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❝ 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓅 𝓁𝑜𝑜𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒷𝑒 𝓈𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝒸𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓁𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝒾𝓉. 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝒻𝒾𝓃𝒹 𝒿𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃. 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝒹 𝓊𝓅, 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀, 𝓀𝑒𝑒𝓅 𝓂𝑜𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑔.❞


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calling ➳ —

birth name Styrbjörn.
pronunciation, St—eer—b—yurn.
sole meaning, 'Styr' is an epithet mostly meaning restless or violent and 'Björn' is a Scandinavian name meaning bear.
origin, His mother, let's say, wasn't the best or most 'caring'. She gave him this name to live with out of spite. However, Styrbjörn has always carried the name in a different manner. It is a powerful name and one that many knew of during his seasoned years as an Eta.

biological sex Male.
gender, Male.
pronouns, He/Him/His

species Canis Lupus.
breed, Mackenzie Valley Wolf.

romantic orientation Homoromantic.
sexual orientation Homosexual.

age 10 years of age.
birth month / time, April 27th
zodiac, Taurus.
birthstone, Diamond.


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base pelage His pelt is predominantly white with faint shading of light cream and shades of grey along his back, tail, and face.
accentuating palate, N/A.

eye shape Slanted and large.
eye color, Deep golden.


— Just going to do a short description.

Styrbjörn is a lofty and towering male of thirty-two inches at the withers. His skeletal structure is thick, sturdy as to hold his layered pounds of seasoned muscle along his shoulders all the way to his hindquarters. His body does appear to be battle worn, with a multitude of tiny scars littered all throughout his pelt and a set of claw marks across the top of his muzzle.



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moral alignment, Lawful good.

inventive or consistent, Inventive.

curious or cautious, Mostly cautious.

efficient or easy-going, Both, depending.

organized or careless, Organized.

energetic or reserved, Reserved.

friendly or challenging, Can be friendly toward the right people. Otherwise, expect him to fix you with a glare.

compassionate or detached, Compassionate in some cases, though has no issue in portraying detachment.

dominant or submissive, Dominant.

logical or emotional, Logical, mostly.

possessive or lenient, Possessive but in a protective and worrisome sense.

sunrise or moonhigh, Moonhigh.

selfish or selfless, Selfless. Man, he can be a frosty grump but he would give up his den or the remainder of his choice pick of a carcass for you should he feel you need it more than him.

food aggressive or generous, Generous.

merciless or merciful, Let's just say certain situations will grant you with a very merciless Styrbjörn.

trusting or skeptical, Mostly skeptical at first.


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— Stybjörn, in general, has seen many years and many things that the average Joe would likely not experience within a life time. Things, that to a regular individual, would likely send their mentality into a downward spiral and end with their presence in some physicatric ward or worse. Death. Yet these said, untold events are what have shaped and molded the brute into the being he is today. Upon first meeting, Styrbjörn is uptight and stiff. Almost as if he were an animal introduced to many unfamiliar faces, tense and ready to strike. He might look upon you with mild distaste, let his gaze devour every inch of your being in a calculating manner. He may turn up short when speaking, as if interest was already lost and he is already willing to brush you off like a flea upon his pelt. Other times, he might look right through you, past you and some place far away in heavy, brooding thought.

— Styrbjörn is a complicated case, though he is not impossible. He does not click with everyone and everyone does not click with him. He is not one for throwing himself into multiple connections and friendships with too many people, seeing as while his own trust issues are quite high towards others, he harbors slight distrust for himself in many cases. Styrbjörn is also not always that friendly. He can be an extremely cold and spiteful asshole when the mood hits him right, which in turn can drive the wrong people off. It takes certain kinds of individuals that are willing to put up with him and are dismissive of his behavior. After all, those people relieve him in some manners and make him a tad more...comfortable, with himself.

As stated previously, he is not an impossible case. Of course, he has many barriers and layers that do take a bit of time and patience to get past. Though once you do, things become easy for both sides. Styrbjörn seems to forget the negative of himself and even does so much as to get comfortable with the behavior and persona of certain people. Believe it or not, he has the capability to tease and strike a sarcastic, cheeky comment here and there, and much prefers if others do so as well so he doesn't feel awkward about himself. Once you've snagged his trust and a place within his frigid heart, you will be gifted with his undying loyalty and support if he deems you worth his time and patience.

— Styrbjörn has lost many things and many people in his lifetime, and has developed an inward fear of losing anyone that gets close. Therefore, this is one of the reasons he harbors a hefty amount of possessive tendencies. Once he is attached, he can't seem to stray too far for too long. While he may not be around, he will always somehow be within reach. He is a dominant figure, making for another cause of his possessive nature and the need to have a sliver of control in multiple situations. With possessiveness comes protectiveness, and protective, he most certainly is. It's as if his life no longer concerns him as much as another's. He's a deadly force to be reckoned with who will place you on the receiving end of his wrath before a word is uttered.

And, my friends, he plays dirty.

anatomical, —

Fears Being unable to provide any sort of aid or protection to some. In other words, he would shatter if something tragic happened to a close figure in his life and he couldn't do anything about it.

Stat records,

hearing, 7/10 ; it's kind of dulled over the years but not by much.
sight, 8/10 ; it isn't keen but it is still quite sharp.
smell, 9/10
stamina, 6/10 ; this has certainly declined over the years.
defense, 8/10
offense, 8/10
cold endurance, 9/10
heat endurance, 5/10
swimming, 7/10
bite force, 1200 psi.
feral,  100%
intellect, 9/10 ; man's got years on his back.
wariness toward humans, 10/10
dominance, 10/10


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sire Taarak.
anatomy and relationship,

Taarak was a towering canid, equipped with a sturdy skeletal build packing layers of bulging muscle at the biceps and hindquarters. He was known for his thick pelt of solid, untainted alabaster. Taarak was born with a extremely rare case of albinism, therefore his pawpads and nose were a light pink as well as around his eyes. His eyes were a rather odd coloration of what appeared to be a soft pinkish-red mixed with a tinge of pale foggy blue.

— Taarak made sure to remain involved in his children's life as much as he could outside of his duties as an Eta. His free time was spent visiting the nursery where Styrbjörn and his siblings were for the first few months of their lives, teaching them and telling them stories of his adventures and the battles he fought in. Styrbjörn loved his father and their overall relationship was simply fulfilling. He ended up seeing his father retire to the position of Gamma and was there at his bedside within the Iota's den as he drew his final breath and succumbed to his age in peace.

dam Valdis.
anatomy and relationship,

Valdis was nearly equal in size and loftiness to Taarak, though she lacked a full, voluminous pelt that would have served as a contributing factor to size. She was toned and fit, possessing a coat of alabaster mixed with an ashy shading of silver, light greys and dark greys upon her back accompanied by bits of black. Her eyes were a deepened shade of golden-amber. Valdis always held a cold, venomous glare upon her face. At least as far as Styr could remember. It was a look to match the 'devil' that seemed to lay within her. There was most certainly no life to them and Styrbjörn would never know if there had ever been at one time.

— Styrbjörn may not have known his mother before he was born, but Taarak surely did. She was the absolute love of his father's life and the only other wolf that his world revolved around. They had known each other since they were young trainees in their first year of Eta training. After they became mates they had planned for pups and a year or so later, Valdis became pregnant. However, unfortunately, that is around the time she fell ill. Even to this day, it is unknown exactly what overtook Valdis but it certainly made her behavior do a complete 360. There were a couple of instances where she attempted to harm herself whilst carrying the pups and Taarak had no choice but to have her guarded in the Iota's den. Even there, it was héll simply trying to get her to eat and nurture herself and the children. The pups were finally born, healthy, though Valdis was in no condition to nurse them. In consideration of the pup's safety, they were given to another mother to nurse until they were weened. A few days after their birth, Valdis fell victim to a seizure during the late hours of the night and the Iota was never able to bring her back from it. So Styrbjörn never knew his mother and has only the fond memories and stories shared by his father that truly represent who she was before she got sick.

siblings Lagos, Crinsom, Neviah.
anatomy and relationship,

— Lagos ;

Crinsom ;

Neviah ;

Styrbjörn had an average relationship with his siblings. Of course, they all grew and did their own thing. Lagos joined him on the path of becoming an Eta while Crinsom and Neviah were once Lambdas.

step-kin ➳ —
anatomy and relationship, —

love interest ➳ —
anatomy and relationship,

mate(s) Jeremiah.
anatomy and relationship,

Jeremiah was a fairly average built wolf, though he lingered more on the lean and nimble side of the spectrum. He was a beautiful brown phase wolf with a pelt of predominantly dark umber coloring mixed and blended into various shades of lighter browns and black along his legs, ears, and some of his tail. His eyes were a warm honey-golden that always held a kind, welcoming twinkle to them.

— Styrbjörn met Jeremiah when they were fresh trainees, much alike to how his father met his mother. They quickly became rather good friends, as Jeremiah's outgoing nature helped to sort of gradually pull Styr out of his reclusive comfort zone over time. More or less, he did weasel his way into his heart. Jeremiah was Styr's peace of mind and the person he came to for everything. They literally became insuperable, from wandering out into the forest for their daily afternoon walks after training, to racing through the snow covered fields and up to the slopes in a frantic rush to catch the sunset and then end their night together by watching the northern lights put on a show. Even as Jeremiah chose the Lambda path, that obviously didn't sever a single tie between the two. It was around that time that they had gotten serious; Styr took Jeremiah to be his mate. His soulmate. They were together through everything; having adopted a single pup that had been discovered by a patrol of Etas. Jeremiah grew old with him, however, he became deathly sick one unforgiving winter and passed after a week.

offspring Kairos.
anatomy and relationship,

Kairos is around 5 years old by now. He and Styrbjörn have a very deep bond and connection, especially after Jeremiah passed. Styr loves him deeply and is still rather fiercely protective over him to this day, despite how Kairos is fully capable of fending for himself.

friends ➳ —
anatomy and relationship, —


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fun facts
Styrbjörn, in his prime, was a lethal Eta of the North Pack. He found his rush and purpose protecting his pack and within the battlefield and you can bet your ass he was keen at what he did. So he may be older now, but don't think for a second he's lost all the fight in him. In other words... Stybjörn is not the Gamma who's buttons you should push because he will indeed surprise you.

— He absolutely adores pups and younger trainee wolves. He'll happily gather all of the pups from the nursery to entertain and give their parents a break for the day.

— Styrbjörn prides himself on his ability to tell stories and legends. Though, he likes to put an entertaining twist to them and may or may not find some way to act some of the stories out for the little pups.
voice claim Idris Elba <3

creator Toxi.
date of creation, 25th March, 2021.

current roleplays 'BURNING PILES'

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