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I emerged from the simulation with a yell. I'm sweating and shaking. Amar studies me for a few seconds.

''I know'' I felt a small rush of anger.

He says nothing and offers me his hand. I take it and let him pull me to my feet.

I had to leave, so I did. I returned to the dining hall and sit down at the table, among my newly friends.

''So...how was it? How'd you do?''

''Ah...I did okay I think...'' I trailed off. 

I heard Amar's voice from the other table. ''None of you did as well as Four over here, though'' I frown. Four? It was the guy from the train. I stare at him along with the other initiates, wide-eyed. Amar pats him in the shoulder.

''Hey, Tori'' Amar calls over his shoulder. ''You ever heard of anyone having only four fears in their fear landscape?''

I leaned forward and put my elbows on the table.

''Last I heard, the record was seven or eight. Why?'' Tori calls back.

"I've got a transfer over here with only four fears."

At that I do look at him. He's smiling a little.

"That's got to be a new record," Tori says.

Later, everyone went to sleep but I didn't. I got out of bed, slipped on my trusty pair of boots on and threw a jacket on. I walked towards the right side of The Pit and to a hallway near the Chasm and then sat against the wall. The Chasm was a beautiful ravine filled with rapidly running water and sharp rocks. Several people have chosen to dive into The Chasm and were considered brave. They say that it was better than smoking or sipping from a whiskey bottle in the middle of the night. I wonder if it's true.

Moments later I heard footsteps and saw Four walk down the steps and over to the other side.


He whipped his head around quickly.

''Oh, I'm sorry, I thought- ''

''It's okay. I come in here, too''

He hesitates for a moment and walks over, sitting down next to me. I looked up at him, not knowing what to do, what he did though, surprised me. There's an awkward pause, and Four looks almost afraid to ask, but he finally does.

''You okay?''

''I would think it's fairly obvious why I'm here''

"I thought you weren't interested in making friends'' That made him smile a little.

"Alright, now we're getting somewhere''

''I guess. Sorry I, I'm just...not good at making friends. Besides, I think alliances may come in handy later''

''Okay. You know, you are kind of a mystery to me, Four'' 

He looked down at his lap and a small smile appeared on his face.

(Now, we all know Four isn't the friendly type and that he doesn't really reveals his real name to anybody but he felt he could trust Allison. I want Allison to be the first friend Four makes at Dauntless so yeah...)

''You know, if you ever in need for an in-depth tour of the place, let me know'' He nod and got up so he could lean towards the iron barrier that was blocking the edge.

After the small talk with Four I decided to head back to the dormitories. In one side of our dormitories we had a big tiled room with two pillars with four of five showerheads per pillar. We had our exhibitionists, both boys and girls, who parade around naked and make everyone uncomfortable, the ones who didn't care and the shy types who change as quickly as possible.

Morning came too quickly. I grabbed my towel and went to take a shower. I slowly started to strip and right when I took my shirt off, ''So, is an attention thing?'' Knowing who the voice belonged to, I turned around facing an Eric with a smug look on his face. 

His blue clothes were replaced by dark jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt with his sleeves pushed up to his forearms. His short hair glistening with water.


''You know, changing in front of me...'' He was obviously aiming to get a reaction out of me. When I think about it, it kind of annoys me and makes me want to punch him.

''Whatever'' I proceed to take off my pants.

I gave him my best warning glare as he cocked an eyebrow at me. He smiled and towel dried his hair a bit and then exited. I scoffed.

This morning Four decided to sit with us at breakfast, Shauna - a girl with brown hair and bangs cut straight across her forehead and a pierced lip- and Zeke with his mother Hana.

''Yeah, he's kind of hot though." Shauna admitted while continuing on with the conversation with the other girls in the group.


''Eric'' His name left a bitter taste on my mouth. Shauna stiffened when she saw my face.

''What? He isn't your type?''

Four arches an eyebrow at me, waiting for my response. He just finished eating and then picked up a napkin, wiping it off his face.

I rolled my eyes. ''I don't have a type''

''Tell me you don't think he's good looking''

''He could be good looking and I'd be the last to know'' I said not looking at her and picking my fork back up.

"Hey, you're a transfer, right? Four?" Zeke asked him, changing the subject.

"Yeah," I say. "Nice first jump."

''Not like anyone else stepped up. I'm Shauna, by the way. Is it true you only have Four fears?''

"Hence the name," Four said.

"Wow." She nods. She looks impressed. I was too. "Guess you were born Dauntless."

We continued eating our food in silence, until we eventually finished. Common foods in Dauntless include muffins and toast for breakfast, burgers for lunch or dinner, and the preferred Dauntless dessert is chocolate cake.

''Alright! You all made it out alive," Amar says. "Congratulations. You made it through the first day of initiation, with varying degrees of success." He looks at every single one of us. ''Normally, dauntless-born and transfers do most physical training separately, so that the Dauntless-born don't break the transfers in half right away—but we're trying something different this year. As you already know, in order to be a dauntless member you need to pass a series of tests. As a dauntless, you will need to be physically fit and mentally prepared—ready for whatever. In the first stage, you Dauntless-born and faction transfers will be taught how to fight and use weapons. At some point you will be made to fight one another to improve your rankings. Winning or losing the fights will increase or decrease your points. If you win against a higher ranked initiate, you receive more points and they will lose more points. Capture the flag is also played alongside at night and with darts that mimic the feeling of real bullets. At the end of this stage, four of the lowest ranked initiates will be cut and made factionless. Visiting Day also usually occurs during Stage One but, today we are going to teach you how to throw knives. It's better if you learn to protect yourself, even if it's something so simple as throwing a knife''

I was mastered in the art of throwing knives so I took out a handful of the knives and started sharpening them. They were multiple regular circled paper targets and others shaped like a man, showing fatal spots to aim for. Before starting Amar demanded a demonstration but most of the initiates missed their targets entirely. I looked over at Zeke and noticed that each knife he'd thrown was hitting the target reasonably close to the center. Meanwhile, Four threw the first one and hit the bull's-eye.

''Nice'' I commented.

He smirked and continued to throw knives at each of the target, not missing the target even once. Each knife he threw, each target he hit.

''Wow, it looks like you've got some competition'' That was Zeke. Four laughed and I scowled a little and punched Zeke in the shoulder. "Shut up''

''Ow, why the hell did you do that for''

I rolled my eyes and walked over and sat on a small desk that was sitting nearby, taking out my knife and flipping it again as I watched the scene.

"Damn it, would you put that damn thing away, your making me nervous" Zeke said watching my knife.

Four chuckled, "why would you be afraid of her? She probably doesn't know how to use it."

I opened my mouth playfully to protest. I could not believe he just said that. But instead I threw the knife, lodging it into the wall just inches away from his head. "next time I'll aim for your head"

''Aw, c'mon, Al'' Zeke said, grinning.

I pointed at him warningly, "Ezekiel''

Four laughed, shaking his head. "Alright, you proved your point...''

"Alright, you're dismissed" Amar shouted and then we all hurried out to the hall way laughing. 

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