Found, not Funded

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MK wanted to help Wukong and Macaque get along again,
unfortunately he misunderstands Mei.

Today's prompt:
"No, we're not doing that." 



"No, we're not doing that." Macaque shook his head firmly.

"I can't believe I'm agreeing with him, but yeah. Not a chance MK." Wukong sighed, shooting the ebony monkey a glare.

"Pleaseeee, Monkey King, you'll see it will be fun!" MK pleaded, pulling out his big puppy eyes card.

"Sorry bud, but spending time with this guy is now fun for me at all." Wukong crossed his arms over his chest.


Yet after not even a whole hour Wukong and Macaque agreed on MK's idea. Just for the sake of the kid, they both told themself. After all, for them doing some trust exercises with each other seemed pointless. The trust that they had lost for one another was not something to be rebuilt with one session of training. But they can at least go with the flow for the kid, at least this once.

"So," Macaque looked at tall, stone doors before them "what exactly are we supposed to do here?" he asked.

"Oh, right! So Mei builded this place!" he exclaimed with excitement "It's supposed to be a temple and it's full of traps! Not sure what treasure she put at the end, but I guess it's supposed to be more about the journey and overcoming obstacles together!" he added with a wide smile, happy his two mentors decided to finally try to get along with each other.

"Speaking of her, where's the Dragon Pony Girl?" asked Wukong, looking around, not really sold on the idea.

"She texted me she's gonna be late." MK shrugged and handed Wukong a walkie-talkie "Here. So you could contact us with questions on trouble."

"Pffsh, not gonna need that. I'll solo that in minutes, bud." Wukong smirked pridefully.

"Noooo, you can't solo that! You gotta do it together Monkey King." whined MK pushing a walkie-talkie into his hands.

"Alright, Aright. I'll try." he sighed with defeat.

MK then turned his big puppy eyes towards Macaque who tried to stay out of this as much as he could "What?" he huffed.

"You will try to work together too, right?" MK pressed, blinking his eyelashes at the ebony monkey.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." he sighed and walked up to the door.

MK hugged them both hard with a squick of excitement and, so when he let go of them, they went past the huge, stone doors.


Inside looked... ancient. Wukong wondered how Mei made it all, and made it look so authentically old at that. He appreciated the art and all, but it also made him feel slightly suspicious.

"Soooo," Macaque suddenly opened his mouth as he walked with his arms behind his head as he walked next to the King "we gonna talk ooor-?" he asked.

"Not in the mood, bud." he sighed. How long was this 'temple' anyway?

And so they walked through the hall and towards the next door in silence. They looked around, not really concerned, after all what could the Dragon Girl come up with, that would actually need them making any effort.

After the next, high, stone door was another hall. As long as the previous one, just with different wall carvings and paintings. Wukong sighed aloud, walking at a pretty confident pace, not even really looking around anymore, focused on the next door.

So when a firm hand grabbed his forearm and firmly pulled him back, making him fall onto the ebony monkey he yelped in surprise. He wanted to first snap at Macaque, and he most likely would if it weren't for a horde of small spikes that shoot from both of the walls right before him, crashing where he stood a moment ago.

He looked back at Macaque in shock, blinking it away fastly and moving off of the Six Eared "And what do you think you're doing?" he asked with a huff.

"Gee, thanks Macaque for saving my dumb ass." Macaque snored with a roll of his eyes, standing up.

"Saving? You are aware I am immortal." Wukong mocked as he dusted himself off.

"Ah, how could I ever forget." he hissed "But maybe if someone wasn't such a selfabsorbed asshole he would realized," he picked up one of the small spikes and run its sharp tip against his own arm, making a scratch that acually bled slightly "that if this stuff wouldn't somehow work on celestials, I wouldn't gave a fuck if you got scratched." he almost growled in annoyance, throwing a small piece at the Monkey King and walking past him, as the spike just dropped down to the ground.

The King stood there frozen in shock for a moment before huffing in annoyance and following after the other. They passed another huge door.

"My money on that MK mixed places or something." Macaque started, as they entered the next room.

"Yeah. Not that it changes anything." Wukong shrugged it off as he looked around the next room. This time his gaze was more wary as they stood before the, most likely, next trap.

"Maybe use that Gold Vision of yours?" Macaque suggested with an unimpressed as he crossed his arms before his chest.

"Right, I keep forgetting about this one." he chuckled, remembering MK does forget about it as well.

"Yeah, I know." he sighed, but as he turned his head away a small, nostalgic smile passed his lips "So? See something interesting?" he asked as the King's eyes glowed gold.

Wukong looked around and nodded "Yeah, there's a hole under the floor. There's some weird liquid I guess... It looks like green goop. Bleh." he furrowed his brows.

"There's this weird pattern on the floor tiles... I assume we have to step only on the right ones." Macaque looked at the tiles furrowing his brows, searching for some clues.

"Oooor, we could pass by it on the wall in your shadows." the Monkey King suggested.

"Oh, that too." Macaque wanted to punch himself for not coming up with this first and so he extended his hand to Wukong. The rusty monkey grabs it with no hesitation to his surprise and they lock their eyes and nod.

It is a mystery to both of them, how despite all the bad blood between them, once in need, they work with each other as a team. As if the trust between was way beyond their bitterness and bikery. As if their friendship still lived deep inside of them.

They're both scared to let in the thought the other cares for them. But in moments like that, all hesitation disappears and soon, like a muscle memory, they both fight hand in hand and overcome obstacles thrown in their way, ready to shield the other with their own body.


"MK!" Mei jumped at her friend, hugging him with excitement.

"Mei!" he chirped back and hugged her tight.

"So? Where are the other two mystic monkeys?" she asked, looking around eagerly.

"Already inside. It was hard enough to make them come here, so I wanted to make them go inside ASAP." he sighed.

"Whaaaat? But I wanted to explore it with you first." she made puppy eyes.

"Huh? What for?" MK looked at her confused.

"'Cause it's some dark, mystic temple! Aren't you curious what's inside?" she shook him by the shoulders.

"What? Wait. Haven't you said you made it?" he asked even more confused "You told me you funded it." he tilted his head to the side.

"FOUND. Not FUNDED." he exclaimed loudly "You're not listening to me." she huffed, shaking her head in disappointment.

"OOOOOOOH, that makes so much more sense." he chuckled and after a moment his face went pale "AWH SHIT! I fucked up sooo much." he looked towards the door as his friend laughed.


Fortunately nobody was hurt in the process. They all laughed about it afterwards.

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