No one Won that Day

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With a loud thumb my back hit the ground. Air was pushed out of my lungs violently, I choked and looked up with eyes on the verge of tears, but I wouldn't let them fall.

I didn't even have the time to scream when your staff pierced my skull with a nasty crunch.

The sounds of my bones breaking and blood leaking out, echoed in my head and the world started to spin around before my other eye.

I heard a scream that died as soon as it began. Choked, and full of pain.

It took me a moment, before I realized it was me who screamed. And then a grave silence fell on this battlefield we made. My body was twitching in spasms, and over me towered you; breathing heavily, eyes not present, glowing a menacing gold.

Then the staff was removed with a disgusting crunch, but I didn't feel pain anymore.

My body was moved, and I was lying limb in your arms now. I think you were shaking and holding me tight, but I didn't feel a thing. I couldn't feel your touch anymore. Were you crying, Wukong? Were you regretting what you had done? Or were you still angry with me, even now..?

I wonder what was going through your head at that moment. My ears still could catch the sound of your cry and I too wished to cry now, but I was unable.

You took my face in your hands and tried to clean it off my blood, but it wouldn't stop leaking from the hole you made.

I looked to the sky, my vision so blurry, I could barely recognize your shape. I wish I could close my eyes; it wasn't the sight I wanted to be engraved in my memory of you.

But as I heard your cries, my ears twitched in a last spasm before my soul was dragged into the Diyu. I tried so hard to cling to my body, blue chains were holding me tight, pulling me hard away from you. And when I hear the sadness and pain in your voice, all those miningles now apologies and pleads; I understood. "You lost it." I thought in my head. You lost the fight; the future you wanted to fight for, and then there was more "Well, we lost it." It occurred to me and my soul cried out your name. Because this is not what I wanted too.

Since all I hear now, all that has happened - means you failed as my friend and I failed as yours as well. This should have never happened, but it did and there is nothing we can do anymore. No choices to make from now on.

Oh what a failure of a Warrior I am, and so you are of a Hero, my dear Sun.

But you will live and learn to be better one day, move on eventually. Forget me at some point of your immortal life. I hope you do. Yet my story ends here and I'll be buried along our bond, that was supposed to be an unbroken one and eternal. Turns out all those promises we made were nothing more but a childish wish of two naive souls...

The Sun swallowed the Moon, burning it when it got too close, until there was nothing more to burn. But the Moon is at fault just as much, as he felt the fire from afar and still decided to follow this path.

And now we're both alone; you in life and I in death.

And as I rot in the ground I'll lose my eras and silence will welcome me for the first time in my existence. I am curious and scared.

First pair that rots and falls off will be the future one. After all, there is no future for me any more. It's not all that bad, I'm just a bit sad I won't be able to follow you and be by your side. Not that it matters. Hearing any more of your cries and pain would be a curse anyway.

I think I'm thankful I can't hear you above my grave anymore. You stopped coming there. Was it out of guilt? Resentment, perhaps? Or have you already forgotten about me? Well the present was to rot away soon too.

All I heard were worms and bugs, swirling through the earth and my rotting body. I could hear thumps of animals above the ground too, walking and running on the surface. And one day I'll stop hearing that too. Second pair of ears will fall off as well.

I'm looking forward to that day, because then only the past will remain and I'll hear your sweet, cheerful laughs once again. Oh I miss them so so much. I'm waiting for that moment, I want it to be the last thing I hear. I will cherish those sounds, before the grave silence catches up to me.

But silence won't be peace for me. My soul no matter how long won't be able to rest, because I failed you. I failed as a Warrior, as a friend and as the Moon.

I don't feel anger towards you, you know? There is no place for such feelings in a dead man's heart. Those are feelings of the living one's and if I ever were to come back, I'm sure I couldn't be angry with you for too long. I always had a weak spot for you; too bad you didn't had such a thing for me.

Eternity without you... Only regret will be my company; of things I didn't get to say to you; of choices I didn't make; of all I didn't do, because of my own stupidity and anger. I will never be free of these regrets, and they will hold me in Diyu forever, away and apart from you.

I wish I chose differently my King, my Sun, my dearest Wukong. I wish I was better for you, and I'm sorry.
I'm so so sorry...

The day I died, no one won the fight.
We both had lost.



Prompt for today: "You lost it. Well, we lost it."


Yeah so it was that mandatory Macaque's death fic-

See ya tomorrow!


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