Energy Rush

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MK, Mei and Red Son shenanigans.Just some silly, short story for the start of this year' Fictober :D

It's post season 5, but no worrires there is no spoilers here.

Today's prompt: "that was good work"

Have fun!



The forest around was quiet. Animals were still wary of making noise after a spectacle of just pure chaos in the clearing. Punches were thrown, cracking the ground, screams tore the air, and waves of power shook the tall trees.

From the clearing light and two flames glowed, dancing in this terrifying performance of pure power. Just to, after a few hours, stop. Suddenly, and for any bystander, with no reason at all.

"That was good work." chirped MK stretching side to side with a long grin on his lips.

"More like an attempt at murder!" huffed Red Son, leaning forward and panting hard, "You two are savages!" he exclaimed looking at the other two. He now knew what 'curiosity killed a cat' meant. He just wanted to see what those two training sessions looked like. Not have a full-on death battle.

"Pfft, whaaat?" Mei laughed as small magenta flames still danced on the edges of her clothes and skin; not really burning anything, just decorating her like petals decorate the flower "Don't be so dramatic." she chuckled as she slipped her sword into a scabbard on her back.

Red Son felt his hair ablaze again, but he only huffed in frustration and started to dust off his clothes from all the dirt and ashes it coughed during their fight.

"Oh! We can go to the arcade now!" MK exclaimed with enthusiasm, his tail going straight up with his excitement.

"YEAH!" Mei's eyes shined, mirroring the boy's energy.

Red Son looked at them with disbelief for a moment as they started to debate, or rather lightly argue, over what they should play first.

"Where do you get all this energy?!" he asked, letting his hair down to comb it into a perfect ponytail again. It got a bit messy during their training session.

"I guess we all needed a bit of rebounce from what happened." Mei shrugged and looked at MK jumping at his back and hugging him aggressively "Especially our monkey boy!"

"Meeiiii!" MK whined while laughing as he tried to get the dragon girl off of his back. To no avail, as her hugs were known for their strength and deadlines.

Red Son looked at them, rolling on the ground and laughing. A small, fond smile passed his lips. He would lie if this unexpected friendship that pulled him in (or more accurately, kidnapped him) wasn't filling him with a pleasant warmth. There was just something so nice in having people he could now rant about his inventions, other than bull clones. Someone who actually liked his company and he also liked company off. Someone who he could fight side by side, have fun but also share his troubles. And it was definitely comforting.

Not that he would ever say any of that aloud... but he was grateful for this unforeseen friendship.

He walked up to MK and Mei as they got a bit away with their struggles "So? What's with that trip to arcade peasants?" he asked and smirked as they both looked at him with literal sparkles in their eyes.

They suddenly stood up from the ground, and to his surprise picked him up. Mei by legs and Mk by torso. And just started to run with him toward the city, giggling and laughing despite his screams of embarrassment and demands to put him down.

Red Son started to regret his decision. He needs to learn to not hype those two endless pits of energy trapped in the flesh.

He will learn. Eventually.

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