Babysitting ~ R.Harem

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Ship : Reverse Harem

Scenario :


"Oh my- for real? You can take care of my baby girl here?" The young mother asked happily, a smile decorating her face. Izuku, also smiling softly at the other female, nodded her head. She clapped her hands together.

"I have a six years old cousin. I have been taking care of her ever since she was born, so I'm quite good at taking care of baby." Izuku assured confidently the mother-- her neighbour. She stared at her baby girl whom she was holding in her arms.

"I see. Thank you, Izuku-chan. You are really helpful! I'm glad I can count on you to look after my baby girl." The mother handed over the small human being to the female greenette. Izuku gently took her from the older woman's arm. The teenager cooed at the baby and she stared at her face with her big, round eyes in response.

She is so cute!!!

The mother gave a basket full of baby's necessities- diapers, formula milk, pacifier, a fresh pair of new clothes, blanket, infant first aid kit, baby wipes and most importantly, of course some toys for the growing baby!

"Here are the baby's goods. I already stuffed everything necessary in this basket! I hope you two will have a good time. Right, Yuki? Aren't you excited? Izu-neechan will be with you all day today!" The mother giggled softly at her daughter. The baby - named Yuki - tugged a small adorable smile as her reply. Izuku's heart melted at this point.

"Alright, I will leave Yuki in your care! See you again, cutie pie." The young mother pecked Yuki's plushy cheek lovingly.


Izuku walked into her luxurious traditional Japanese house as she carried the little infant. Yuki waved her arms at her new caretaker, cooing at the female greenette.

Pops, who was on his way to leave the property, was a bit surprised to see his grandchild carrying a baby. "Ah, Grandpa! Are you going out?" Izuku greeted her grandfather gleefully.

Pops suddenly froze in total shock. His body turned into a soulless white statue, not a word leaving his mouth. Confused, Izuku tilted her head. Yuki also tilted her head, imitating the teenager's action.

"Izuku... Who is the father of the child...? Why did you never told me you got pre-"


Shocked and embarrassed, Izuku accidentally yelled at Pops, face went ablaze with hot flame. Her face was as bright as tomato, body heating up from mortification.

"This baby is our neighbor's kid! I offered to look after her while her mother was out running some errands."

The green-haired female exhaled a deep sigh of exhaustion, panickally explained the truth to the middle-aged man. Pops also huffed out a small sigh of relief. He almost thought one of his subordinates got his precious grandchild pregnant.

"Anyway, I gotta go now. See you again, Grandpa. Do your best at work!"

Izuku pulled a smile on her lips for Pops before jogging over to the living area, where all top yakuzas hanging out around this time. She was planning to surprise them.

Peeking through the slightly open door, Izuku saw all the young men. One of them was yelling at everyone else -- mostly Kendou arguing with Tengai. The calm male had stopped him from picking a fight with their other comrades.

Ah, here they go again. Whenever I'm away, they will immediately start fighting.

Shaking her head in amusement, Izuku pushed open the door. All attentions were focused on the young lady now. "Hey guys!" She started, walking into the living room.

Their eyes twitched in this disbelief at this sight. IZUKU. WAS CARRYING. A BABY.

Shin suddenly shot up from the chair he was sitting on. He pulled out his glock, ready to kill his target. "Young Lady, tell me... Who the hell impregna-"

"OH MY GOD, NEMOTO-SAN! Calm down! This baby isn't mine!"

Izuku panickally interfered the bowler hat-wearing man before everything went out of control. Shin took a deep breath, eventually calming down his anger. He seated himself back in the chair.

All of a sudden, Yuki started crying. Her cries erupted through the entire room, annoying some of the yakuzas. Izuku patted her body softly, knowing it was time to feed the hungry baby.

"Shh, okie okie. I will feed you now. Setsuno-san, can you help me?"

Izuku turned to face the goldenette. Toya lifted his head up from his phone and obediently walked over to the milady.

"What can I help you with?"

"Hold Yuki for me for a bit. I wanna prepare her milk."

Izuku handed over Yuki to the young man. He nervously scooped the little fragile body in his arms, hazelnut eyes fixed on the adorable chubby face. Tears were still streaking down her cheeks.

"Hey, little one. Shh...
Shh..." Toya only tried to calm her down, considering he didn't know what to do actually in this kind of situation. He never had any experience babysitting a kid, let alone a baby.

Seeing Yuki's face, a thought suddenly popped up in his mind. A thought that seemed ridiculous, but the masked man couldn't stop thinking of it.

He was wondering how his children would look like if he did build his own family with Izuku-

Toya mentally slapped his face, embarrassed by the idea showing up in his head. He continued to rock Yuki as an attempt to distract himself from the absurd thought.

At last, Izuku came back with a bottle of pure white milk. Yuki reached out her arms to Izuku, hungry for the milk. She smiled softly at the baby and took her from Toya. The kind girl fed the baby with the formula.

Kendou had been watching Izuku and Yuki for a while. Somehow, he stayed quiet and didn't cause any ruckus. The moment his eyes laid on the two innocent figures, he was wondering.

Seeing her with a baby sparked an unknown emotion in him.

Kendou loved kids so much. They loved it when they climbed on his shoulders, playing around him. So to see Izuku and a baby together, made him smiled softly.

Damn, I wanna have kids with her now.

Maybe I will kidnap her one day so Overjerk won't disturb us-
The thought made the ex-fighter snorted. Kidnapping Izuku meant death itself. Welp, looked like he had to work hard to win over her heart.

Shin was also observing the curly-haired lady. She was patting Yuki's back, trying to get her to burp since she just finished drinking the formula milk. A soft burp escaped the baby's little mouth. Izuku chuckled heartily, before rocking Yuki again.

The Confession Quirk user decided to take a closer look of the small human being. Izuku smiled when he came over to them.

"Why did you pat her back just now?"

"Oh, I'm trying to get her to burp. It is something a mother must do after she finished breastfeeding or feeding her baby."

Izuku gladly answered his question. Shin hummed in understanding, his eyes beneath the mask studying the baby's face.

Baby... Is so innocent... Young Lady too.

I don't really like kids... But if it is my kids with Young Lady... I guess I don't mind having one.

Dang, what is wrong with me? Thinking like that.

And these trio continued to daydream of having kids with their milady...


"Oh, who is this little cutie here?"

Hari spoke up cheerfully when he saw Izuku holding Yuki. Kai just stared at the infant in distaste, disliking her presence.

Kai and Hari were the exact opposite.

This germaphobic yakuza despised children a lot.

While the soft-hearted right hand-man adored innocent children.

"Hey, Hari, Kai! Welcome back! And oh, this cutie here is Yuki-chan. Yuki-chan, say hi~"

Izuku held the small hand of Yuki and waved it to the two yakuzas. Hari, excited to see the baby, walked over to the two girls quickly. He extended his hand to Yuki, smiling at her.

Yuki grasped one of his big fingers with her small hand. Her action made Izuku went all AWWWW.

"So cute!"

"She is a clever one."

Hari praised Yuki sincerely, his gaze meeting with her curious one.

"Can I hold her, Izu?"


Izuku handed over Yuki to her childhood friend. The female baby extended her arm to touch his arrow-shaped lock, which made him chuckled.

"You are always gentle at taking care of children. I have no doubt you will make a good father, Hari."

The young woman stated happily, her eyes close in joy. Hari turned beet red, but maintained his composure.

"T-thank you, Izu..."

Kai just silently observed his two childhood friends interacting with each other. It annoyed him that both of them loved kids, while he disliked these little creatures.

Dang, how he felt left behind. But again, this wasn't their fault.

Nonetheless, he still wished to have a family with the Izuku. Probably, if he has his own kids with the woman he loved, he won't hate them anymore.

"Oh, it is time! Yuki-chan's Mommy will be back soon enough. I better go to her house now."

Carefully, Izuku carried Yuki back in her arms. "Let's go back to your mommy, okay?"

With that, Izuku went out to visit her neighbor again, and to return Yuki to her mother.

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