Chapter 19: Death

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Shit is gonna go down this chapter. I hope you're all ready.

Jaylen's POV

"Hey! Get up! It's time to take the prisoners their breakfast! Your cart is ready to take!" Someone shouted in my ear, I shot awake and saw the patrol that had beat me up last night standing above me.

"Come on you little shit! Move faster!" He shouted as he kicked me in the side, right in the ribs.

I yelped in pain and jumped up off my sleeping bag, my face still throbbed with pain, but not as bad as it had been.

I practically ran out of my room and grabbed the cart, then ran to the room where Carl and the others were being held.

I hope they aren't mad at me for not getting the weapons...

Ethan's POV

I opened my eyes, I guess at some point both Carl and I had fallen asleep. I looked next to me and saw Carl, still sleeping, laying there. I smiled when I saw him, then it hit me that we were still stuck in this room

"Ethan, when did you get caught? Where's Cain?" Cindy asked.

I looked over and saw her cleaning the bullet wounds in Alex's leg.

"I got thrown in here last night. Cain and I had tried to sneak in to free you guys. He's still out there, he was in a closet hiding when I got caught." I explained as I sat up.

"Hopefully he can get out. You did tell him to get out right, not to try to save us?" She asked.

"Yes. I told him if I got caught he needed to get out and go to the truck. We parked it in a different place so I'll have to lead you there when we escape." I answered.

She nodded before going back to what she was doing. Soon after, other people started to wake up. After everyone was up I once again explained what had happened last night. Soon after I was finished the lock clicked and the door swung open. An African American boy, who had a large bruise formed on his cheek, walked in pulling a cart behind him. The door slammed shut and locked again.

I guess this is Jaylen.

"Oh my god... what happened to you?" Carl asked as he stood up and walked over to the kid.

"I tried to get to the armory... got caught... they beat me up... I wasn't able to get you guys the weapons. I'm sorry." He said as he looked down at the ground.

"Kid, you don't have to apologize. It's not a problem. We'll just have to fight our way out without them." Brandon said as he stood up.

"We're gonna do this now. While they're not expecting it. We're breaking out. You can still come with us Jaylen." Carl said as he stood up as well.

Everyone except for Alex stood up and got ready.

"Guys... you have to leave me. I'll only drag you down and get you all caught or killed." Alex said.

"That's not happening. We aren't leaving you behind." Cindy said instantly.

"You don't have a choice. Maybe you can come back for me some other day, but if you're gonna get out alive you have to leave me." He said as he sat up in the corner.

"He's right Cindy... he'll slow us down... if we had some weapons it'd be different, but we don't." Landon said.

"Wait... you're doing this now?!" Jaylen whisper shouted.

"Yep." Carl and I both said at the same time.

"Cain is out there waiting for us, we need to get to him and get home before something happens." I said.

Jaylen went to the door, all of us behind him, and kicked, then jumped out of the way as it swung open. Brandon and Landon were the first two out the door, tackling the guards. The rest of us followed, Brandon, Landon and Cindy grabbed the fallen guards assault rifles and Carl, Akio, and I grabbed their pistols. The rest of our group would have to use their fists until we found more weapons. Doors were slamming shut all around us as we ran down hall after hall trying to find the exit.

"There's an exit to the right! Just down the stairs!" Jaylen shouted from the center of the group.

We all ran down the stairs and tried to open the door. It was locked so Brandon started to hit the handle with the butt of the assault rifle he carried. The handle broke off and he kicked the door open. We all ran out into the bright morning sunlight.

"Come on!" I shouted as I took over the lead, heading towards the truck.

We had gone a few blocks when bullets hit the ground all around us, corralling us into a small circle. Then people surrounded us, all holding assault rifles or other larger guns.

"If they find out I helped you guys they're gonna kill me." Jaylen muttered under his breath, not intending anyone to hear, but Carl wrapped his arm around the boys neck and held his pistol to his head.

"Just go along with it. We took you hostage and forced you to help us." He whispered into the boy's ear.

"Bravo. Bravo. You got a lot farther than I thought you would. But, unfortunately this is something that I can't let happen, I can't let you leave. Then I'd have to kill a poor, innocent little boy. Your traitorous friend's son, only a child. You wouldn't want that on your conscience." A voice said as someone walked towards us, slowly clapping.

"We're leaving." Brandon growled at the man who was approaching.

He clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"No. You're not." He said before several people came out of the circle surrounding us, all holding long pipes. Before we could raise our weapons and open fire, they all put the pipes to their mouths and blew through them, darts slammed into all of us, including Jaylen, and we all started to collapse, dropping our weapons. Carl's arm slipped off of Jaylen and the two of them collapsed. My vision blurred as I collapsed as well.

~Time Skip~

Damian's POV

"Those people you brought just tried to escape! Killed quite a few of my men. Now you'll have a lot more work to do." Frank said as he slammed his fist against the table we were sitting at.

"I can tell you how you can keep them from trying anything like that again." I said casually.

"How?!" Frank shouted as he glared at me.

"One of the people you have is a leader. He's one of the two leaders of our camp. I'm willing to bet anything that he pushed them to try and escape. If you killed him they wouldn't try anything, at least not for a while." I said.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?!" Frank shouted as he slapped me across the face. He then walked out and slammed the door.

Carl's POV

"Ugh... my head hurts." I moaned as I opened my eyes and sat up.

We were back in our prison. Alex was still sitting in the corner, breathing slowly as he looked around the room. Ethan was still knocked out next to me. Brandon was the only other one awake.

"Yeah. Those tranquilizer darts are nasty little things." Brandon said.

"Where did they even get those?" I asked.

"I have no idea, but they're useful if you can get your hands on them, they were lucky enough to get so many of them." Brandon answered.

I was about to respond when I heard a commotion outside the door.

"Get that door open! I need to speak with our little friends!" The voice of the man who had spoken to us before we were tranquilized shouted. The lock clicked and the door swung open. The man walked in holding a shotgun.

He saw that most people were still knocked out so he aimed at the ceiling and fired the weapon. Those of us who were still out shot awake at the loud noise.

"Which one of you pricks is the leader?!" He shouted.

Before I could answer Brandon stood up and spoke.

"I am. What the hell do you want from me?" He asked as he walked up to the man.

Instead of answering he pointed the shotgun at Brandon's stomach and fired again. Blood splattered as the shotgun blast tore into Brandon's flesh. He collapsed and the man that had shot him walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him as he did. The lock clicked and Brandon stared at the ceiling, but he was still alive, barely.

"Brandon! Why did you do that?!" I shouted as I crouched next to the dying man, tears dripping from my eye.

"My... f-family i-is gone... y-you still... have... E-Ethan... C-Cain... and Abel... give these... s-shitheads... hell. Get... o-our p-people... out." He said as he gasped and cried. Every word was a struggle for him to get out.

Everyone was crowded around him, even Alex who could barely move without passing out thanks to blood loss.

"Brandon..." I started to say, but I couldn't think of anything else, my mind just replaying the events that had just happened over and over again.

"D-Don't... let me... t-t-turn." He mumbled as he closed his eyes.

"We don't have anything to use to keep him from turning..." Akio said as he looked around.

"We could try to use one of the plastic knives we get every meal... it might work." Cindy said as tears silently fell down her face.

I just stared at the dying man, unable to say anything.

He had just saved my life... he sacrificed himself... this would have been me.

"Carl... we need to do something, otherwise we're going to have a very large, hungry walker on our hands." Tony said quietly.

I glanced up at the people around me and put my hand out.

"Give me one of the knives. I'll do it." I said as I looked back down at the slowly dying man.

Someone put one of the plastic knives in my hand and I looked at it.

"Should we wait until he's dead... or should we just do it now?" Ayumi asked.

"He's suffering... a shot in the stomach like that is a very slow, very painful death." Carol said as she limped over to me and Brandon, holding her lower back as she did.

I once again looked down at the knife in my hand and the dying man in front of me. I held the knife in a fist. I pushed his head to the side so that his temple was facing the ceiling and moved the knife above it. Before I slammed it into his temple as hard as I could I brought my fist above my head so I would get more force behind the knife.

Hopefully it doesn't just break like it did with the extremely stale bread.

I swung down and the knife snapped when it hit Brandon's head. He jolted and grunted in pain.

"That's not gonna work... we'll have to do something else." I said as I looked at the broken plastic knife in my hand, still crying in shock and sadness.

Everyone looked at me and I saw tears in all of their eyes.

"I know something that might work..." Akio said as he crouched down beside me.

I looked over at him and he looked down at Brandon's face.

"What?" I asked.

"If we hit his nose with enough force from the right direction it'll break and the bone will stab his brain. It'll kill him, end his suffering, and it should stop him from turning." He answered sadly.

I watched as Akio slammed his palm into the base of Brandon's nose. There was a crunching sound and Brandon started to spasm some. After a few horrifying minutes of us watching he stopped and laid there completely still, no longer breathing.

"L-let's... hope that'll work." Akio said as he went over to the corner and sat down, staring at the palm he had used to end Brandon's life.

~Time Skip~

The lock clicked and Jaylen walked in, pulling his cart behind him. He saw Brandon's body and gasped, then looked between all of us who were still alive in the room.

"That guy who talked before we were all shot with tranquilizer darts... he came in with a shotgun... shot Brandon in the stomach before any of us knew what was happening." Ayumi said as she looked at the stricken boy.

"That man... he's the leader of this group... his name is Frank Martin... he was my old baseball coach." Jaylen said as he stared at the body of our fallen friend.

"He's going to die. He's going to die a horribly painful death for what he's done to our group. Our family. Our friends." I said as I stared at Brandon's body. "I need you to try and get into the armory again. This time we aren't trying to escape. We're killing every last one of these people." I said as I looked up at the boy.

Everyone looked over at me, and I saw determination on all of their faces. They were ready to kill them all, or die trying. Jaylen looked between me and everyone else and then looked at the door.

"I'll have some weapons for you by the next time I come in here." He said as he set all the plates of food off the cart and walked to the door, knocking to be let out. The door unlocked and he left.

"I agree that we need to kill them all right here, right now. But what about Cain? He's still out there on his own." Ethan said as he grabbed my hands.

"I know he is. He'll be fine, the truck is hidden and he knows how to use a gun. We need to do this." I said.

Ethan nodded and gave me a short kiss on the lips.

"Everyone get ready to fight. We either kill them or die trying." I said as I looked at everyone.

They all nodded and we started eating the nasty food for what would be the last time.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! There are only going to be 2 (possibly 3) more chapters in season 2! Isn't that crazy! It feels like we just started this like yesterday! I know this is a little bit shorter than season 1, but this one will have a lot more death.

Question Time!

1. Did you expect the first escape attempt to fail?

2. How do you feel about Brandon's death?

3. Who is going to die next?

4. Will Jaylen get into the armory this time?

5. When the time comes to fight, will Damian help Frank and his group or will he help Carl and the group he betrayed?

6. Will our group be able to kill Frank and his entire group when (and if) they escape and have weapons?

Ok, that's it for now.


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