Chapter 2: Ruins

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Sorry! I meant to post this last night but I fell asleep! Please forgive me!

Everything that has happened through the mid season finale of season 8 has happened, except nobody from Team Family, Carl included, got bit, Alexandria hasn't been destroyed by Negan and the Saviors, and Shiva didn't die. But now everything from this point on is my own and I will not be following the show whatsoever. I hope you enjoy.

Carl's POV

"You fought back! You all rebelled against me! That shit will not fly!" Negan shouted from the courtyard of Alexandria, where he and his army had managed to gather up most of our people, from Hilltop, Kingdom, and Alexandria and forced them on their knees.

Carol, Enid and I were the only ones that weren't captured, we were hiding in a building next to the courtyard and listening.

"Carol, we have to do something! He's gonna kill my dad! He's gonna kill everyone!" I whisper shouted to the short-haired woman next to me.

"Carl, if we go out there now, without a plan, he'll just capture us to and we'll die with all of them. There will be no way to save them if we do that. Negan loves to talk, let's let him do that while we make a plan." She responded as she grabbed my shoulder.

I looked down at the ground and then glared at Negan with my one eye as he talked to my dad, who was in the front row of kneeling people.

"Carl, please, I already lost my parents, I already lost my boyfriend, I can't lose my best friend as well." Enid said as she looked at me, worry etched on her face. "Let's make a plan and then save them without having as much risk of us getting hurt or killed." She continued.

I sighed and nodded in agreement because I knew they were right, if we didn't make a plan to save everyone, none of us would survive.

"Ok, let's see. There are Saviors all over, they crashed in through the gate and moved everyone to the courtyard, we were unfortunate enough to have the Kingdom and Hilltop here when Negan arrived. But that is also an advantage for us, Shiva is here, we can let her loose and then surprise attack the Saviors, give our people a chance to use the attack to join us in fighting them back. We could end this war right here, right now." I said as I grabbed an assault rifle we had with us, as well as my Beretta and a knife. I holstered the Beretta at my thigh and sheathed the knife at my side, then made sure that the assault rifle was loaded. It was fully loaded and we had some extra magazines, which I grabbed and stuffed in my pockets.

"Let's go." I said as I walked out of the room and towards where we had been keeping Shiva's cage since King Ezekiel and the Kingdom arrived.

Enid and Carol followed me with weapons of their own and we snuck to the room where Shiva was. I looked through a window into the room and saw two Saviors in the room with her. I hung the assault rifle on my shoulder and pulled my Beretta, which had a silencer on it, out of its holster and got myself ready to kill the two men once I opened the door. I kicked the door open and the Saviors began to turn towards me but not before I had already aimed and pulled the trigger two times, they both collapsed to the ground as the finished turning around.

"Good job. Enid, grab their weapons and anything else they might have on them. Carl, make sure there are no other Saviors around. I'll get Shiva." Carol said as she picked up a chain that was on a table in the room.

I stayed at the door and looked down the hallways around me make sure no Saviors caught us.

"Ok, let's get her out there." Carol said as she led Shiva out of the cage on the chain.

We went to the door of the building and I got ready to open it while Carol got ready to release Shiva from her chain. Enid stood behind us with the two dead Saviors' weapons in her hands and ready to start shooting when the time arose.

"Once we let her out we're getting out there and attacking them, give our people time to bounce back from the sudden attack and start helping us." I said.

Carol and Enid both nodded.

Shiva suddenly roared.

"I hope that was her agreeing with me. Now, let's do this." I said.

I swung the door open and Carol let Shiva off the chain, she immediately pounced in the closest Savior, who happened to be Simon, and started biting his neck. Enid, Carol and I stepped out of the door and started shooting any Saviors in sight, after a few seconds our people began fighting back against the Saviors as well.

"Well shit! If it isn't the little badass!" Negan shouted as he ducked behind a half wall.

"Carl!" I heard my dad shout as he ran over and joined the three of us in shooting our enemies.

"Dad! Where's Judith? And Gracie?" I asked over the sounds of gunfire and screams of pain or shouts of defiance.

"Negan loaded them both in his truck!" He shouted back.

I nodded and grabbed Enid's arm and we ran towards the front gate, where Negan's truck was parked. Right as we saw it we heard a loud sound behind us, and suddenly a missile hit the truck and it blew up, both of us fell to our knees in shock as we stared at the flaming vehicle.

No... Judith... Gracie...

"You're next you stupid brats!" A woman's voice shouted.

We turned around and, through our tears, saw a female Savior holding a missile launcher behind a car. We both immediately started firing at the woman, and even after she fell we shot her several more times. We were still crying at the loss of Judith and Gracie, but we couldn't break down now, we had to finish what we started.

The two of us ran back to the courtyard and saw blood all over the ground, bodies littered the area, among them we saw many Saviors, but also many of our people, including Aaron, who was right in front of us. We ran over to him and I felt for a pulse, and there was none. The gunfire continued, screams of pain and sounds of death filled the air, several buildings around the courtyard were in flames and another blew up as we looked around, flames spread around to other nearby buildings and as they burnt and collapsed we stared in horror as many of the dead bodies around us began to move again, and the sounds of moans and snarls joined the gunfire, screams, shouting, and explosions.

"It's all... I-it's all gone..." Enid said as we heard Aaron begin to moan, I looked down and saw his eyes open, no longer brown like they were before, but a milky blueish color. I aimed my Beretta at his head and pulled the trigger before he could harm either of us.

-Time Skip-

Alexandria was gone, all the buildings were either collapsed, in the process of collapsing, or in flames, nobody was to be seen, unless they were dead, or walkers.

"C-Carl... we need to see if anyone else is a-alive... w-we have to know." Enid said as we walked through the smoky ruins.

We eventually found Carol and Ezekiel, both of them were also looking for survivors when we ran into them. The four of us walked around, crying and hugging each other when we would find a friend or family member. We had just put a now dead Henry down when we heard something moving on the other side of the street, suddenly a wounded Shiva stumbled towards us. Ezekiel ran over to her and she fell on her side, a deep slash wound across her side and a gunshot wound through her back left leg.

"Shiva! Oh god... stay with me!" Ezekiel cried as he stroked the tiger's head.

Carol went over to them and Enid and I continued searching for survivors.

"This is no use. Everyone else is dead." I said bitterly as I kicked a large piece of wood away from me.

"C-ca- Carl..." Came a gruff, pained voice from a nearby car. We ran over to find my dad sitting against the car, he was clutching his stomach, and when he moved his hand I saw several gunshot wounds in his stomach.

"No! D-Dad... please... please stay with me... come on." I cried out as I put my hands on the wound, blood began to cover them and he grabbed them with his blood-covered hands.

"I-I told you this... this day... would come." He said before coughing up blood into my flannel.

Tears fell like a waterfall from my eye, I felt Enid put her hand on my shoulder and kneel down next to me.

"Carl... I-I need... ne-ed... you t-to lead... lead t-this g-group... what's left of it... you... c-can do it... I kn-know you c-can..." He said before his eyes closed and his head drooped down, his body going limp.


"D-Dad..." I said as I shook his shoulder lightly. "D-Dad... please... no... d-don't be dead..." I cried.

"I-I... l-lov-ve... you... Carl." He quietly breathed out, before his body ceased all movement entirely, breathing included.

I cried and put my forehead against the top of his head, my tears falling into his hair and getting it wet. I kept crying for a while with Enid still knelt down next to me with her hand on my shoulder.

I have to put him down... I can't let him turn... I can't go through that...

I grabbed my knife out of its sheath and stabbed it through his temple. After I had done that I moved away from him and Enid wrapped me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Carl." She said as she hugged me and I cried on her shoulder.

-Time Skip-

The four of us marched away from the ruins of Alexandria, Ezekiel and Carol were carrying a quickly made stretcher that had the injured tiger laying on it. Enid walked in front of them and I was in the lead.

I don't know where we're going... I don't care what happens to me... but I have to get them somewhere, anywhere, where they can start fresh.

Hey guys... so, that was an extremely depressing chapter to write, I don't think I've ever written a more depressing chapter for anything ever, except for maybe the latest chapter of MTB, but I don't know, I feel like this is worse since it's all the characters from the show that we all know and love that died here, instead of one of my OCs.


Question Time. (No exclamation mark this time as I'm to depressed after writing that chapter to be happy about asking questions.)

1. How do you feel on a scale of 1-10?

2. Did you cry at all while reading this chapter?

3. What do you think about Carl being our new leader of what is left of Team Family?

4. Are you mad at me for killing literally everyone else off except for these five characters?

Ok... that's it, I'm sad, I'm sure you are to, next chapter is going to be in Ethan's POV, so you're gonna find out if Tony survived the amputation or not.

As sad as the chapter was, I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

thanks for reading...

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