Winds of the Past

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Macaque was resting under his favourite tree until he hears a cry from the past.

Today's propt:"are we happy?"



Six Eared Macaque was laying on the thick branch of his favorite tree. It was centuries old, and it had seen him in many stages of life and all kinds of situations.

Whether it be just chilling, hiding in the shades of leaves before the sun. Letting himself have a little break or meditate to clear his mind from all the nasty noise.

Or babysitting cubs. Letting them hang on him or running with them around, chasing them on the branches.

Or playing around with Wukong. Sparing with him, laughing with him, cuddling with him... kissing with him.

But also crying, having nightmares, hearing things he had not understood. And in this tree he always seeked comfort and peace.

He couldn't really remember why, but it was his favorite place to reminisce. To take a nap or just close his eyes, and just let his ears take him back. Back to the times full for carefree youth, times of dreams about bright future, times untouched by venom and brutality of what was to come.

Macaque shook his head, not wanting his thoughts to wander off and ruin his mood. The weather was too good to be wasted on sulking away. The sun was slowly setting, drowning in the horizon. The soft breeze coming from the water side was soft and fresh. The soft chirps of cubs from the forest above mixed with the lullaby of the birds soothed him into a peaceful slumber.

He hummed softly as he got comfortable on the branch, deciding to take a short nap.

Yet he furrows his brows, as the wind that flickers his ears carries a soft cry. He sights, trying to shake off the sound and focus on the present. To not avail it would seem, as the cry continues. He knows there's no point in fighting it. So he braces himself for whatever is to come, trying to pinpoint what moment he is exactly hearing.

Still, the silent cry just goes on. It's slightly muffled, but from time to time it turns into an angry, but quiet, growl. He lets it go on, until it slowly fades away, and the moment he thinks it actually ended, and he could go back to his nap plans, he hears his own voice.

"...hey, uhm..." it wouldn't really be that odd, if the past-he hadn't spoken to him, "Older me... can you hear me?"

Macaque looks perplexed, had he done it in the past? Tried reaching out to his, then, future self? His frown deepens, as he can't pinpoint when it was...that is until the past-he continues and all he can think is "Oh. THAT day.".

"I'm not sure how far my voice can reach." his voice is a bit raspy from all the crying, "I think I fucked up." he sights, regret palable in his tone "You probably already know that... must be not the best of memories." he tries to joke, but it comes off flat and dry.

There's a bit of a long silence after that. Macaque almost wants to say something to break it, but past-he finally picks up.

"I had a fight with Wukong." he states, his tone bitter "It was... rough." he sniffs quietly "I- I don't know, I just got so- SO angry and said so much stuff... I didn't mean to say all that... I know he's in a tough position, a-and, and that he has every right to be angry." his voice broke down a few times, not able to hold his emotions back "But when he said I always run off and, UGH! I really am trying... I searched so long for a way to get him out! But there's really nothing I can do!" present Macaque can hear he's on the verge of crying again, " I wanted to at least be there for him... somehow make his sentence less painful... I know he hates being alone, I didn't want to leave." he sniffs again, for a moment stopping to compose himself, "But it seems I am as useless as ever. Maybe Peng were right... I sure feel like a coward." the tone turned more bitter.

Another moment of silence fell between them. Macaque remembers that moment like through fog, and wonders, what should he say to his younger self... He wishes he could comfort him, but he can't just change the past. He can't also tell him that it will be fine, he is aware what events happen later, and none of it could be called 'fine'.

"I know you're listening." present Macaque almost falls off of the branch at this bold, yet true, claim "I hear your heartbeat response to my tale..." he sighs and present Macaque sits up a bit, his ears fluttering and he chuckles.

"Yeah... loud and clear." he admits, crossing his arms over his chest "But I'm afraid I cannot share with you the knowledge I possess." he added matter of fact.

"Yeah, figured as much." young Macaques scoffs slightly and takes a loud breath "I just-" he cuts himself off to think and composes himself a bit before continuing in a softer tone "Could you answer me just one thing? One thing. I promise it's not something future altering." he pleads.

Present Macaque sighs, running his hand down his face as he thinks it over "Depends on the question, but go on." he tries to sound wise and mature, but in truth he feels just as lost as the other one.

Young Macaque takes a moment to think, bracing himself to ask what he has in mind, fearful of the answer to come.

"...are we happy?" fell unsure and quiet.

That was not what present Macaque expected. His heart skips a bit and his stomach snuck down, because there was really no simple answer to that question.

"I assume that means no." young Macaque scoffs bitterly.

"No, it's just..." Macaque replies fastly, but cuts himself off searching for the right words. He and Wukong were never good at this talking and feelings stuff, so how to explain what he, what they are now and... suddenly his attention moves to the loud noise coming from the forest side.

His gaze follows the present noise and he sees Wukong. He's playing with the cubs, running with them around, jumping on the sund and letting the waves touch his feet as they all run along the shore. Dark golds relax as they follow the rusty mane, shining like the sun in the last rays of the day.

"We are happy." he claims. He's surprised how right this felt to say "It was just a long and tough way to come, before we got here." he adds, a soft smile on his lips.

Young Macaque smiles shortly in the past as well, "I'll get there then." he says, more to himself than to his future-self. His own heart warms up and he stands up "Thanks. That's all I need to know." he states firmly, a new found strength filling him.

"Yeah," present Macaque finally remembers this talk, his eyes water a bit, but not enough for a single tear to fall. "take care." he says, hearing steps further and further away from the tree.

He now remembers why this was favorite tree. A place that promised him better days. Where his hope bloomed, and where his persistence to not lose Wukong from his life came.

He looks after the King running around and smiles fondly.
Yeah, it still wasn't perfect. There was so much to talk through, to work on... but even so, it was worth it. It felt right and when he thought of it, looking at his King's smile, he truly did felt happy.

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