Chapter One | Don't Stop Believing

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Don't Stop Believing, by Journey

Darkness crept over the horizon as Draco Malfoy stared out the window of the Hogwarts Express. Though he liked the dark and preferred it to broad daylight, it was unusual for the sky to be this dark, this fast. The sun set, fading into a barely noticeable hue until there was no trace of the once beautiful sunset. The moon now stood as the only light, just barely illuminating the passing landscape. It was almost full, but didn't give off as much light as usual. The absence of light caused the trees and passing objects to look like dim shadows. Draco's glare grazed the landscape as he admired the scenery. He'd seen the sight time and time before but it still comforted him in some small way.

Β Β  With a sigh, Draco laid out across the booth. Pansy and Blaise had left only moments ago and Draco had sent Crabbe and Goyle with them. Though Draco was often in their company, even he needed time away from those two. Crabbe and Goyle were loyal but they were far from friends. They followed him because of his family's name and his father's power. The same for Pansy and Blaise. Zabini questioned too much and Pansy fawned over Draco every chance she got. It was far from flattering. Draco needed time to clear his head. But it was near impossible to think with any one of them near. So for the time being he sent them away.

At the top of that list of thoughts was the beginning of their third year, his third year. Draco winced and closed his eyes. Another year of hatred and rejection. He sighed, thinking back to his childhood. When Draco was younger, his aunt Andromeda would tell him stories of Hogwarts. She told him of the friendships and families made between the students and teachers alike. But Draco had seen nothing of which she spoke of. Maybe amongst the other houses, but not in Slytherin. Slytherins separated themselves from the rest of the school and isolated the house, but they were far from a family.

Draco rubbed his temples with his thumb and forefinger while groaning. He had rarely been able to see his aunt, but when he did, he enjoyed and looked forward to her stories. He wanted to feel that sense of home his aunt spoke of. The Malfoy Manor had never been much of a home, and he had never had much of a family. Draco had looked forward to having that. Friends, a place to call home, family. In fact, Professor McGonagall's speech at the beginning of their first year had given him hope. 'Your house will be like your family', she'd said. But for Slytherin it was different. A Slytherin could never have that, and because he was a Slytherin it meant that he couldn't.

It had always been expected that Draco be sorted into Slytherin. The entire family had been. He had hoped there was a chance he was different, but the hat barely touched his head before it made its decision. He had been destined to be a Slytherin. Draco winced at the memory and raked his fingers through his hair. It fell messily across his forehead and he buried his face in his hands. Draco could hear the hat's booming voice as it determined his fate, sending him into a cold, dark void for which he could not escape. Draco scoffed at the irony. Their dorms were in the dungeons for Merlin's sake.

Β Β  With a sigh, Draco scrubbed his hand across his face and shook his head. He'd never forgot the day he first entered his dorm. Everything had succumb to the darkness and smell of musty, damp dungeon didn't compliment the anterior design. That wasn't the first time Draco had to live under someone else's preferences either. Draco didn't have any say in the course of his life. The Sorting Hat had decided who he was meant to be when it put him in Slytherin. From that day forward he had become cold hearted and indifferent. Just like his father. His father dictated every aspect of Draco's life anyways, why not become just like him?

A screech filled the air, and with a jerk the train came to a halt. Cold, was the only thing he felt as a frost traveled along the glass of the compartment's windows. The lights flickered hazily for several minutes before going out completely. Draco sat up and froze as the room suddenly became eerily dark. The windows inside began to freeze over with a thick layer of ice. Draco's breath hitched as he saw a tall, dark shadow pass by the door to the compartment he was in. He felt his heart stop when the figure stopped outside the door and turn. Seconds later, needle-like fingers reached forward, curling, and coaxing the door open. Draco swallowed, trying to keep from whimpering.

Suddenly, every memory he had with his aunt turned sorrowful and any hope he had once harbored vanished. A dark, cold, and empty void surrounded him. He felt overwhelming sorrow, though he did not know why. Happy thoughts were replaced with those of grief and dejection. Then he saw his aunt before him. It was a memory, of the last time he had seen her. But as the memory unfolded Draco watched as his father and mother shunned her, forbidding her from ever returning to see Draco again. The world came crashing down on him and all at once, he was alone. Draco fought it, staggering as he lurched forward, onto his hand and knees.

Β Β  "No," he whispered, seeing his breath stagger in the cold air. He struggled. What little happiness he had found in his life was fleeting with despair. An icy hand clutched at his heart and Draco fought the urge to scream. Draco grabbed his head and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to hold on to his thoughts together. He couldn't forget, he wouldn't forget. He repeated this to himself over and over, wringing his hands through his hair and taking deep, icy breaths until it passed.

In a few seconds the lights came back on and the train began to move again. Draco's head quickly whipped around and his eyes snapped to where the dementor had been. It was gone. There was no trace of the vile creature. With a shaky breath, Draco rose and sat on the booth. He quickly searched the compartment but soon found that it was empty just as before. Draco shuddered. He had only ever experienced that once before, when his father had made him face a dementor. His father had anticipated that the encounter would diminish Draco's 'hope'. Draco shook his head. But why would the dementors be so close to the Hogwarts train? It made no sense.

A few minutes later, Draco saw a silhouette pass by the car door then stop. Immediately, he knew who it was. Hermoine Granger. He knew that mane of hair anywhere. It bounced with each step she took, as it usually did when she would fume and marched away. Regret it as he did, Draco loved making her mad. He enjoyed seeing her get angry. He liked seeing the way her nose would wrinkle in disgust and the flame that her glare always held when she looked at him in contempt. It was that flame that he so admired. Draco smiled for a moment and he felt a peace settle in his chest. But then he remembered who he was..., and more significantly, who she was.

Granger stopped in front of the door and slid it open hesitantly. But when she saw Draco lounged out on the booth, she froze. Draco didn't bother to move for he fact that he was still severely shaken, and he was trying to appear indifferent to her presence. Granger hesitated then leaned forward, her golden curls falling over her shoulders like flowing honey. "Malfoy?" She asked with uncertainty. Draco grunted in response and Hermione tilted her head. "Are... are you alright?"

Draco looked at her, not bothering to sit up and cleared his throat, being careful to harden his tone. "I'm fine."

She breathed a sigh of... relief? "There was a dementor attack."

Β Β  Draco lifted his head a fraction and looked at her out of the corner of his eye. Worry entered his stare but he masked it quickly before she could see. "Was anyone hurt?"

She hesitated, as if deciding whether or not to tell him the truth, then finally shook her head. "No."

Draco smirked. "Shame."

Β Β  Horror entered her gaze and she raised her chin. "You don't mean that." She said with certainty.

Draco rolled his eyes, annoyed at her utter ignorance. "How would you know what I mean?" He spat, spitefully.

Granger hesitated. "Did... did it attack you, Malfoy? The dementor?"

Draco opened his mouth to snap back but couldn't come up with anything to say. The concern in her expression left him dumbstruck. Why would she be concerned... for him? Draco's eyes narrowed as he studied her expression. She must have seen his grim expression when she entered the train car. But even then, why would she care? Draco scowled, swinging his legs over the seat and shifted into a sitting position. He raked a hand through his hair and sat up straighter, trying to look dignified then gave her a smug look. "Worried, were you, Granger?"

"No! I just thought you looked lonely or..." she hesitated.

Draco's head snapped up and he growled at the pity in her voice. "Well, you were wrong!" Draco's voice trembled as he spoke and he choked slightly, trying to cover it. "Even if I were lonely, I wouldn't want you for company."

Granger winced with each word, as if it were a slap to the face. "I'm sorry to inconvenience you by being a caring human being." She said smugly and turned to leave.

This caught Draco off guard. He didn't have a proper response, but he didn't want her to leave. "What if I had been attacked by a dementor? Huh Granger? What could you do to help me?"

Granger stopped and turned back around. She paused slightly then quirked her head. "You just need to think of a wonderful thought. Any happy little thought." She smiled to herself.

Draco squinted and tilted his head. "Do you honestly think I have any? Or would want to remember them if I did?"

"Oh," Hermione let out a small gasp and tried to meet his eyes.

Draco looked away quickly and bowed his head. He clasped his hands together and shook his head. "I don't need your pity, Granger."

Shock entered her gaze, but her shoulders relaxed a bit. "I don't pity you." She said and Draco scoffed in response. Granger looked at him skeptically then sighed and closed the door behind her. Draco was about to ask what the bloody hell she was doing when she cut him off. "I need to speak with you." She looked him in the eye. "About something else." Hermione walked over and sat on the booth across from him. Draco startled at the sudden gesture. Why would she... what did she just...? Draco was at a loss for words. She was so close, he could feel her warmth. He could smell the sweet scent of roses she so often adorned.

His eyes wide, Draco shook his head and raised an eyebrow. "What do you want?"

Her face hardened at his harsh tone and her eyebrows snapped downward but her features relaxed a bit. "I know what you did last year." She exhaled. "Why?"

Draco thought for a moment then froze. She couldn't have known about that. There was no way. "I have no idea what your talking about. Go away, mudblood!"

Hermoine's eyes widened but she stood firm. She fumed, clenching her fists. "Why did you do it?"

"I mean it, Granger! Don't..."

Β Β  "Draco Malfoy!" She yelled, cutting him off and leaving Draco speechless. He was at a loss for words. Never before had she called him by his first name. It was always the same, old, spiteful "Malfoy". Annoyance and anger boiled in the back of his mind. What right did she have to use his full name as if she had some kind of authority over him? She stared at him, and her gaze bore into his soul. "Why did you do it?" She asked firmly, her voice demanding. Draco opened his mouth but she cut him off again. "Don't deny it. I saw you that day."

"What day?" He managed to utter out of curiosity.

Β Β  "Last year, while we were in Diagon Alley shopping for school supplies I saw you in Flourish and Blotts. You held a book. A book about magical creatures. Yet you did not purchase it. Instead you ripped out a page. Page forty-nine to be exact. A page about a type of snake, a basilisk, to be precise. The very page that I 'found' in the library at Hogwarts. It was very conveniently placed, loosely in one of the books I checked out that day. It was because of that page that I was able to figure out what the creature in the chamber was." Hermione leaned forward and placed a hand on Draco's arm. He flinched but did not pull away as she looked him in the eye. Her gaze held his captivatingly. "You made sure I found that page. You knew we needed it. Why?"

Β Β  Draco held her stare, seeing the compassion in her eyes then broke contact and shrugged her hand off. "Drop it, Granger."

"So you don't deny it?"

"I can't deny it. You're too smart for me to make a believable excuse and you think too little of me to believe I did it out of the goodness of my heart. So now what? What are you going to do? Run and tell Potter? Blab to all of your Gryffindor friends?"

Hermione looked abashed and leaned back. "No," she said after a moment's hesitation. "I just don't understand. Why you would help us? Why would you help me? I... I thought you hated me... er... Gryffindors." She blushed after fixing her slip up and Draco held back from saying anything spiteful. Could that mean that she cared what he thought about her? That his outlook and opinion mattered in her eyes?

Draco sighed. "It doesn't mean anything." He was half speaking to himself. Granger sighed and dropped her hands to her sides.

Without another word, she stood and walked to the door. But before she left, she did the very thing Draco hadn't thought she'd do. She turned back. Hermione looked him directly in the eye and her gaze softened a fraction. "It means your better than they give you credit for."

"You mean better than you gave me credit for." Draco asked before he could stop himself. Granger froze and Draco nodded. "That's what I thought."

Granger bowed her head, ashamed, and stopped in the doorway. "You know Malfoy. I do pity you. You have everything you could ever want and yet you're never satisfied." He saw sympathy enter her eyes and in a voice barely above a whisper she muttered... "Just one happy thought, Malfoy. That's all it takes." Draco's jaw dropped and his head snapped up but she was gone. She closed the door behind her, leaving Draco to his thoughts. Draco buried his face in his hands and groaned. Nothing added up. He couldn't even piece together his own feelings anymore. Draco didn't know what to think.

Draco had always been fascinated with Granger. She was the brightest witch of their age. Yet she was not an 'insufferable know it all' as Professor Snape liked to put it. But could he take a chance and hope for a friendship? No. Impossible. What had he been thinking? She was a mudblood... Draco winced at even the thought the word. But he was dreaming of the impossible. What could he expect to come out of a pureblood and muggle-born relationship? If even only friendship, nothing good could come of it. Especially with his family's pureblood standards. But could he dare to hope for something more this year?

Not seconds after Granger left, shouting began to carry into the room. The voice was coming from the hallway. Draco's head snapped up as he heard voice Granger's voice. Her voice sounded very meek, and it sounded like she was pleading. Pleading for what? Another voice drowned hers out and Draco heard her whimper. Draco stood quickly and walked to the door. When he slid it open, he tensed upon what he saw. Granger sat, splayed out on the ground with Pike standing over her. Pike reached over and ripped a chain from around her neck. He didn't take the time to study it and threw it to the ground. "That'll teach you filthy mudbloods to stay out of our compartment." He screamed in her face.

Malfoy fought the urge to hit him square in the jaw and instead stepped in between them. "Stop!" Draco's eyes widened when he heard his own voice and the forceful tone he had used. He paused for a moment and composed himself. Draco sighed, dropping his shoulders and allowing himself look more relaxed about the situation. He couldn't let Pike catch on to his anger. He'd already slipped up by stepping between them. "Give it up Pike. It's not worth it. We need to change into our school robes, we'll be arriving at the school soon."


"Pike! I said, give it up!"

Pike had a defeated look but obeyed Draco's command and entered the train car. Draco turned to follow but glanced back at Granger, who was holding the broken chain on one hand and cradling her cheek with the other. Anger rose in Draco's chest. Had Pike hit her? Draco watched as she removed her hand from her cheek to reach for her wand and blood dripped down her cheek. A small gash say right below her left eye. It wasn't anything big but Draco couldn't contain the anger he felt towards Pike. It was one thing to call her names, but to physically harm a girl?? That was where Draco drew the line.

Draco winced upon her hurt expression and slid his wand out from his sleeve. Hiding it so that she wouldn't see it, he then cast a simple spell under his breath. "Episkey." The cut on her cheek sewed back together by magic. With one last glance he grumbled and muttered once more. "Reparo," and the chain in her hand mended. Draco knew that she would have known he was the one who had done it but it made him feel better nonetheless. Granger looked up to him and a soft warmth entered her gaze. She clutched the chain tighter and mouthed something to him that he could not quite make out. With a slight nod, Draco turned on his heel and followed Pike back into the train car, leaving Granger, amazed and bewildered.

Once he entered the train car, Draco turned and faced Pike with a scowl. "Did you have to hit her?! She may be a mudblood but she is still a girl."

Pike scoffed. "I wasn't trying to draw blood but she shouldn't have been messing around our quarters."

"Still, you'll get us both in trouble."

"Since when do you care about her anyway?"

Draco hesitated, unsure of why he suddenly cared about what happened to her anyway, but shook his head and snapped. "I don't. I just rather we not get detention on the first day." Pike looked at Draco with uncertainty then shrugged and pulled his trunk down from the overhead compartments.

Β Β  When he looked back up, a look of disgust entered his expression. "You know, her blood didn't look no different than yers or mine. Just goes to show that our families war is deeper than blood status." Draco froze and the realization hit him. Her blood didn't look any different than his, or any other pureblood or halfblood in the wizarding world. So why then, did it matter so much to them? Why did his family's pureblood status mean so much? Draco knew the answer. It wasn't their blood, it was the fact that the pureblood title gave them power. Any label the world gives as a higher rank of authority would be received graciously by the higher and used for power. Their pureblood status meant that they were of better lineage and therefore better than any half-blood or mudblood wizard.

Still uncertain about his entire encounter with Granger, Draco pulled out his robes to change. He stripped off his white, pleated, button up shirt and discarded it for his black school clothes. Draco scowled. He hated the black school robes, they only showed in context how pale his skin truly was. With his silvery hair that he so often fixed, slick back, he looked atrocious. The dark black robes made him look chalk white in comparison. Almost like a ghost. Deciding to leave his hair in it's unruly, messy state, Draco worked on tying his shoes. His long fingers made it difficult to get the laces to tie into a tidy bow.

When he finished dressing, Draco allowed his mind to wander back to Granger and he smiled. Her sudden... interest or... regard for his actions was amusing and yet, confusing. He didn't understand her sudden embarrassment at the realization that he did not, indeed, hate her. But he had to admit, he did enjoy seeing her cheeks turn pink. She was rather adorable when she blushed. Still, he did not understand why she would have any sudden interest in him or why it would matter that he wasn't "all that bad". It didn't really mean anything, but for what it was worth he was glad she had discovered the truth. Draco had never wanted her to ever be hurt.

Β Β  Thought Draco didn't like Weasley or Potter, he hadn't wanted Granger brought into it. He had been intrigued with her from day one, but had she chosen them from day one. After that, he could never pursue her. Besides, because of her blood status, his family would never allow such a friendship. The train came to a stop and Draco sighed. His "friends" would be showing up at any moment to fetch him and he did not want to be thinking about these things with them around.

Β  Β  Carting his trunk with him, Draco got off the train and made his way towards the horseless carriages. He made it no further than the train station when he saw a mess of brown hair. Draco froze. There Granger stood, a fake smile plastered on her lips. Draco let his gaze trail across her features before resting on big, brown eyes. School robes didn't compliment her figure, but she was still attractive to say the least. Draco brought himself to smirk and Granger tensed but her gaze became soft. Draco couldn't look away. Her stare captivated him and he found himself lost in her deep, brown eyes.

Suddenly, a group of students came between them, breaking their eye contact. Draco craned his neck to try and see around them but there were at least eight students. When they finally passed by, Granger was gone. Draco felt a slight touch of disappointment upon her disappearance but it didn't last long. Draco shook his head and berated himself for gawking. She was a muggleborn for goodness sake! It didn't matter if she was attractive and it didn't matter if she was smart. It also didn't matter that she was the only person kind enough to care about him. Draco shook his head and growled in frustration. Then turning on heal, he strutted away.

When Draco met up with the others, they took the horseless carriages to the school's entrance. The ride was leisurely, with only the lanterns for light. As they got off the carriages, Draco took a deep breath and followed his friends into the great hall. The room was grand, as always, with simple candles hovering high above their heads. A moonlit night decorated the ceiling with stars peppered around the sky. Each table was adorned with the colors and banners of their house. Draco made his way to the Slytherin table and took his seat then waited for the sorting of new first years to begin.

As soon as all the students were seated Dumbledore stood. The room was full of hushed whispers all the while the Headmaster spoke. The topic of the gossip was Potter. Apparently he had fainted during the dementor attack. But Dumbledore silenced them all as he went through the usual list of welcomes and announcements. He introduced the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, a Professor Remus Lupin. Draco was used to the routine by now, and as it seemed, introducing the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was a normal occurrence. The students clapped for their new professor, and Draco heard Hermione's voice. "Of course, that's why he knew to give you the chocolate, Harry."

Draco spun around. "Potter!" He shouted in a whisper. "Potter!" When Scar Head looked his way, Draco grinned. "Is it true you fainted? I mean, you actually fainted?" He asked tersely. Granger, Potter, and Weasley looked at him murderously. Pike taunted the trio further by putting on the act of fainting. Potter stared at Draco with contempt and Weasley muttered something inaudible. Draco gave them a smirk then turned back around in his seat. The Headmaster continued and Draco was amazed to find that they had the half-giant teaching Care of Magical Creatures now, but that was not a career Draco was interested in pursuing so it did not faze him.

When Dumbledore finished speaking, he sat down and the great banquet of food appeared on the tables before them. Any kind of dish or dessert you could imagine. After piling his plate with food, Draco pulled out his wand and pointed it at his mug. "Butterbeer." He said calmly in a bland voice and the mug began to fill with the golden liquid. Draco sighed and brought the mug to his lips, tasting the sugary, sweet drink. The cool liquid made him shiver as it traveled down his throat. Though it froze his insides, Draco had become accustomed to the cold and liked the numbness it brought him.

Β Β  Draco continued to state at his plate when something nudged at his conscious. He had the strong feeling someone was watching him. Draco fought the urge to look back at the Gryffindor table where he knew the gaze was coming from. He had a feeling he knew who it was coming from. But he couldn't look back. He wouldn't look back. Draco grit his teeth and glanced over to the table out of the corner of his eye but it was too far for him to see. He wouldn't turn around. He wouldn't turn around. It would be too obvious if he did.

With a curse, Draco gave in and turned, meeting her eyes again. He let his lips curl into a smirk and saw her gasp. She spun back around, her hair whipping around his back. Draco averted his gaze but it was too late, she had seen him. Why did he give in? He had enjoyed her look of astonishment but was it worth it? Draco took another drink, waiting for Professor McGonagall to dismiss them. Normally they would not have to wait to be dismissed but on the first day back, the professors liked have every student accounted for before the start of the school year.

When all was said and done, and McGonagall dismissed them, Draco made his way to the dungeons without finishing his supper. His head spun and his stomach churned. Once he reached the Slytherin common room, Draco made his way up the stairs to his dorm and froze when he reached his bed. On his pillow lay a small brown paper package. He lifted the package and studied the writing. It had his name on it. Draco grunted and opened it. Inside laid a long, elegantly labeled chocolate bar with a note taped to the top reading 'In the darkest of times, we can find one happy thought in the smallest of things.'

Something twisted in his stomach. He searched the paper for any sign of the sender but nothing other than the neatly written note turned up. But he really didn't have to have a signature to know who it was from. Draco groaned and plopped down on his bed. His mind raced a thousand miles an hour but his body ached for sleep. Why would Granger go out of her way to help him. To make sure that he was alright. That he was... happy? She had always given the impression that she loathed him. Though he hadn't given her the most pleasant impression of his opinion of her either.

He couldn't even believe what had happened in the first few hours of his third year. Granger had spoken to him, came to him, and not in spite or anger, but for genuine understanding. Draco sighed and rubbed his forehead. He didn't understand how a muggle born could cause him such confusion. He didn't know what his exact thoughts or feelings towards her were, but it was not complete and utter hate. Draco moaned and fell face first into his bed, then groaned into his pillow. It was going to be a long year.

Authors Note:

Thank you everyone for choosing to read my story! This is the first story I have ever uploaded and I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! I have always liked the Dramione ship so I thought that I'd give it a go. Please leave comments and let me know what you think! Thank you again and I hope you all enjoy my Dramione fanfic, Fascination!

P.S. At the beginning of each chapter I will add the song I listened to while writing that specific chapter and it will match the mood of the chapter.

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