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Irene's P.O.V

Rain had started to pour down hardly by the time we got to the university's building.

"mom why did you come here, I could've just took you home" Jackson said as I nodded in agreement.

"you'll get wet Mrs. Wang" I said worried. She came all the way there with the heavy suitcase and no umbrella, and the worse was that our lessons finished later that day so waiting for us would've been too long.

"it's okay, I came to visit a friend I haven't seen in a long time anyway" she smiled and pulled up the handle of the case.

"a friend? here?" Jackson and I looked at each other surprised.

"a teacher maybe?" I asked her and she nodded a bit.

"kind off" she said and I nodded slightly confused.

"okay but do you know how to go back home-"

"I already asked your uncle to come pick me up, don't worry" she pinched his cheeks and I giggled "stop worrying about everything" she scolded him now pulling his ear.

"I always tell him the same thing" I sighed and when me and Mrs. Wang made eye contact we laughed loudly. We were actually getting along quite well, which made me very happy and confident about our first impression of each other.

"I feel like you two will co-operate to go against me" Jackson crossed his arms as me and Mrs. Wang slowly looked at each other again nodding for another round of laughter.

"ah- come on, come on, you two go or you'll be late" she said wiping away the tears with a laughing smile.

"thank you Mrs. Wang, see you soon" we stood looking after her while waving until we couldn't see her figure anymore.

I got surprised by how orientated she was to find her way in the maze of corridors.

"I wonder who's she meeting?" I said curiously as we went the opposite way and then looked up at Jackson to find him pouting "are you okay?" I patted his chin, chuckling.

Narrator's P.O.V

"aaaww come on~~ don't be like this" she poked his stomach and arm as he ignored her.

"first with uncle's wife, now with mom... I feel like teasing me has become a sort of entertainment" he said half serious, still with the same pout.

"why are you taking it so badly" she cupped his face and made silly faces to change his mood. He didn't have much of a response but the way his lips shook trying to stop himself from laughing definitely showed the affect it had on him "it's not like we'll do this always" she smiled and moved back as he was about to give up.

"is that your plan or what?" he stopped walking in the empty corridor "because I think it is" he raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms as he waited for her to speak up again. Irene stayed quiet for sometime to think of what to do and got a nice idea.

"oh no, you discovered us, I guess I'll have to move to plan B" she raised an eyebrow while smirking as Jackson tilted his head confused finally showing a small smile.

Irene suddenly started running to him and got him surprised. He didn't know what she was going to do, or what to do himself, so he just opened his arms wide enough for her to fit. He didn't even realise he had been smiling for quite some time by then and when she was just in front of him, she jumped and landed in his arms, just to make both of them start laughing like they had never laughed before.

"I see you are feeling good now" Jackson said in between the laughs.

"I told you it was nothing to worry abou-" the warm mood quickly got cut off by a sudden loud noise that echoed around all corridors, classes and offices. Irene panicking hurriedly covered her ears and crouched down into a ball after letting out a loud scream. Jackson immediately followed her moves and embraced her to a hug while caressing her back.

"it's okay" he said as she was still scared "it's gone, don't worry" he patted her head and she slowly looked at him with a small pout.

"I hate this" she cried and Jackson slightly laughed.

"I know" he held her hand and helped her stand "I think there might be a storm" he then moved next to a window and Irene followed behind him without letting go of his hand.

"why today, I was going to go see mom" she said with a small voice that caught Jackson's attention.

"you can still go, I'll go with you if you want" he turned to face her and smiled but she gently shook her head.

"only one visitor is allowed now" he opened his mouth to say something but quickly changed his words to different ones.

"what? why?" they had been there many times together and there was no such rule before.

"I'm not quite sure either" even if she said that, Jackson could clearly see she was hiding something from him but he decided not to ask in case it wasn't something completely good.

"well, I can wait for you outside" he tried to persuade her but she shook her head again.

"It's fine, I'll go tomorrow, if there's no rain" she placed her had on his cheek and caressed it with her thumb with a grateful smile "thanks"

"it's okay..." he placed his hand over hers and brought it down on his other hand "but you know I'm still taking you home" it seemed like she wanted to oppose but he made her stop when he held his hips and looked at her with wide eyes.

"yes..." she gave up and secretly rolled her eyes.

It just made her feel like Jackson was doing too much for her. She just hoped he took some days off from taking so much care of her but never got him to, he would never accept it even of she begged.

"good, but the problem is that how am I meant to contact you, I'm not sure when I'll be finished" he held his chin thinking.

"well..." Irene realised it was the right time and quickly placed her backpack over one knee as she picked out something from the small pocket with a huge smile "cha-chan!" something black with pink showed up on her hands as a small light blinked on the corner of it.

"a phone??!" Jackson gasped surprised.

"yes!" Irene held it up proudly with a big smirk.

"I actually started thinking you were moving in with the cave men" he said just to recieve a punch on the arm from Irene.

"I worked hard for this" she held it in front of his face with a pout.

"okay, okay, I get it" he moved her hand away from his face trying to hold in the laughter.

Jackson was going crazy by the amount of times Irene had rejected his offer to get a phone for her. Every time he wanted to talk or even when he just missed her voice and didn't have a chance to see her, there was no other way of contacting each other, so he really hoped she would get one soon.

And she never saw the need to get one since it wasn't something she would use the whole time. The closest thing she had, was a small brick phone that was her mother's and then was passed on to her when she was a little girl, but then it got lost somewhere in her room, making her completely forget about it.

Then after meeting Jackson and seeing the cool stuff you could do and have with it, she started to save up money she got from working hard, but kept it a secret from him since she wanted it to be a surprise. As well as the amount of times Jackson had told her to quickly get one got on her nerves and made her want to make him stop.

"I'm glad you got one but if you had accepted my offers before...-" Irene placed a finger on his mouth and told him to shush.

"it feels better when I get it on my own" she said honestly and Jackson held up his hands in defeat.

"whatever you say..."

"good" she held up a thumbs up to him patting his shoulder.

"now give me your number" he turned on the screen and Irene gasped "what's wrong?" he was about to turn to her when she suddenly snatched the phone away from his hands.

"when did you take this picture!"


long time ago, why?" he asked, holding out his hand to get the phone back as Irene stared at the lock screen from close.

"nothing it's just that... it's kinda cute" she handed the phone back and he laughed "what?" she looked away embarrassed and crossed her arms.

"you finally realise" he ruffled her hair and unlocked the screen to create a new contact "what should I put you down as?" he said more to himself.

"just Irene" she smiled but he shook his head.

"that's too simple... something more creative" he patted his own cheek thinking.

"well I don't know either" in the meantime Irene used the chance to take some pictures of Jackson in secret. It couldn't be that he had a bunch of pictures of her but she had none, and she needed something different as a background aside from the preset pictures, so she quietly started the secret photo shoot and actually managed to finish satisfied without getting caught.

"what do you think of...-" Jackson thought of something but when he was going to share it with Irene, he found her smiling at something on her phone.

She was so happily immersed looking at the pictures, she hadn't realised Jackson saw every single one of them.

"what are you doing?" she jumped back startled, holding the phone with both hands as she forced an innocent smile.

"nothing..." she looked away and tried to escape but Jackson quickly held her collar and brought her back to the same spot.

"I don't mind if you take pictures"

She thought it was was an unusual response from him, and the sweet smile he showed took her aback. For some reason it was different from other times which made her feel somehow weird.

"o-okay" she quickly selected a picture randomly as the background and went into contacts.

"have you thought of a name for me?" his eyes sparkled with expectancy and Irene laughed nervously as typed in the number.

"not really" she said with a shy smile and he sighed "what about you?"

"I was going to tell you, but you got yourself busy looking at my beautiful face" he said naturally and Irene sort of snorted at what he said, not because it's wasn't true, but because it was so sudden "anyway..." he raised his eyebrows ignoring what she did "how about 'my baby'?" Irene looked at him disappointed.

"that so... just... no, I don't like it" she couldn't find the words to describe what she thought of it.

"I like it though..." Jackson pouted looking at the already written name as his finger hovered over the green button.

"you're going to press it anyway" she told the truth for him and he smiled widely.

"you know me too well" in an instant, his finger directly landed on the button without hesitation "I'm done, only you are left" he said with a happy smile as he stared at the screen but she turned it off "heyyyy" she slid the phone in her pocket as Jackson kept complaining.

"I'll do it later, for now I want to know why does it seem like this lunch time is never finishing" she looked at the clocked hanged over the corridor door and saw they still had 10 minutes left.

"I don't know but I don't find it fair that I can't know what you'll write as-" Irene just sighed and cupped his face to cover his lips with hers for a few seconds.

"done?" she moved back to her spot and he nodded feeling lost "now let's start going to class" she held his hand and pulled him to walk as he touched his lips still surprised.

"I can never predict what you'll do" a small laugh escaped from his mouth.

"I'm too mysterious" she moved her fingers in a magical way while making spooky noises with her voice.

"you're too much..." Irene silently laughed at him and naturally changed it to a warm smile as she felt their necklace hanging around her neck.

"you are too much..." she mumbled to herself and hugged the jewellery with her hand.

They reached the end of the corridor where it split into two opposite ways. Irene smiled at Jackson and was ready to let go of his hand but he quickly used his other hand to cover hers from the bottom and now from the top like a sandwich and said what had been in his mind.

"let's go see Mrs. Bae!" he said, looking straight into her eyes.

"but I told you-"

"it's fine, let's just go" he repeated with certainty in his voice. Irene was perplexed by the sudden request.

"I don't know why you suddenly wan-"

"but I really want to go!" he stomped his feet on the ground and whined like a kid who wants a lollipop.

Irene was confused at why he was doing that but it somehow convinced her to agree.

"if you insist that much..." she shrugged her shoulders and Jackson shouted in victory. She couldn't help it but smile at his silliness "call me later" she waved at him and slowly walked her way, as he waved back with a big smile.

When she was about to turn the corner, she quickly took one last glance back at him and made her eyebrows connect after seeing he was still waving with the wide smile "strange..."

On the other side, Jackson sighed after seeing Irene turning the corner, completely dropping the attitude he had a few seconds ago and laughed at himself while making his own way to class.

"I'm so stupid..." he held his bag straps and let out a dry chuckle.

He didn't want to see Irene being sad about not being able to see her mother, so he quickly made up that small plan in his head to make her go and then take him as well as he actually wanted to see Mrs. Bae since he hadn't been visiting her for some time.

While walking, a nearby window caught his attention and his eyes slowly focused on it as he approached it. A few seconds later, he found himself staring through the glass, getting amazed at the amount of water accumulating on the tall grass.

He slightly smiled and turned his body to continue his way to class when the loud sound of a particular rain drop made him stop. He turned once again and this time his eyes focused on it.

It was big and strong but as it quickly made its way down, it easily lost more and more strength as well as size, until it eventually disappeared under the other drops.

His eyes stared at the scene without much going through his mind, but as he continued looking, the memory he had been wanting to forget this whole time came back to him like a hard rock.

From all the different times he had seen rain in his life, none could be compared to be as energy sucking and depressing as the one from the day that had been marked in his brain like a tattoo.

His warm finger felt the cold glass as it traced the drop's fall creating a blurred layer of thin water, finally making the strong emotions hit him.

"rain brings pain, doesn't it?" it was dry inside the building, but a sudden drop fell on the floor as he closed his eyes.

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