Slight Fright

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Macaque and Wukong decided on watching horror together. None of them expected such an outcome.

Today's prompt:"did you hear that?"



It was a pretty stormy evening. Dark, cold and rainy. The wind blew hard, tormenting the trees and lightnings striked from time to time. All too close for the monkeys' liking, but there wasn't really anything to do about it other than lock inside and wait it out.

Wukong was even so gracious to invite Macaque inside his hut to wait for the storm to pass. Six Eared haven't really commented on it as they sat inside in silence broken only by little monkeys' chirps.

But the silence was a bit... heavy. And it got annoying and uncomfortable pretty soon, so Wukong awkwardly offered to watch a movie together. Of course, the first hour was spent arguing over what to watch. As Macaque was not up for a marathon of Monkey Cop or any other Monkey-King-theme media.

So they settled on horror. Not an old one, but also not the freshest movie, about some old couple wanting to get freaky, but a girl ending up stuck to the bed alone with a dead body in the room, slowly going crazy.

The Monkey King shuffled under his blanket, unconsciously leaning closer to the ebony monkey that was slowly falling asleep anyway. Surprisingly the sound of the rain banging on the roof and windows, wind howling and lightnings striking, were a relaxing symphony that distracted him from his own thoughts and sounds of the past.

He wasn't even all that bothered when he felt a long forgotten warmth and weight of the body that once was practically attached to his back in the better days.

Macaque's mind slowly drifted away as he tried to keep his attention on the screen. Yet moments before he fell asleep, something outside rumbled loudly as if something crashed and fell down. Wukong almost jumped up, looking around and alerted as the ebony monkey fluttered his ears and sat up as well.

"Did you hear that?" Wukong asked, furrowing his brows.

"No." Six Eared deadpanned, "Of course I did, what do you think I have all those ears for?" he asked sarcastically and stretched out, looking out the window, but the heavy rain made it impossible to see anything, "Uh, it's probably just wind anyways." he shrugged and tried to go back to his very much comfortable position on the couch.

Wukong looked out the window as well, "...what if it's not?" he asked, his voice only a notch above a whisper.

Macaque looked at him dumbfounded for a moment at first, but then his lips curled up in a wide, full of teeth, amused smirk "Oh." he hummed, his tail going up "Is our dear, brave Monkey King actually scared?" he mocked playfully, getting an irritated growl and heated look from Wukong. But as the next loud, weird noise striked outside, Sun's fur stood tall and he jumped with a squick.

Macaque laughed at that, but stopped one he got hit with a pillow to the face "If you're so brave all of the sudden, then maybe go check it out yourself?" the King hissed and pouted.

"Outside? To get soaking wet in the rain? Yeah, fat chance." Macaque rolled his eyes and crossed arms over his chest.

"Suuuure, totally not because you're scared too." Wukong pouted. They stare tensely at each other for a longer moment, as if fighting each other with not a single word spoken out.

"Alright. I'll go." Macaque stated suddenly with a simple shrug.

Wukong looked at him like on a complete idiot, shocked Six Eared actually walked up to the front door, but as soon as the ebony monkey's hand rested on the door handle, the rusty monkey gripped his wrist tight.

"Wait!" he huffed, trying to mask his stress and anxiety but failing miserably, "Haven't you learned anything from those horror movies?" he grumbled, "We're not supposed to separate." he added.

Macaque looked at him just in a pure disbelief for a moment, "Wukong, you are aware that it's all just fiction, right?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.

"I- Of course I do!" he huffed defensively but as he bit his lip, Macaque already knew he was lying.

At first he wanted to continue making fun of the King, but that could result in him getting kicked out of the hut. And he already had a nice spot to sleep here, so he decided to act out on that sympathy he had for Wukong from the past.

The ebony monkey had pulled the rusty one back to the couch and sat him down. To the King's confusion he covered his back with a blanket and took a deep breath "Alright. How about that then. I'll listen for any more weird noises around the hut, and you'll check with your golden vision for any sights of intruders, alright?" he suggested, trying to keep his voice soft.

Wukong blinked in surprise, confused more with Macaque's kind approach, than the fact that he forgot he could do that whole golden vision thing.

"And, if there is something, which I doubt, but if there is, then we'll handle it together, right?" he added and had no idea how warm he made Wukong feel with those words.

The Monkey King nodded with a focused look and his eyes glowed gold, "Alright." he started to slowly scan the surrounding view, as Macaque did the same and listened to the noses other than those brought by the storm.

"Well I sure do hear some weird noises from the shed next to the hut." he commented and Wukong was fast to just snap his attention there.

The King slowly started to chuckle, which fastly turned into a full on laughter "What's so funny?" asked a confused Warrior.

"I think I found our little trouble maker." he stood up, "It seems a few of the monkeys didn't make it to the hut in time and found a different shelter." he explained and Macaque stood up as well.

The both exchanged a look. Wukong smiled softly, a thankful gesture and a little blush of embarrassment passed his cheeks. Macaque sighed and smiled back, with a reassuring warmth.

"Well, let's get them inside then." he cut the silence and walked with Wukong to the door. They both weren't really keen on walking out in this weather but they knew the shed wasn't all that steady and they wouldn't leave little ones there.

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