Chapter 5: Surrounded by Vampires

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I'm trying my best to updating some of my works.  I know that I won't be able to get them all updated, but I will be working on the ones that I have some of the chapter partially done.

Sorry for the wait for those who ready any of my other work.

Good news, for me, and kind of sad new, for me again.  SO I graduated from college on May 8th.  But didn't get a graduation ceremony sadly.  And I was so looking forward to it, since it was going to be my very first graduation ceremony.  I didn't attend my high school graduation ceremony, so I was excited to be able to get my very first ceremony.  But sadly that was cancelled.  Anyways, I graduated from Culinary Arts.  And now planning to go into a Business program.

Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors, or if it's just no good.



Zero constantly repeated over and over how much of a horrible idea it was to have those vampires at the same school as humans.

To have those filthy bloodsuckers, as he called them, mingle along and possibly attack a human.  The very idea of there being vampires mingle with humans, that very thought repulsed him, and angered him.

But no matter how many times he voiced his displeasure and his thoughts of how bad of an idea this was, they always went unheard.  Maybe he was being biased with what he and his family went through.  But one thing he knew for sure is that vampires are dangerous.  That fact will never change, and why couldn't others see that?  So he continued to voice his thoughts and complaints.

They were always brushed aside with a, "All vampires aren't the same.  Some vampires are very nice and also wish for peace with us humans."

"Why won't he listen!" Zero muttered to himself as he walked to the dormitories that were now open for the new students as well as was the moon dorms.

"Onii-san, please don't be mad." Haruna softly pleaded as she jogged up behind her brother to catch up to him.

Zero stopped walking and turned around to face Haruna, "Are you going to agree with what he has planned?!" Zero nearly yelled.

Haruna flinched at hearing her brother nearly yell at her.  He rarely showed such anger towards her.

Zero closed his eyes and shook his head.  He had seen how Haruna had flinched, "I'm sorry for yelling at you.  I didn't mean to...." He sighed, "I just...." Zero drifted off into silence.

"It's okay." Haruna took a step towards her brother and wrapped her arms around him bringing him in for a hug.  Holding him as tightly as she could, feeling his warmth.  She rested her head on his chest, listening to the beating of his heart.

Though unlike when they were still young children and were still the same height, Haruna when hugging Zero, now reached his shoulder.

"I know....  I don't know everything you feel.  But I know to an extent.  I don't like the idea either.  I don't like that we have to be near them.  They could attack someone just like they did to us." Haruna said as she moved and placed her forehead on his shoulder, "I don't like it.  Especially being near that .... pureblood, the same kind that ruined everything." She clenched her fist on Zero's uniform.

Zero slowly brought his arms up and held his sister tightly to himself.  He let out a low sigh as he slowly cupped his hand on her head.  He caressed her head slightly as he thought on what else he could possibly do. If no one was going to listen to him, then he would do everything within his power to protect these very humans, though the one he was willing to lay his life down for is his sister.  The one he would do anything to protect.

~Time Skip (Classes Begin)~

Classes have now officially begun.  All students have been registered for their classes, moved into their dorm rooms.  Everything was ready.

"Okay, now you three wonderful children of mine will be the first and only members of this disciplinary committee."

Yuki smiled and nodded at her "father", Haruna nodded though not to happy about it.  Zero didn't even acknowledge what they had been told, his frown merely deepened.

Though one thing that came from this was that they had weapons, and would be allowed to keep an eye on the vampires.  And if any were to get out of line, they were free to use their weapons.

"I'm so proud that my three children are starting high school." Kaein sobbed as he wiped his tears with tissue he had pulled out from the box on the table.

Zero grit his teeth together, "I know you raised us and we're thankful for taking care of us, but Haruna and I aren't your children!  I don't ever remember being adopted by you."

Kaein sobbed even more saying how Zero hates him.

Yuki proceeded to try and calm him down, whereas Zero and Haruna made no move to do so.  They were grateful to him for taking care of them, for taking them in when they were the most vulnerable.  But they could not agree what was currently going on, they couldn't accept it.

"Headmaster." Haruna called out, "We'll be going to class now." She said and quickly followed after Zero who was already walking out of the office.

Kaein was calling out to them to be careful an have fun in class.


As the day passed and they sat in their seats during each class, which oddly enough all three members of the disciplinary committee were in.

It was most likely that Kaein arranged for them to all have the same classes.

Zero leaned forward onto the desk, placing his elbow on the desk and resting his chin on his open palm.  He wanted out of this class.  It was.... boring.  He sat at the very top seats in the class, so he could see everyone and see what was happening.  Though he never paid attention to that.  He was mainly in that spot, to be away from others.  The only other person near him was Haruna who was sitting next to him.  Who was looking exhausted, especially after them both having been answering questions almost the entire day from their classmates and other students at campus.

When classes had first started, all eyes in the class where on the pair of twins in the class.  Some of them had never seen twins.  And others had never seen Twins that looked so much a like in person.  Some saying that they had only seen fraternal twins before, but never identical twins.

There were differences between the two as it should be, Zero with his more masculine figure and looks, and Haruna with a more feminine figure and look.  She was more petite than him, sure she had some muscle to her figure, but not enough to compare.

But if those differences were overlooked, the two siblings, looked very much alike.  They could be considered as the alternate version of the other.  Since childhood, they had all looked alike, that when they were still babies it was difficult to tell them apart at a first glance.

~Time Skip (After Classes)~

It was the time that the night class was to make their way to class.  And a while group of people were surrounding the place.

They hadn't seen who the night class was, but they were curious to who they were.  Just what was the difference between them and the night class?  Was the night class for classes only available at night that aren't available during the day?  But most of all, they were curious of what kind of people they are.

But what they saw was completely different from what they had expected.  They had all expected to see students with the same dark uniform as theirs, just like any other average student.  But that wasn't the case.

They were on a completely different level.  The way they carried themselves.  Their uniforms were different.  But most of all, their beauty was something not of this world.

"Good evening." A green eyed blonde smiled and waved at the people around the place.  And that was enough to start a commotion.  The girls, and some of the boys who were there, were in an uproar.

Yuki, Zero and Haruna tried their best to keep the students under control.  But the two siblings kept their eyes on these people as they walked by.

Haruna clenched her teeth as Kaname glanced their way and slightly tilted his head as in a greeting.  From the corner of her eye, she could see Zero defiantly turn away in anger and disgust.

Haruna turned her gaze away as  well, and in the process managed to catch a glimpse of Yuki who was blushing at seeing the pureblood.


As they walked passed all the students, some of the night class took a deep breath at smelling that blood pulsing through their veins.  But as they had promised to their dorm president, they were not to touch any of the humans.

But that didn't mean that they couldn't appreciate the scent.

Though there were three people that peaked their interest.  They all knew who they were, they had been introduced once before.  When Kaein had taken these three students to the night class dorms to introduce them.

From one look they could tell that the two sibling weren't like any other human.  They clearly were hunters, if the way they stood their ground and those hidden weapons on their person were any indication.  And they were more guarded, compared to the small brunette who seemed so.... careless.

As he passed by the siblings, Kaname couldn't help but feel a feeling of nostalgia whenever he saw Haruna.  There was something about her that seemed eerily familiar.  He knew for a fact that they had never met before prior to their first meeting when he had gone to visit Kaein that one night.

And there was something about her that seemed off about her.  But she was human.  A human who was trained as a hunter.

After one last glance at the siblings, he glanced at Yuki for a few seconds before softly smiling in her direction.


The entire night consisted in making sure that none of the students tried to sneak out.  And especially making sure that none of the night class wonder around campus.

Though those that did, would be very daring, and risking to be punished by Kaname.

Haruna heavily sighed as she slumped down at the side of a tree facing the building the night class were currently in, "I hate this." She rubbed her eyes for a few seconds before once again looking at the class with a faint light emitting from it, "Being surrounded by vampires every day is stressful." She said to herself as she lifted her arms and reached behind her head and fixed her ponytail.

After a few minutes she gazed up at the moon before getting up and continuing to patrol around campus.

If it were up to her, she would have stayed sitting there for a bit longer, but she decided to leave mainly for one reason.  She could feel as if someone was looking at her.  She didn't know who, but she could feel the small hairs on her nape stand on edge as she walked away.  She knew that the only ones that could be watching her and make her feel so uneasy were those very vampires she was making sure stayed in their class.


So how was it?  What did you guys think about it?  I kind of liked this chapter.  Though the next chapter is going to be much better.  I already have some of that typed up, and it gets pretty good.

Since I have some of the next chapter already typed up, I'll be updating that next.  Not sure if tonight, but probably not.  SO maybe either tomorrow.  But after this, I'll go back to working on the other ones which will be, "My Miracle, My Gift" and "The Sunny Sky" and I'll definitely try my best to get some done with the others that I haven't even touched for a while.  Like "Goodbye And Hello" and "The Carnivore's Herbivore."

So that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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