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chapter five, spiderman to the rescue

Maya stands next to Mj waiting to get on the bus to go to DC.

"Hey, it's Peter." Abe said catching the attention of Maya.

"Guys." Peter said looking at everyone.

"Peter?" Liz said as Maya continued eyeing the boy still confused on his sudden rush to leave the party.

"Yeah, I was hoping maybe I could rejoin the team."  He said. Maya smiled at that happy that Peter finally decided to join the team again. When Flash heard this he moved towards Peter not wanting to lose his spot on the team.

"No, no way. You can't just quit on us, stroll up, and be welcomed back by everyone." Flash said clearly annoyed by the presence of Peter. Mr Harrington walked out the bus noting Peter standing there within the group of students.

"Hey, welcome back, Peter. Flash, you're back to first alternate." Mr Harrington said cheerfully


"Haha, he's taking your place" Maya said laughing at the fact Flash lost his spot to Peter. Michelle looks up annoyed that they are still standing there.

"Excuse me, can we go already? 'Cause I was hoping to get in some light protesting in front of one of the embassies before dinner, so." She spoke up

"Protesting is patriotic. Let's get on the bus." Mr Harrington said as everyone piled onto the bus taking their seats.

"I want to go home and watch movies" Maya said to Mj as they got off the bus walking into the lobby of the hotel. Maya and Mj walked up to the front desk grabbing a pass so they can share a room.

Both girls walked off and as she was walking past the group Peter waved at making her wave and smile back. Mj saw this interaction and elbowed her sister as they walked to their room.

As they entered the room, closing the door and setting the stuff down, they both sat on a bed each looking at each other.

"Whats happening with you are Parker?" Mj spoke up looking at Maya with a questioning look.

"I don't really know. We haven't really spoke since the party." Maya said as she put her phone on the bedside table. "I like him, I'll admit that. But there's this feeling inside me that's he's keeping something from me."

"I'm sure he has a reason to keep that from you." Mj said trying to keep it a secret that Elliot had told her that Peter was spiderman

"I know but he's always busy now" Maya said. "Like what important things does Mr Stark make him do that he can't take one break and study with me."

"Maybe-" Mj quickly started before stopping not knowing what to say. "He's smart maybe he has him doing the taxes."

"He probably has a million workers to do that for him. Why a teenage boy?" Maya asked

"I don't know rich old men do some crazy stuff" Mj said before turning around to grab her book

"Yeah." Maya said quietly before laying down on the bed and staring at the roof.

"The next correct answer wins the championship." Maya hits the buzzer annoyed that Peter decided to ditch the decathlon.

"Midtown Tech?"

"Zero." Maya said in an annoyed tone wanting to go home

"That is correct. Midtown takes the championship!" Ned and Mj hug Maya which turns into a group hug everyone happy that they had won.

"Ned" Maya said making Ned turn around to look at her "Where is Peter? He wanted to be on the team again and then boom, he disappears"

"Don't be mad at him I'm sure its just because Mr Stark needed him for something" Ned said

"Sure whatever" Maya said "Its always Mr Stark right?"

"Peter is a very busy man now." Ned said trying to reason with Maya "At least we won"

"Yep." Maya said annoyed and just walked away not wanting to get more annoyed.

As the team stands in the elevator listening to the lady talk about the building Maya hears a noise making her look at the ceiling.

"Oh, my god. Look at the ceiling." Charles said making everyone else look up to see a glowing red crack cut across the elevator ceiling.

"Just stay calm, everyone." Liz said not calming anyone down.

"Oh, we are all going to die here." Abe said making Maya shoot him a look

"If this thing collapses, I'm sacrificing Flash!" Maya says making everyone look at her with a serious look

Flash takes a step forward to Maya making everything move a bit more. "Flash don't take another step." Liz said

"We're freakin' screwed." Charles spoke aloud probably what majority of the people in the elevator were thinking.

"Okay guys, I know that was scary, but our safety systems are working." the tour guide said

"Scared? No way spiderman will save us" Maya spoke fast trying to calm her nerves

The elevator doors open and the park rangers open an opening on the elevator. They grab Cindy first pulling her out of the elevator "Lets go. give me your hand." Majority of the class was out and it was just Flash, Ned, Mr Harrington and Maya left.

"Okay, who's next?" Mr Harrington said. Maya prepared to go up sticking to her comment before of sacrificing Flash before getting shoved out of the way by him.

"Me, it's my turn!" Flash yells grabbing Mr Harringtons shoulder to climb up taking the trophy with him.

"Flash, seriously? What are you doing?" Ned asked wanting everyone to get out safely

"Don't worry about the trophy." Cindy said and Flash's main concern was himself and the trophy. Flash climbs through the hatch of the elevator making the elevator shake.

"Take my trophy!" Flash yells as the elevator still shakes under his feet.

Peter in his spiderman suit swings in just as the elevator roof breaks making it start to go down.

"Holy shit." Maya yells "Oh my god i'm gonna die"

Spiderman shoots a web onto the falling elevator then braces his feet against the doors of the shaft in an attempt to stop the elevator, and when it did they all jolted in the elevator

"I did it! Whoa!" Peter exclaims, surprised by the strength he as. The doors break loose, and Peter falls with the elevator. Peter falls through the ceiling on his back after it catches on a beam. The elevator begins to drop again after the impact destroys a wheel. Peter stops the elevator's descent by shooting a web through the hole in the ceiling. Peter grabs the strand of web and tries to make his voice sound different as he helps his friends calm down while hanging upside down with his feet braced on the elevator ceiling.

"Ahem. Hey, how you doing? Don't worry about it. I got you." Peter says

"Yes! Yes!" Ned exclaims swinging his fist in joy and relief making the whole elevator shake.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, big guy, quit moving around."

"Sorry, sir. So sorry."

With Peters web still attached to the roof he slowly pulls the elevator up as it slowly reaches an upper floor.

"Mr. Harrington, go. Ned, come on." Cindy says

"Alright. This is your stop." Peter says to everyone in the elevator

"Come on, Maya." Ned says as the elevator begins to bend up Peters feet.

"Go, go, go. Everybody out! Move it, people. Move it, move it!" Peter exclaims trying to save everyone as fast as possible. Maya reaches out to Mr Harringtons outstretched hand but before she can grab it the elevator falls.

"Maya!" Mr Harrington yells. As the elevator falls Peter webs Mayas wrist making her dangle from it.

"You're okay. You're okay." Peter said softly as he pulls her up by the web and takes her hand. As Peter helps Maya to safety his webs start slowly snapping.

"Come on up. Come on, you guys, stay back. Come on in. Come on in." Mr Harrington says to all the students

"So, uh, is everyone okay?" Peter says making Maya nod at him. Maya and Peter are staring at each other well Maya stares at the mask until the web snaps making Peter drop. Everyone looks down into the shaft as he falls.

"Thank you." Mr Harrington yells out.

Flash peers down the elevator shaft yelling "Are you really friends with Peter Parker?"

"Shut up" Maya says slapping his arm before walking away making Flash rub the spot Maya slapped him.

haillie speaks

Maya was trying her
best not to fangirl when
spiderman saved them.

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