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"Listen. I get it. You're angry and you have every right to be-" Wukong sighed trying to calm his own annoyance at this never ending conflict.

"You so don't get it!" Macaque hissed back. He was tired with this fight as well, but anger and remorse were such emotions you can't reason with. They act like fuel and make you act before thinking, pushing you to run on this engine of rage and pain; racing head to head with mistakes and consequences.

"Then talk to me." he clenched his arms, his voice breaking "Tell me what is broken so I could fix it." the stone monkey begged, an avalanche of feelings falling upon his shoulders, and he didn't know how long he could hold it back.

Macaque looked at him, with his mouth slightly open and eyes wide, before anger overcame his shock again "No, you won't understand, ever." he barked out "If you were blind for so long, my explanation won't help." he hissed with venom dripping from his words.

"Ugh, stop being so fucking difficult!" Wukong shouted back "I'm trying to fix us! Why are you so stubborn?!" his tail ruffled in frustration.

"You're the one to talk. Stones for brains." Six Eared spitted out.

"Uh, why do I even bother. You were the one that left, you were the one to attack me!" the Sun growled angrily, his body trembled with rage.

Little did he know he just sparkled a wildfire of wrath in Macaque's soul.

"You pushed me away!" he growled, getting into the stone monkey's face "You were the one that was an annoying shit when I tried to be there for you!" he pushed him back, palms flat against his chest "Don't act like I just left out of nowhere." another push that Wukong didn't block, too stunned to act "I endured so much of your bullshit! So many of your disgusted looks, shouts and insults!" Wukong's back reached the wall "And even after all your shit I still checked up on you, you know? From the shadows, not to fucking upset your Highness with my presence!" he mocked "When you got freed I searched for you. I dedicated my life to you! And when I finally found you, you were tortured by that monk! How the fuck would I know you two were suddenly besties?!" Wukong opened his mouth to argue "I didn't finished." Macaque hissed "Tell me, how was I supposed to know that the dude you were forced to protect would be more important than me, your friend? How do you expect me to feel after you turned the bond we shared for years, the bond I cherished the most in my life, into nothing! You're the one that left Wukong! Not me!" he bared his fangs at the other and punched him in the chest, but the fist was trembling too much to do any real damage.

Wukong looked at him for a few seconds, dumbfounded and processing all the information he was just attacked with "I... you're not angry, because I killed you..?" he blurted out.

"See? You still don't get it..." he laughed weakly, tears slowly strolling from his eyes "Wukong, I was prepared to die for you from the start. Death never scared me, and yeah, that's not the nicest experience, but... It hurt me way more to lose you," he rested his forehead on the Sun's chest "to lose what we had, than to die, even by your hand..." he murmured as if he wasn't talking to him anymore and just thinking out loud.

They stood there for a moment or two. Macaque tired, after just getting all of that out of his chest, not knowing what more to add, and Wukong overwhelmed by everything that was said, not knowing how to respond.

"...can I ever make it up to you? After this I'm not-" Wukong felt the guilt on his back heavied and the thought that maybe he doesn't deserve to try fixing it all poisoned his mind, but he was cut off by Macaque's hands suddenly on his cheeks, making him look in the other's eyes.

"Yes." he stated, and tears fell from the dirty gold in another wave "Please..." oh, it was so silent and weak; a whisper of his past friend, broken from under all those years of resentment "I'm still so full of anger and pain... I know I'm difficult to deal with too... but please... Sun, don't give up on us..." he pleaded, his hands trembling against the other's skin and Wukong's ears perked up at this.

The Sun smiled softly through the tears, and placed his own hands on top of Macaque's "I won't." he stated, finally seeing hope for them in all that storm of emotions "I'll be bothering you for as long as it's needed for you to forgive me and for me to forgive you." he squeezed the others hands.

Six Eared smiled back through the tears as well "Fuck, we're both so broken..." he laughed weakly "But I'm looking forward to that bothering." he added in stronger tone.

The Sun and The Moon surely needed time and patience to reconcile, but more than anything, they needed each other. 



Prompt for today: "No, you won't understand, ever."


Mmmm, shadowpeach my bloved.

See ya tomorrow!


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