Yet another Fight

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It was yet another fight between them. First time they met after that beach-event and it took them only ten minutes after MK left them alone to fall back into their venomous dance.

It started as always with a few jabs that soon turned way too personal for their liking and then the hands were thrown. Right after that they were on the floor fighting, growling and screaming over each other.

There wasn't really anything new to that fight. Punches stinged the same and would leave some bruises later, and the words cut deep; a fuel for boiling in them rage and all other pent up emotions. Throwing accusations and insults at each other, not really listening to the other.

Just to make the other hurt. Just to make him feel the pain the other felt. Just to see him suffer for own twisted satisfaction in hope it would cure the other's own shattered heart. Not seeing they both shared the same pain already; that it was just two sides of the same, cursed coin.

"It wasn't like this!" Wukong fell into defense, rubies were inflamed with anger and pain as he towered over Macaque. His Shadow always knew just the right words to break him. As if his soul purpose was to taunt him.

But somehow Macaque bit his tongue this time before spatting yet another insult. There was something awfully familiar in this position, in way too many ways and he could feel his heart stop for a bit or two.

He looked into the others eyes, dirty gold reflecting the anger of those rubby eyes above. Thousand thoughts ran through his head in that second and then he decided.

"Fine," he said bitterly "explain it to me." he challenged, almost spitting those words out.

"What?" Wukong blinked in confusion, taken off guard completely by what the Shadow said.

"Explain. Go on." he hurried him, getting his hands out of Sun's grip and crossing them over his chest "If you're so sure I don't understand your point of view, then explain it to me and change it." he added, furrowing his brows.

Monkey King looked at the monkey beneath him, his insides twisting and mind going blank from the stress that suddenly rose in him.

"I-... You wouldn't get it..." he said, running away with his gaze.

"Right. Forgive me my King as I am just a mare Warrior who can't wrap his head around such complicated matter." he snarled with sarcasm to which the stone monkey growled, but before another nasty insult could be throwed and their pointless fight would continue, Macaque added "So you rather I hate you, than explain to me and at least try to make me understand?" no matter how much he tried he couldn't mask the pain in his voice "Or was it just an excuse and you don't have a good reason after all?" he mocked.

"No, I-... Listen-" Wukong's hand wandered to his own forehead, fingers going between the rusty fur.

"No. You listen, because this way we won't get anyway with that." Six Eared sat up, but didn't move away from Wukong that was still sitting on his legs "You're a liar Wukong. The worst of the kind there is, because you lie even to yourself." he shook his head "You don't want to explain this to me not because you think I won't understand. I can see the fear in your eyes because you know I will understand, and you fear I'll still hate you. Because you hate yourself." he looked at the King.

"If you think pity is-" Wukong growled in a warning, tightening his fists, but then glamur fell from Macaque's face, revealing the nasty scar and a milky white eye, efficiently shutting the King up.

"I don't pity you. I'm angry Wukong. Angry and hurt... just like you are." he sighed annoyed, not really at Wukong, more at himself for not being able to talk calmly about it, for not being able to find the right words and speak without that bitterness and poison in his voice... for not being able to help his friend and reconcile "But I can explain myself. I can monologue hours about why I did things I did. I can admit to my wrongs and stay behind what I think I did right." he continued "But you? You just say 'it wasn't like that' or 'you don't understand' as if that was a good argument." he laughed a bit hysterical before clearing his throat and calming himself slightly.

"I-" Wukong tried to say something but his voice was too weak and broke.

"But." he took a deep breath and looked away "I also know it's not your fault. Not entirely. I know... I heard countless times how your opinion, your reasoning was neglected on that Journey. How no one believed you, even when you were telling the truth and how you were punished either way."

"It wasn't-" he wanted to argue, instinctively needed to protect his master.

"I can tell when you're lying Wukong. You know that." his ears twitched, glamur falling off of them as well "I can see how every time you're trying to start explaining yourself you furrow your brows as if your head hurt, or how your touching your forehead and mane, searching for something that isn't there anymore." he looked at where King's hand was placed.

Wukong bit his lip, looking away. Pain and shame twisted his face. Was he really that obvious with that? Was he that weak he was still affected by his past? Or was Macaque truly that observant and knew him this well even after so many centuries?

"The point is," he sighed seeing the concern and anxiety growing in the rusty monkey's eyes "I don't need you to lie to me. I'm not gonna punish you for telling me your point of view Wukong." he assured, his voice more soothing now.

"I don't understand... What do you want..?" he asked weakly, lost in all that the other was telling him. Lost in all that, what was going on in his head, so he tried to focus on his Shadow's voice.

"I want the truth, your truth Wukong. I want you to tell me everything." Macaque took his hands in his, away from the rusty mane, making Wukong look at him.

"...what if you hate me? What if my reasons aren't good enough?" he asked, his tail flicking in an anxious tick.

"I don't care whether those were good or bad reasons. I just want to understand." Six Eared said, allowing the other to tangle the rusty tail with his own "I can be angry, hurt and sad, but I won't hate you. I can promise you this much." he assured and that was all assurance Wukong needed.

And just like that they talked. Finally, after such a long time, they were able to listen and understand one another.



Prompt for today: "Fine. Explain it to me."


I wrote it on a train on my way to Krakow :D

See ya tomorrow!


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