Chapter 14: Attacked

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*Sigh* I know, I promised an update for More Than Blood yesterday, and obviously that didn't happen. I'm sorry. I went to finish it and when I got on to work on it, the draft for the chapter was gone, like it never existed so I couldn't even get the latest revision of it. I lost everything I had written, which made me mad so I chose not to rewrite it because then it wouldn't be very good since I was mad. I will as soon as possible, I swear. I hope you all understand. To make up for it I've written a much longer chapter for this. So, for now here is another update for Fight To Live.

Carl's POV

"Come on you lazy ass. That meat is gonna rot if you leave it there, you said you'd do it earlier. Do you want us all, you included, to starve?" I asked.

"I wouldn't mind if you starved." Damian mumbled angrily.

"Yeah, I get it, you don't like me. But I'm not the only person here, and I know that you care about the people that were part of your group before you joined us, so butcher the damn meat so we can cook it before it goes bad." I said.

"Whatever kid. Just go play with your boyfriend and leave me the hell alone." He responded.

"Get it done or get off the farm. If you're not gonna do your job, play your part, I don't want you here. It's your choice. I can find someone else to take this job." I said as I walked towards the door and left, slamming it behind me.

I was walking towards the shooting range we had made here to start teaching people how to use guns. Ethan would be there teaching some of the younger kids whose parents finally agreed that their children needed to be able to protect themselves.

"Hey!" I heard someone shout from the left. I looked over and saw Cain and Abel running towards me.

"When are we going out hunting again? There's nothing to do here and it's boring." Abel asked.

"We'll go out again tomorrow, we have enough food for now with what we got today so we don't really need to, and we need to save as much ammo as possible so we can't just go out hunting because we want to. Sorry." I answered.

"Yeah... we know... there's just so little to do here." Cain said.

"I know. If you want, there's an Xbox in the room Ethan and I share, you can play on it." I said.

"Really?! That sounds awesome! You'd let us?" Abel asked.

"Yeah, come on, I bet you can't beat me at any of the games up there. Want to try?" I asked.

"Yeah!" They both said together.

We turned towards the houses and started walking.

"What games are the-" Abel started to ask before he was cut off by gunshots coming from behind us.

That's not from the shooting range, we only use silenced weapons there so we don't attract walkers!

"Run!" I shouted as I pushed the boys in front of me and towards the closest building, the barn.

They ran ahead of me, I drew my pistol from it's holster and shot towards the forest, which is where the shots came from, as I ran. All around us people were trying to get into buildings or nearby vehicles, I saw a few get shot down before they could.

I was about to tell Cain and Abel to run faster when Abel stumbled and fell, crying out in pain, I saw blood seeping out of his leg. I holstered my gun and picked the boy up, he was still conscious and I saw tears streaming down his face. Cain had already reached the barn and was waiting for us. I ran in and Cain closed the door.

"W-What happened t-to him?" Cain asked, I saw him looking at his brother.

"He's alive. He got shot in the leg, it went clean through so he'll be ok, we just need to get pressure on it and get him to Talia." I said as I set Abel down and looked at the gunshot wound. It was in his upper calf, just below his knee, the bullet had gone straight through his leg so blood was coming out of both sides. I wrapped my hands around his leg and immediately they started to get covered in blood.

"Cain, I need you to find me something I can use to wrap around his leg and tie so that I can go find Talia and bring her here so she can help him.

The boy nodded and started searching around for something, anything we could use.

"There's nothing here!" Cain shouted, I could hear the fear in his voice.

"Come over here." I said.

He ran over and sat down next to me, looking at the blood coming from his brother's leg.

"I need you to do exactly what I'm doing now, ok." I said as I looked at him.

He nodded and I moved my hands from the wound, he immediately took over putting pressure on it. I took my flannel off and removed my knife from my belt. I cut the sleeves of the shirt off and threw the now sleeveless shirt and my knife on the ground.

"Ok, I'm gonna wrap it up and then go find Talia." I said.

Cain nodded and moved his hands so I could wrap the wound. I took the first sleeve and wrapped it around first, as tight as I could to get as much pressure as possible. I then did the same with the other sleeve and tied it down.

That would have to do for now.

"Ok. I'll be right back, make sure he stays awake. Keep him talking." I said as I stood up and started to walk to the door. Then stopped when I had another thought.

"Here. Shoot anyone that comes in that door unless you recognize them. Don't hesitate, just aim and squeeze." I said as I gave him my pistol.

He looked at the gun in his hands then looked at me again and nodded.

I then ran to the door and opened it, the gunfire was still going on, but now I could tell it was coming from the forest and from the farm.

Good. People are fighting back.

I saw Archer crouched behind a car reloading his assault rifle. I quickly ran over and crouched next to him.

"Where's Talia?" I asked instantly.

"She's in that house over there, tending to some of our people who got shot. Why?" He asked.

"Abel got shot, he's bleeding bad. He and Cain are in the barn, Cain's fine, but he's scared." I answered.

"Shit. Ok, I'll cover you, go get Talia. If she can't come with you she'll tell you what to do and give you some stuff to do it." He said.

I nodded and got ready to run, Archer gave me a quick nod and then stood up and started shooting at the forest. I ran to the house he had said Talia was in and got there without a problem. I opened the door and saw Talia wrapping up someone's shoulder. There were five people laying down in a corner, and they weren't breathing.

"Talia, Abel got shot, he's in the barn with Cain right now. I wrapped the wound, but he's bleeding a lot, and I don't know if it's infected or not. Can you help?" I asked.

She looked up at me and I saw that she had tears falling down her face.

"We've lost at least twelve people, I watched seven get shot and die instantly, those five over there had gotten shot and found their way in here, they bled out. I've saved a few though. How bad is Abel?" She asked.

"Definitely not good. I think he'll live, but he needs help. Can you come, or maybe tell me what I need to do so I can go do it?" I asked.

"In that bag on the desk there's a small bottle of alcohol, use that to clean the wound, it's gonna hurt, but it'll make sure it doesn't get infected. If it's really that bad he might need stitches, take a needle and some thread just in case. There's also some clean bandages, take those and wrap his leg up. After that we'll just have to hope. If I finish up here I'll go over there and help you if you need it." She said.

I nodded and went over to the bag. I pulled a small box of needles out and stuffed it in my pocket as well as some thread, the bottle of alcohol and the bandage.

Time to become a doctor.

I ran over to the door and opened it, Archer was no longer behind the car so he couldn't cover me. I'd just have to book it to the barn and hope I don't get shot.

Here goes nothing.

I ran as fast as I could, saw the barn door was open slightly and pushed it the rest of the way open when I got there. Bullets slammed into the wall next to me and I hurried into the building and slammed the door shut. That's when I saw the two bodies at my feet.

"Carl!" I heard Cain shout, I looked over where I had left the twins and saw that Abel was still laying on the ground, luckily still breathing, and Cain was sitting next to him the pistol aimed at the barn doors, fear evident on his face.

"I'm here. I know what to do." I said as I stepped over the bodies and went to the boys. Abel was still crying, his eyes were red and puffy and the sleeves of my flannel had been dyed red from his blood. He looked extremely pale.

He's lost a lot of blood.

"Cain. Keep watching the door. Same rules as before, anyone you don't recognize walks in, shoot them. I need to do this so that Abel survives." I said.

Cain nodded and pointed the gun at the door again. I untied the flannel sleeves from around Abel's leg and picked up the bottle of alcohol and opened it.

"Abel. I need you to keep talking to me. What I'm about to do is going to hurt, but it's necessary to keep your wound from getting infected." I said as I looked at him.

He slowly nodded.

"I said talk, Abel." I said as I got ready to pour the alcohol.

"Yeah, ok. When we go hunting again, Ethan and I are gonna win aga- ahhh!" He said as I poured some of the alcohol over his leg.

"I'm sorry. Just... keep talking." I said as I got ready to pour some on the other side.

"That hurt like hell!" He shouted, pain very prominent in his voice.

I used the moment to pour on the other side. He clenched his fists and held back the cry of pain that would have come.

"I know. I'm really sorry. This isn't gonna be any better though." I said as I took a needle out of the case and attatched the thread to it, then poured a little of the alcohol on the needle to make sure it was clean.

"Is t-that a n-needle?" He asked as he looked at the small metal object in my hand.

"Yeah. I need to stitch the wound, otherwise you could still bleed out, even with the bandage on. I'm sorry." I said.

He closed his eyes and clenched his fists.

"Just do i-" he started before he was interrupted by the sound of the door swinging open, quickly followed by several gunshots from right next to us.

I started to stitch the wound closed, Abel was whimpering in pain the entire time, clenching his fists even harder. I finished one side and tied it off, then started on the other side. I finished and tied it off as well, then grabbed the bandage.

"You're doing great Abel. I just need to put the bandage on and we're done." I said.

He nodded and I began wrapping the bandage around his leg. I finished and looked at the door, there were now three bodies on the floor.

"Ok Abel, you'll be fine. We just need to get you some food and water." I said.

"Thanks." He responded, pain still laced through his voice.

I looked over at Cain and he looked happy then he looked at the door, his attention changed to the three bodies, he dropped the gun and looked at me, all signs of happiness replaced by a look of distraught.

He'd never killed anyone before. And now he's killed three people.

"Come here." I said.

He did and I pulled him into a hug. He started crying, his tears soaking the front of my shirt.

"I know. I'm sorry you had to do that." I said as I squeezed him a little tighter.

None of us spoke, Abel had sat up and scooted over to us and joined the hug. Soon, the gunshots died out, complete silence filled everything.

"Ok. Let's go. We need to find everyone else." I said as I stood up. Cain stood as well then crouched down and pulled Abel's arm over his shoulders.

"Come on. I'll help you up." He said.

Abel nodded then used his good leg and pushed off the ground, Cain pulled him up at the same time and they were soon both standing. I picked up the pistol and walked to the door, pushing the bodies out of the way so that Cain and Abel wouldn't have to step over them, then I pulled the door open.

We walked out and saw people exiting the other buildings as well, some getting out of cars. There were bodies all around, some I recognized, others I didn't. I saw everyone walking to the small clearing in the center where we eat.

"Come on, it looks like everyone's going to the center." I said. I started walking, the boys stumbling behind me.

We reached the clearing and saw many people gathering there, some crying, others looking like they had just seen a ghost.

"Here, sit down on that bench." I said.

Cain and Abel sat down and I started looking around. I saw Talia stand up on a table and everyone looked at her.

"We were just attacked, but we're still here. I know you're all scared, sad, worried. I get it, I'm all of those as well. But we'll find whoever did this, but we need to deal with things here first. We have people we care about who are hurt or... worse. We need to take care of them. We need to get ready for another attack, because it could very easily happen. I'm gonna go around the farm and look for wounded people now, I'm gonna need a few people to help me. We also need to find out who all we lost, take care of them. Come on people. We've got work to do." She said.

Several people nodded, but most stayed still.

"I'll help you." I heard someone say.

Oh thank god. He's ok.

I looked around and saw Ethan walking up to Talia.

"Thank you Ethan. Anyone else?" Talia asked.

Several other people followed Ethan. I would go to, but I needed to try and find Cain and Abel's Mom, if she was up here I needed to get her with her sons. I looked around the entire clearing and couldn't find her.

Oh no... what if she didn't make it... Cain and Abel could be orphans right now.

I walked back to the bench and saw that Damian was sitting with them.

What's he up to?

"Cain, Abel. I don't know where your mom is, I'm gonna go with Talia and see if we can find her. Why don't you go play on the Xbox in the meantime, ok?" I said as I looked at Damian.

He looked back at me, something was off about him, he seemed... happy, almost.

The boys stood up, Cain still helping his brother walk.

"Go on to the house, I'll catch up." I said.

They nodded and started walking.

"Damian. What's wrong with you?" I asked as I glared at him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said.

"You're the only person that looks happy. What is wrong with you? We were just attacked, we have no idea how many people we lost, and you're sitting there like nothing happened." I said.

"Like I said. I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm gonna go butcher that meat now. Have fun playing Xbox with the orphans." He said as he stood up.

My eyes widened when he said that last part. I grabbed his arm and he turned and gave me a dirty look.

"What do you mean 'orphans'? Their mom could still be alive." I said, not even fully believing it myself.

"Do you really think so? I wouldn't be so sure, terrible things can happen to people when gunfire is going on all around them. Any number of things could have happened." He said as he shook my arm off and walked away.

I stared after him as he walked, then turned and ran to the house. I saw the door swung shut so I guessed Cain and Abel had just entered. I opened the door and saw them climbing the stairs. I followed them.

"Ok, there's all kinds of games in that pile. Take your pick. I'm gonna go find your mom, ok." I said.

They both nodded and Cain started looking through the pile of games while Abel watched his brother.

Please let her be ok... I don't know how I'd be able to tell these two that they lost their only family.

I left and ran down the stairs. I saw Talia and Ethan walking around with the group that had volunteered to help. I ran after them and they looked at me when I got there. Ethan immediately wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank god. When I didn't see you at the meeting up there I didn't know what to think. I'm so glad you're ok." He said before giving me a quick kiss.

"I'm fine. I'm glad you're ok as well." I said as we broke apart.

"Hey. How's Abel? Talia told me he got shot." He said, his face showing how worried he was about the answer.

"He's fine. I cleaned, stitched and bandaged it. He and Cain are in our room playing on the Xbox right now." I said as I squeezed his hand and we all kept walking around. I was keeping my eyes peeled for any evidence of the Twin's mother.

"Over there!" One of the volunteers shouted as she pointed to someone sitting against a car a little way away.

Talia, Ethan and I all ran over, and my heart broke.

Cain and Abel's mom was leaned up against the car, bleeding from her stomach thanks to several bullet holes.

"Ms. Friar... oh god." Talia said as she kneeled in front of the dying woman.

"A-are my b-boys... o-ok?" She asked weakly.

"Yeah. They're fine. Abel got shot but he'll live." I answered.

She nodded and leaned her head back before responding.

"T-they never k-knew their f-father... he l-left before t-they w-were born." She said.

"Why are you telling us?" Ethan asked as he sat in front of her, I sat next to him.

"They l-look up to you... C-Carl... E-Ethan... I n-need you t-to take c-care of t-them... p-please." She said as she grabbed one of my hands and one of Ethan's hands.

"Of course Ms. Friar. We will. I promise." I said.

"We both do." Ethan said.

"T-thank... you." She said, her breathing was slowing down.

"T-this... will... b-be... hard f-for... them. They'll n-need y-you." She said, fighting to get every word out. Then she stopped breathing entirely.

Talia looked down at the ground for a minute, nobody spoke, Ethan and I wrapped our arms around each other. Talia took her knife from her belt and stabbed Ms. Friar in the temple so she wouldn't turn.

"How are we gonna tell them their mom just died?" I whispered into Ethan's ear.

"I think we'll just need to tell them. We can't lie about it or sugarcoat it... they'd just want the truth, don't you think?" He asked as we separated from our embrace and looked at each other.

"Yeah... yeah you're right. Let's go." I said as I stood up and pulled him up.

"Go ahead, we'll finish up. Cain and Abel will need you right now." Talia said as she stood up.

"Ok." I said.

Ethan and I walked back towards the house, holding hands the entire walk. We reached the house and walked in, dreading the news we'd have to deliver.

"You cheated! There's no way you could've beat me!" Cain shouted.

"I guess you're just bad. We can go again if you really think I cheated." Abel said calmly, laughing quietly.

"Yes. I will beat you this time." Cain said.

Ethan and I walked in and they paused their game of Call of Duty.

"Hey guys." I said half heartedly.

"Carl, what's wrong?" Abel instantly asked.

"Look... we have to tell you something." Ethan said as he sat down on the bed in front of them, I sat next to him.

Abel looked directly at me, then directly at Ethan, he turned back to me and I suddenly saw the confusion leave his face.

"W-Where's mom?" He asked.

"She's not with us anymore." Ethan said quietly.

Both of the boys' eyes widened and I saw tears forming.

"W-what do you mean?" Cain asked.

"No... no, no, no... please say you're lying... please." Abel said.

"She got shot... we found her to late... she's... she's gone. I'm sorry." I said.

Both of the boys instantly started crying. Ethan pulled Abel into a hug and I did the same with Cain.

"Look, Ethan and I are gonna take care of you ok." I said.

Neither boy responded, they just kept crying as Ethan and I hugged them. Eventually the crying stopped. I looked down at Cain and saw that he had fallen asleep.

"I guess they can have the bed, we can sleep on the floor." Ethan whispered.

I nodded and let go of Cain, then laid him down and put the blanket over him. Ethan did the same with Abel and then we laid down on the floor at the foot of the bed, cuddling together.

"I hated that. Having to tell them that they just lost their mother... that's one of the hardest things I've had to do." I whispered.

"Yeah. I agree completely. That was awful." He said.

We turned to where we were facing each other and I gave him a kiss.

"What was that for?" He asked with a small smile.

"I love you, Ethan." I said.

"I love you to, Carl." He responded, then leaned in and kissed me again.

This kiss was different from any other we'd done. This was a slow, passionate kiss. His tongue grazed my bottom lip and I opened my mouth slightly. We pulled each other even closer as our tongues danced around in each other's mouths. It was getting very heated, he had started to slide my shirt off, his hands brushing over my chest as he did so.

Maybe we shouldn't do this now. There're kids in the room.

I separated from him with a soft smacking sound and he frowned.

"Not while the kids are I here. We don't want to wake them up. I'll make it up to you. I promise." I said with a smirk.

"Yeah ok, that makes sense. When we get some alone time we're picking up right we're we left off." He said with a smirk.

"Of course. I can't wait." I said before giving him a peck on the lips.

"You're teasing me now." He said as he playfully poked my side.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I said, unable to keep myself from smirking.

"Oh, you're evil." He said as he poked me again.

I laughed and he smirked this time.

"And ticklish it seems." He said.

Oh no.

He started to tickle me and I squirmed away, laughing.

"Not now, we'll wake them up. Use my ticklishness against me later. They need some sleep." I said as I pointed at the bed.

He sighed and laid back down at the foot of the bed, he pulled me over and we went back to cuddling.

"Goodnight Carl, I love you." Ethan said as he pulled me even closer.

"I love you to. Goodnight." I whispered back as sleep started to take me over.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. It was about two times longer than usual to try and make up for me not updating yesterday. I have tomorrow off from school so I'll rewrite the chapter of More Than Blood and post it, I'll probably also write another chapter for this and post that.

Question Time!

1. Did you think Abel was gonna die when he got shot?

2. What's up with Damian? Why's he acting so strange?

3. What do you think is gonna happen now that there's another, very aggressive, group out there?

4. Did you see Cain and Abel's mom's death coming?

5. Carl and Ethan pretty much just became parents, any thoughts?

Ok, that's it for now guys.


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