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calling Warden.

— His owner found it to be a suiting nickname due to his specific job of homestead guard and livestock herder.

birth name Jericho.
   pronunciation, J—eh—rih—ko.
   sole meaning, It is a Hebrew name, originating from the Canaanite word of either 'fragrant' or 'moon'.
   origin, —

biological sex Male.
   gender, Male.
   pronouns, He/Him/His.

species Cain's Lupus Familiaris.
   breed, A heavy Border collie mix.

— 62.5% Border Collie.
— 12.5% White Swiss Shepherd.
— 12.5% Poodle.
— 12.5% Unknown canid.

romantic orientation Biromantic.
sexual orientation Bisexual.

age Four years old.
   birth month / time, 1st of August.
   zodiac, Leo.
   birthstone, Peridot.


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base pelage The base coloring of Jericho's pelt is a rich, creamy latte brown with hints of a lighter shading, almost rivaling the coloring of a golden retriever.
   accentuating palate, On and underneath his ears as well as his tail, is black shading. The top of his head, majority of neck fur, and around the eyes is colored a dark brown. His paws, chest, and underbelly are white.

eye shape Rounded.
   eye color, Honey-golden.


Jericho's overall build is a rather strong and prominent mixture of the border collie and Swiss shepherd blood he harbors. The shepherd and poodle genetics grants him the height of twenty-six inches at the withers and a slightly more broadly toned muscular build. However, the slender form of the border is still evident within his thinner torso, making him appear more leaner underneath his coat of fur. Jericho possesses the facial structure of a shepherd with a broader head and longer maw, though the ears that hang halfway flopped over his head originate from the border collie. His pelt is around medium length for the most part, though in certain areas it is longer and more wispy, such as the backs of his legs, his neck and head, and tail especially. It is both a shepherd and border collie trait.



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   moral alignment, True neutral. Jericho is a peaceful being and wants hardly anything to do with confrontation unless it were to benefit him for the better.

inventive or consistent, Inventive.

curious or cautious, Cautious.

efficient or easy-going, Easy-going for the most part.

organized or careless, Organized. His job calls for it.

energetic or reserved, Energetic.

friendly or challenging, Relatively friendly to most.

compassionate or detached, Compassionate.

dominant or submissive, Dominant.

logical or emotional, Greatly depends; often emotional.

possessive or lenient, Lenient.

sunrise or moonhigh, Sunrise.

selfish or selfless, Mostly selfless.

food aggressive or generous, Generous.

merciless or merciful, It depends on how angry you've managed to make him.

trusting or skeptical, Skeptical. He wasn't brought up to be overly trusting right off the bat.


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Jericho is what one could determine as somewhat of a mellowed, welcoming figure. One that favors the idea of reasonable attempting to handle certain situations and ideas peacefully and verbally rather than resort to immediate violence. He isn't too quick to ever judge another being and believes highly in giving those a chance to prove their worth in any way should they ever want to. The male is an equal opportunist, believing that most everyone deserves a place, should they prove him wrong otherwise. While Jericho tends to try and observe things more so toward the positive side of the spectrum,  he is a strong dealer of justice and punishment where it is needed. He wants only the respect, loyalty, and obedience of those around him and isn't afraid to step up and put a being back in their place, no matter the beast, should the need occur. He is firm in his ways, but not what one would describe as overly gruff and carrying himself in a domineering manner. Jericho is very hard to anger and if ever one were to foolishly push him to such a point, his temper can reach a nasty and fiery level, rendering him a force to be reckoned with. However, there is no doubt a kindness within him that would give him an accepting aura to those who may be deserving. Jericho is always willing to provide comfort and words of wisdom to any who may be in need, no matter the status of a beast.

anatomical, —

Fears He naturally fears the loss of his owner and homestead as that is all he has known since he first opened his eyes as a puppy.

Stat records,

hearing, 10/10
sight, 10/10
smell, 8/10
stamina, 10/10
defense, 7/10
offense, 9/10
cold endurance, 9/10
heat endurance, 6/10
swimming, 3/10
bite force, 240 psi.
feral, 0/10
intellect, 8/10
wariness toward humans, 2/10
dominance, 10/10


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sire D'jango.
   anatomy and relationship,

D'jango is a large shepherd and border collie mix sporting a more muscular and burly build, with the classic shepherd slope of his back. His pelt is full and long, harboring mixed colors of blacks, dark brown, tan, creamy whites shaded all along his body. His eyes are a dark shade of copper brown.

— Jericho never really had much of a relationship with his father. His family lived in the southern parts of Wyoming and Jericho's owner came all the way from Juneau, Alaska to buy him and take him back once he was ready.

dam Sasha.
   anatomy and relationship,

Jericho's mother was a beautiful sight to behold, with a tall and elegant build, lean and slender yet kept healthy as ever. She was a Swiss shepherd and border collie mix, possessing long, glossy fur of the classic white with black markings. Her eyes were wide and large, colored an alluring shade of honey-golden.

— Just like his father, Jericho only knew his mother for the first handful of weeks of his life. It certainly wasn't enough time to develop any true memory of her in terms of what she looked or sounded like. However, her sweet scent still lingers within his memory to this day.

siblings Jericho has no true recollection of his siblings either. He left them behind long ago.
   anatomy and relationship, —

step-kin He likely has a lot of half-siblings out there somewhere from his father.
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love interest ➳ —
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mate(s) ➳ —
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offspring ➳ —
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— Jericho's owner has around three other people that work on the homestead, each caring for their own sled team of huskies. All of them have been close with Jericho ever since puphood.

  anatomy and relationship, —


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fun facts
Jericho lives on a homestead in Juneau, Alaska. There his owner trained him from a pup to watch over the property and herd the stock of reindeer.

His family consists of;

- Enya Rivers ; his owner. A middle-aged woman with raven black hair, copper skin, and dark brown eyes.

- Solomon Woods, Nadia Reich, and Quincy Adams ; the mushers. Solomon is an older man with dark salt and pepper hair, a trimmed beard, and wise light brown eyes. Nadia is a younger woman with long braided black hair, chocolate skin, and light brown eyes. Quincy is a person in their early twenties with dark brown curly hair, cut in a boyish style, freckles cheeks, and vibrant blue-grey eyes.

- Glacies, Dasher, Arrluk, Idris, Lilith, Axel, Pan, Raine, Warren, Hugo, and Zion ; the huskies.

voice claim
Patrick Swayze <3

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

creator Toxi.
  date of creation, 24th January, 2021.

current roleplays None currently. But I am perhaps open to individual either here or pms.

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