Alex's Headache

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At lunch when a headache struck, Alex was it's prisoner, Quite helpless in her cage of pain.

She stood up and stumbled out of the mess hall to the elevator, she was blinded by colourful lights and the sound of Frank Sinatra's 'Fly me to the moon' swam in her head.

Pain throbbed so violently around her skull that she wondered why it didn't just split open and save her the pain.

She tried to make it to her room but collapsed in the hallway.

The thick carpet seemed to sway beneath her.

She curled up in a ball and wished the pain would go away.....


"Where'd Alex go?" Asked Magnus as he sat down from collecting more falafel.

"I don't know," said Mallory. "But you've got an dagger in your back."

"Oh thanks." Said Magnus as he turned to let someone pull it out.

After TJ pulled it out they returned to normal.

They joked with each other and had a generally great time completely oblivious that only a few floors above them Alex was curled up in agony.

They left in a great mood, TJ left them to go reenact the civil war with other soldiers and when Halfborn, Mallory and Magnus got into the elevator they started singing along.

When the door opened Mallory lead Halfborn into her room which was just around from the elevator.

Magnus continued up the hallway whistling 'Fly me to the moon'.........


Alex was curled up in a ball outside her door.

The pain throbbed behind her eyes.

She could hear the elevator going up and down.

She could hear the sound of gunshots from outside.

All of the sounds where like daggers being forced into her head inching closer to her brain.

She hears the elevator ding and people giggling.

"Magnus," she mutters weakly.

She winces.

That little burst of energy was like she had just thrust a sword into her stomach.

She hears a door slam and someone begins whistling.

The shrill sounds pierces her brain causing a tear to run down her cheek onto the carpet......


Magnus stops whistling and unlocks his door.

He goes to walk in when a flash of pink up the hallway catches his eye.

He turns round and realises that it is Alex curled up on the floor.

She is obviously in pain.

He rushes to her side.

"Alex?" He whispers panicked. "Alex? Are you alright?"

When he doesn't get a reply he places his hands on her forehead ready to heal her.

"No." She croaks then she winces in pain.

Magnus lifts her up and carries her into his room.

He lies her on his bed and gets her some medication and helps her take it.

Then once she falls asleep he curls up right next to her on the bed.

He kisses her forehead.

"I love you." He whispers as he pulls her closer to him and falls asleep with his arms around her.

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