall asked. "From what?"

"The Astronomy Tower."

"The Astrono... What was she doing there?" At this, both McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey waited, looking at him expectantly.

ย ย  Draco wasn't sure if he could tell them the truth, but if it would help Hermione he would do it. "I was teaching her how to ride a broom when she stepped off, she slipped fell. I... I tried to catch her, but I couldn't reach her in time and she hit her head off the stone wall." He said, long winded and out of breath.

McGonagall looked at him skeptically but Madam Pomfrey didn't waist another minute, beginning to examine Hermione's head. She muttered to herself as Draco watched nervously. Pulling out her wand, Madam Pomfrey began to recite some healing incantations and Draco heard Hermione groan. Sighing deeply, Madam Pomfrey turned to face McGonagall, her expression grim and began whispering something. Draco stepped forward. "Is she going to be alright?"

Both teachers then turned to face him and McGonagall stepped up. "Mr. Malfoy, I think you and I should have a talk."

Draco shuddered. "Is she going to be alright?" He repeated, meeting McGonagall's eyes this time. "Please? I need to know."

McGonagall looked taken aback by this then turned to Pomfrey and nodded. With a sigh, Madam Pomfrey spoke. "She has fatal injuries to her brain and skull. She will survive but she will not regain consciousness for quite some time."

Draco looked down and nodded solemnly. "I'd like to stay with her tonight..." He looked at McGonagall. "If I may."

Still uncertain about his sudden change of character, McGonagall nodded and then her eyes narrowed. "Mr. Malfoy you are bleeding." She said, her voice containing trace of worry as she motioned to his arm. Draco looked down and sure enough, blood had soaked the top part of his once white shirt. McGonagall turned to Madam Pomphrey who ushered Draco onto a bed. Not bothering to resist, Draco sat silently in the bed, his eyes on Hermione as Madam Pomfrey worked on mending his arm. His gaze didn't leave her the entire time the medical witch worked on his arm.

ย ย  McGonagall seemed to notice this, as Draco heard her telling Madam Pomphrey that she wanted Draco to stay the night there to keep Ms. Granger company and give his arm time to heal properly. Draco thanked her and she smiled warmly before telling him that she must inform Hermione's friends of the accident. "Don't worry. I shan't mention your involvement Mr. Malfoy."

"Thank you, Professor." She nodded and left the infirmary.

Draco waited until Madam Pomfrey finished then asked if he could sit with Hermione for awhile. She nodded reluctantly, telling him he would need to get some rest soon and she expected him to go to sleep when curfew rolled around. He assured her he would respect her rules then walked over to Hermione's bed. Draco sat on the edge of the bed, and laid his hand over hers and looked at Hermione's still face with regret. This was all his fault, if only he had caught her sooner. He should have been more careful. Now she was in the hospital, because of him. He would never forgive himself for what had happened. Hermione was in pain because of him, and probably would be for a long time.

Draco knew that Potter and Weasley would be stopping by soon enough but he wasn't about to leave her side. No, Draco wasn't going to leave her side until she woke up or they made him. He knew that if she was not awake by the time his arm healed Madam Pomfrey would kick him out of the infirmary, but he would come in to see her as much as possible. How he was going to do that without Potter or Weasleys intervention, he did not know, but he would find a way.

ย ย  Draco sighed but a slight smirk crossed over his lips. Pansy hadn't been too happy with him over the past few weeks. She didn't know where he had been or who he had been with but she was furious. She wanted Draco to spend all his spare time with her. He never gave her any reason to think he was interested in her, and he wasn't. She needed to learn that. And for the time being, all of his spare time would be spent seeing Hermione.

ย ย  As for the other Slytherin's, they were pretty ticked with him as well. They complained that if Draco wanted to keep his status as their "leader" then he had to stop disappearing. Not that he cared. Draco never asked to be their leader. They chose him for that part because of his father. Blaise was the only one he truly didn't mind. At least Blaise was more open minded when it came to blood status. Closing his eyes, Draco sighed. He was grateful that McGonagall would not tell anyone what had happened. The last thing he needed was everyone finding out about his and Granger's friendship. It wasn't that he was ashamed of being friends with her... It was just that things wouldn't be the same if people found out. They would never have a moments peace.

ย ย  As well as there fact that Draco's father was sure to be informed. Then he'd be doomed. Lucius would be infuriated that Draco had been spending his time with Hermione. Her blood status and her friendship with Potter would be all that Lucius Malfoy could ever see. But she was so much more than that. His father could disown him, but Draco didn't care. He wanted to be with her and he wasn't going to give that up for anything. If his father found out, then Draco would just have to face the consequences and take his father's wrath. Because this time, it was worth it. She was with it.

Madam Pomfrey announced that it was time for bed and began to put out the torches, but stopped when she noticed Draco remained by Hermione's side. She sighed and walked over to him. "Mr. Malfoy. I understand you are worried for Ms. Granger but I must insist you go to bed. You need your rest as well."

"Yes, ma'am." He replied without looking up.

Madam Pomfrey sighed. "You may sleep in the bed nearest to Ms. Granger if you wish."

Draco nodded. "Thank you, ma'am."

Madam Pomfrey looked down at Draco, skepticism in her glare. "I don't know what happened to the spoiled little rich boy who came in here whining after an injury and milking it for as much as it was worth, but if this..." She gestured to him. "If the way your acting now, is real and you are being sincere, then she must matter a great deal to you."

Draco's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

She smiled warmly. "You've changed, Mr. Malfoy, and if you ask me, your all the better for it." She looked over to Hermione. "You must care for her a great deal if she was able to bring out this side of you."

Draco did not deny it. He cared about her more than he'd ever cared about anybody else. She brought out the best in him. She gave him the fulfillment he had searched for his entire life. Spending time with her brought him joy he had never felt before. And for once in his life, Draco was happy.

He smiled. "Yeah. I guess she does."

Madam Pomfrey nodded and stood, walking to the door. "Now, go to bed." She said, waving her wand and putting out the torches.

Draco climbed into bed, and burrowed under the covers. He looked over at Hermione, who shifted, only slightly, but even that slight movement gave him some consolation. She was going to be alright. He kept telling himself this, over and over, trying to convince himself it was true. But what troubled him most was that she was in pain. That and the fact that it would take her several days if not weeks to wake up. And when she did, would anything be the same between them? Would she ever trust him again? But that was the least of his worries. If she fractured her skull, there could be brain damage. There was even the chance that Hermione might lose her sight or her ability to hear. If that were to happen, Draco could never forgive himself.

ย ย  The entire night, Draco tossed and turned, trying to clear his head. But the same shame and guilt continued to creep it's way into his consciousness. He didn't fall asleep for hours, and even when he did sleep, it was not a good nights sleep. When Draco awoke, Potter was sitting by Hermione's bedside, the weasel nowhere to be seen. Anger rose in Draco's chest. That weasel didn't even care enough to come and see if she was alright?!

ย ย  Shaking his head, Draco cleared his head so he wouldn't do anything drastic. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stretched his arms. Draco shuddered when his feet hit the cold stone floor. At the sound of Draco waking up, Potter's head snapped up and his expression turned bleak. "What happened to you, Malfoy?"

Draco swallowed his relief. McGonagall had been true to her word and not told them of his involvement of Hermione's accident. "What's it to you, Potter?" A scowl crossed the face of the boy who lived before he shook his head, looking back to Hermione. Draco could almost read his mind. Potter knew it wasn't worth it to argue him at this point, and Draco knew he was probably worried about Hermione.

ย ย  At least Potter was loyal and truly cared about his friends, unlike that moron of a weasel. And Draco respected him for that. But he couldn't help but be jealous of Potter's friendship with Granger. There were times when he wondered their relationship were ever more than friendship. The thought made him boil with anger, even though he knew he didn't have much right to be jealous, he had treated her horribly for years after all. Potter might treat Granger as a woman should be treated, and that may be a respectable trait, but that didn't mean Draco had to like him because of it.

Draco didn't waste any more time on Potter and went to find Madam Pomfrey. She told him that McGonagall expected him to attend his classes today but that for free time he may come to the infirmary incase Hermione would wake. Draco did not try to protest but it took every fiber of restraint in him not to. He wanted to stay be Hermione's side until she woke but it would do no good to argue with the teachers. So, Draco begrudgingly got dressed and carried himself down to the Great Hall for breakfast. The Slytherin's bombarded him with questions as soon as he took his seat at the head of the Slytherin table. He answered them, lying when needed and each one bought his story in turn.

When Draco felt a slight chill, like someone was watching him, he turned around briskly to see Professor Dumbledor standing behind him. The old man had a strange, gleam in his eye as he bent over to meet Draco's eye. "Mr. Malfoy?"

"Yes, Headmaster?"

Dumbledore raised his head with a warm smile. "I would like to congratulate you on that stupendous catch yesterday and check to make sure that you are feeling well after your... accident." He said, looking Draco in the eye and Draco knew he didn't mean the blunger accident.

Draco felt the stares of about twenty Slytherins fall on him and felt annoyed. He didn't need them breathing down his neck with every decision he made. Shaking his head, Draco nodded to the headmaster. "I am doing well. Thank you, Professor." He said, biting back spite on the last word.

Dumbledor nodded. "That is good to hear." He said in a frail voice then made his way to his seat at the head of the professors table. Snape raised an eyebrow at Draco and he groaned. McGonagall may not have told any students, but now he was certain she had told all the teachers.

The entire Slytherin table was staring at Draco but he didn't pay them any mind. Surely they were wondering about Dumbledor's approach and were getting curious by now, but Draco could care less. He ignored Pansy as she fawned over his injured arm and winced as she spoke to him with such petty, false worry. Draco wouldn't think straight, his mind was still on Hermione. He just wanted to get through the day and be able to go and see her again. Draco wanted to be there when she woke up. No. He needed to be there when she woke up. He had to apologize. Draco had to explain himself and make sure she was alright.

ย ย  Fear settled in the pit of his stomach. What if she was angry at him? What if she was mad that he broke his promise to protect her? He tried so hard to win her back and now he'd gone and ruined everything. She would never trust him again, and it was his own fault. And for that, he would never forgive himself. Not bothering to tell his friends goodbye, Draco stood and walked numbly out of the Great Hall. Maybe if he made it to the classroom before the other Slytherins, he wouldn't have to sit by Pansy, Crabbe, or Goyle. He just wanted this day to be over, and he wanted Hermione to wake up.

Author's Note:

Hello! So I know y'all were probably bout ready to kill me for a few minutes there so I do apologize. Lol. But I do hope you all enjoyed this chapter. It didn't take nearly as long as any of the other chapters to write, which I found odd because it was a kind of drawn out scene. I chose Tightrope as the song for this chapter because of the line "Catch me if I should fall." To all of my readers who have been with me sincere the first chapter, I have added songs that I think go with each chapter so go back and check that out if you want.

Shout out to my good friend CoolBeans over on Quotev for the amazing picture she drew escpeicly for this chapter! Go and show her so some love by following her!

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