Chapter Two... should I really be doing more of this???

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We went into the mermaid town where they were giving away cinnamon rolls and t-shirts for free. I took a cinnamon roll from the bakery and, amazingly, it was still dry. I went into the hotel and my breath caught. The lobby was lit by glowing seashells placed decoratively around the room. The front desk was made of colorful coral and the room gave an aura of calmness and peace. I booked a room for the night and swam to the elevator. The mirror paneled elevator was playing a catchy Taylor Swift song as I ascended to the top floor and went to room three hundred and ninety-four. I put on an 'I LOVE MERVILLE!' t-shirt from the stores and went to sleep on a comfy coral bed. In my dream that night, I was in a beautiful underwater cottage of my own. I had bought some decorations and placed them all around the small rooms.

The next morning, I went and started looking at cottage prices but I would not have enough sand dollars for any of them after I paid for my hotel room. I found a free newspaper to look for jobs in but as I was looking through it, a Mars Bar wrapper was flung past me. I looked up and saw San Francisco's garbage being dumped all over Merville! I knew I had to stop the people from dumping their waste into the ocean. I went above water and thought ,"If only I could gather all the bees in the world together to make a stand for the environment. Then we could scare those people silly" I didn't know if I could do it alone. I mean, sure, I could scare some teenage girls, but teenage girls aren't grown men. Grown men who are perfectly okay with ruining their planet. I knew I couldn't do it alone so I went to all of the nearby gardens and fields of flowers and rounded up as many bees as I could. The next morning, we swarmed the area where they come to dump garbage and wrote messages in the sand. We watched and waited and when the garbage trucks pulled up, the men got out, read the messages, and laughed. "Joe, can you believe those crazy environmentalists? They actually think that we're going to stop just because they want us to." The men laughed some more and ran over our messages. We were all really mad bees and the men had left their windows rolled down. We swarmed around the truck and some of us went in. The truck drove away and we all gathered by the edge of the water again. We had done it! We made the stop dumping their waste in the water! I returned to Merville and was made rich and famous. I used my money to buy a cottage and some decorations. I kept half of the rest in savings and donated the rest to foundations all over the world. I have lived in my cottage ever since then. Twice a year, I use half of my savings to have fundraisers and earn more money to donate.

AN: wow... just... wow. I can't believe I wrote this. I just... whyyyyyyyy.......... wow. this story is very... erm... interesting??? idk. I had to hold myself back from smacking my head on the desk repeatedly while I typed this. I just... wow... this story is so old... I wrote this soooo long ago. I think I had to do it for an English assignment where I had to write a fiction story confronting environmental issues in the world??? and this monstrosity is what I came up with??? wow...

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