Chapter 22: Reunion

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I hate school so much. I've been so fucking busy with school and stuff that I've had very little time to write. I'm so sorry it's taken so long for me to get this updated, I hope you all understand. Here is the final chapter of season 2! I hope you enjoy!

Ethan's POV

"We shouldn't have let him live. He betrayed us and got Brandon, Alex, Ayumi, and Akio killed." I said as we all watched Damian's car disappear in the distance.

"Yeah. I know, but he did have reasoning behind it. It wasn't good reasoning, he should have told us so that we could have figured out a different way to take out the group, but it was reasoning. Think about it, if it was your son that was getting threatened, wouldn't you do anything you could to make sure he survived." Carl said as he grabbed my hands.

Yeah... but... yeah, I probably would have done the exact same thing.

"Yeah... I guess so. I still don't like it though." I said.

"I know you don't. I don't like it either, but he's gone, if he comes back we'll kill him." Carl said before grabbing the sides of my face and kissing me.

After our short kiss Carl turned to Talia.

"Carol got hit in the back by something while we were there, can you take a look and see if she's seriously hurt?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course. Where is she?" Talia asked.

"Inside on the couch. I told her to lay down." Carl answered.

Talia entered the house and Carl and I followed, we were going to check on Cain, Abel and Jaylen. Archer stopped me before I could go in.

"You need to go talk to your mom. She was in there with us and Damian told us that he was the only person who survived. She's in the other house." He whispered.

I nodded and let go of Carl's hand, he looked back at me with a confused look on his face.

"My mom thinks I'm dead. I need to go talk to her, have a reunion, I'll be back in a bit." I said.

He nodded and walked in the house. I ran down the steps and to the other farm house. I opened the door and heard muffled crying from upstairs. I ran up the stairs and towards the room that I heard the crying coming from, the door was closed. I knocked and the crying stopped.

"W-Who is i-it?" I heard my mom ask.

"It's me, mom. I'm not dead, Damian lied to you." I said as I tried to open the door and discovered it was locked.

Soon after I spoke the lock clicked and the door swung open. My mom immediately wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Oh my god! I-I can't believe it! You're... you're alive!" She said as she squeezed me even tighter.

"M-Mom... I... can't... breathe." I said.

She let go and sat down on the bed. I sat down next to her and grabbed her hand. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"Is everyone else ok? Damian said you were all dead, that he only barely escaped." She said as she grabbed my hand.

"No. We lost Brandon, Alex, Ayumi, and Akio. Other than them everyone else is fine." I said as I looked down at the floor.

"Oh god... four more people gone because of this group. That brings the number to twenty one. In only a few days we lost twenty one people. That's ridiculous." Mom said as she also looked down at the floor.

"We killed a lot of them while we were there. When we escaped we killed as many as we could, and walkers showed up as well, plus we started a fire that was spreading across the entire city. If any of them survived it's not many and they shouldn't try anything for a while." I said as I looked back at her.

"That's good. I just wish we didn't have to fight other people. I hate that so few understand that in order for us to survive... to live... we have to work together, not fight one another." She said.

"Yeah, I know, but it is the way it is, people just fight for themselves and the people closest to them." I said.

Damian's POV

I could see the smoke rising above Hillsboro. I drove towards it and saw walkers spread out through the city, but as I watched people came out of some of the half burned buildings and killed them. I rolled my window down and one of the people that had participated in killing the walkers came over to me.

"I thought Frank sent you back to your people. Why the hell are you here?" The man asked.

"They kicked me out. Some of the people you guys let escape after I left got back to the farm, they told the others everything so my old group doesn't trust me anymore." I explained. "I need to talk to talk to Frank, where is he?"

"He's torturing one of the people that didn't escape, some Asian kid, In that house over there." He answered as he pointed to one of the least burnt buildings on the street.

I got out of my car and walked towards the house, as I got closer I heard a pain filled scream come from the upper floor. I entered the building and went up the stairs, walking towards the scream. I entered a room and saw Akio sitting at a table, he was held down by two people, Frank stood in front of him holding a large, blood covered knife. Akio had cuts all over his face, arms, and virtually any other visible skin, he was also missing a pinky, which sat on the table away from the hand that it should be attached to. Frank put the blade of the knife on Akio's shoulder and jerked it down, slicing into his shirt and skin, a scream of pain came from Akio's throat.

"Frank. They won't let me stay on the farm. I can't do what you wanted." I said.

Frank turned to me slowly and I saw an evil smile across his face. He had a large burn on the left side of his face which made the smile look even more sinister.

"Well... well... well... I guess we'll just have to send poor little Jaylen down into the biter pit. Make you watch as he's torn apart. You failed me Damian, now you have to be punished for it." Frank said, followed by a short burst of laughter.

"NO! Please... i-it's not m-my fault... some of the people I brought here g-got back to the farm and I w-was kicked out!" I shouted as I fell down on my knees in front of him.

"I. Don't. Care. You failed me." He said as he swung his fist at me and hit my chest.

I fell over on my side, trying to catch my breath from the hit. Frank swung his fist at Akio and hit the side of his head, knocking him unconscious.

"Keep him here, after I'm done with Damian's punishment I'll be back, I want to have some more fun." He said to the two people who had been holding Akio down. They nodded and Frank pulled me up.

"Come on. No time for a happy reunion before we do this. Let's go watch your little boy get eaten alive!" He said happily as he dragged me out of the room.

No... no, this can't be happening... t-this can't be happening.

I was torn away from my thoughts when I was forcefully shoved into a chair overlooking a large pit that was full of walkers.

T-there's so many... and Jaylen... h-he's about to be d-devoured by them.

"I'm gonna go get your boy. This will be so much fun." He said as he walked away. I tried to stand up but a person I hadn't seen before forced me back down into my chair.

"Nope. You stay right there." The person growled at me.

Frank's POV

"What?! The slave helped them escape?!" I shouted.

"Sir... he's gone... they took him back to their farm. We don't have him anymore." One of my people, a woman named Angela, said, fear showing in her eyes.

I slapped her across the face then went to the building that used to be a church, that's where we had brought all the families who had survived with us for so long. I threw the door open and started looking around.

Perfect. He'll do.

I walked over to a small family sitting in one of the corners of the building. A pale, frail, thin man and his two kids, a fifteen year old girl and thirteen year old boy. The boy looked up at me, but his sister and father just stared at the ground.

"I'm going to barrow your son, I need him for... a very important task." I said.

The man looked at me and silently nodded. The boy stood up and we walked out.

"What do you need me for Mr. Martin?" He asked.

"Just a little job, but I need you to do everything I tell you to do." I answered.

He nodded and I pulled a sack out of my pocket and put it over his head.

"Um... why are you putting that over my head?" He asked.

"Because the job is a special one. I need you to not see where we're going." I answered.

"Oh. Ok." He said.

I led him to the building where the biter pit was and entered. Damian was staring at the pit, but when he saw me with the boy he looked at us in fear.

"P-Please! Let m-me take his place! I-I can d-die instead!" He shouted.

The boy stopped instantly.

"Mr. Martin... what's going on?" He asked fearfully.

"Don't worry about it." I said as I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the edge of the pit.

Damian's POV

"F-Frank! P-Please!" I shouted as I watched Frank drag my son to the edge of the pit. I was balling my eyes out, trying so hard to get Frank to let Jaylen live, but I knew it was hopeless.

I am loosing my son today... again.

"This is it Damian! Your punishment!" He shouted, then threw Jaylen over the edge of the pit, he was immediately attacked by walkers.

The screams were louder than I'd ever heard before. The person holding me down forced me to watch the walkers tear my son apart, Frank stood at the edge of the pit, he was smiling and laughing. The screaming finally stopped. The silence was even worse, it meant that he was gone, and he'd died in the worst way possible. I sat there crying, Frank had stopped laughing and he was walking back towards me.

"There, now you've had your punishment. We're all good." He said as he reached me, he slapped my shoulder and then left. I kept staring at the pit, at the spot my son had been devoured.

Frank's POV

"Sir, our scouts got back. What Damian said is true, their people got back to that farm. They're getting ready for an attack, they started putting all their cars and vehicles around their settlement like a wall, they have a lot of weapons still. They expect us to attack." Angela said.

"Well, they're smarter than I thought then. That is exactly what we're gonna do, get everyone ready, all those people in the church, get them weapons, I don't care what kind. We're taking everyone we've got, and we're going to tear them apart." I said.

I went back into the building where the biter pit was and saw that Damian was still staring at the biter pit, at the exact place that the boy who he thought was Jaylen had been devoured.

"Damian, it's time we head back to your farm. We're going to slaughter them. We're going to burn everything to the ground and, if you help, we'll let you pick a few of them to let live." I said.

Damian glared at me, his eyes were red and puffy, he was clenching the arms of the chair.

"If you don't help, all of them are going to die and then I'll have to kill you as well." I said.

"I'm not helping you any more. You killed my son... I'm not gonna do anything else for you, unless you have some way to bring the dead back to life without them becoming those things." He said as he pointed down into the walker pit.

"Fine. Then you'll come with me and watch us kill everyone at that farm. The kids. The women. The babies, if there are any. Every... last... one. Then I'll kill the Asian dude I've got. Then I'll kill you." I said.

The person I had left with Damian tied his hands behind his back and then forced him to stand up. I walked out, followed by my man and Damian. We walked into the house where the Asian dude was still being held, he was conscious again now, and I directed my people to tie him up and bring him with us. We all walked out of the building and saw everyone gathered in the street outside.

"What we are about to do... it's dangerous. But it's necessary. There is a group not that far away from here. They attacked us! They killed a lot of our people! They burned our homes! Now we have to take the fight to them. We're all going and we will destroy them, because they are a threat to our survival. Get in the cars, get ready to fight!" I shouted to the entire crowd.

Several cheers echoed and people started piling into whatever vehicles were nearby. I went and got in my car, a dull, red SUV, Damian and the Asian dude were thrown in the back and one of my people got in with them, holding a gun to their heads, and one got in the passenger seat, turned around and also kept his gun on the two prisoners. I started the car and drove towards the farm, all the other vehicles following me.

Ethan's POV

"We're getting ready for an attack, just in case. We don't know if they'll even try to attack, or if there's anyone even alive to attack us, but we have to be ready for anything." I explained to Cain, Abel, and Jaylen, all of whom had been watching our people getting ready for a while now.

"Ok. What happens if they do attack?" Abel asked.

"We fight. We protect each other. We survive." Carl answered.

The three boys nodded silently.

"We should go help out. You guys have fun." I said as I stood up and grabbed Carl's hand. The two of us walked outside and started helping.

Damian's POV

"Now is the time. I hope you two enjoy watching your people die and your home burn." Frank said as he drove out of the forest and parked. I looked out the window and saw people running around at the farm, many were hiding behind cars or buildings, someone ran towards the houses and ran in, soon after they ran back out followed by more people. The other cars from Frank's group parked alongside him, doors opened and people started shooting from both sides. Frank got out of the SUV and opened the very back. He rummaged around until he laughed in satisfaction.

"It's good we had more than one armory full of weapons, otherwise we wouldn't have this baby, unfortunately we only have a couple of rockets. But, it's sure gonna start a fire!" Frank said as he walked by my window, he was holding an RPG, a missile was already loaded into it.

The two guards holding Akio and I at gunpoint tied us to the seats in front of us and then got out of the SUV. Immediately we tried to untie ourselves but we were struggling.

"I'm sorry I betrayed you and the group... I know me apologizing won't change what happens, and I sure as hell don't expect to be forgiven, but I am sorry." I said suddenly.

"Shut up Damian. I don't want to hear shit from you. Let's just get out of these stupid bonds and help save our people... well, my people, because they definitely aren't yours anymore." He said angrily as he continued to struggle with freeing himself.

"They had my son, Akio. What would you have done if you were in my place?" I asked.

"I said shut up." He responded.

"Before they came to attack, they killed my son, threw him in a pit of walkers and made me watch him die." I said as tears formed in my eyes. I looked up at the ceiling and sat back in my seat, stopping my attempts to free myself.

"I'm so sorry Jaylen... I-I couldn't protect you... c-couldn't save you." I said, not intending for Akio to hear, but when I spoke again he stopped what he was doing and turned to face me, but he didn't look mad, he looked surprised.

"What did you just say?" He asked.

"Nothing... I was just... I was apologizing to my son for not being able to protect him." I answered.

"No, I got that part, the name. What was the name you said?" He asked.

Why the hell is he asking that?

"Jaylen... that was my son's name." I answered.

Akio stared at me silently for a few minutes.

"How old would he be, if he was alive?" He asked.

"Twelve. Same age as Cain and Abel." I answered. "Why?"

"Damian, you lucky piece of shit." He muttered.

Lucky... my son is dead, how cruel does someone need to be to say that I'm lucky for that.

"My son is dead Akio! How the fuck am I lucky?! How could you even say that?!" I shouted.

"He's not!" Akio shouted back.

I stared at him in stunned silence.

"What?" I finally asked.

"He's not dead. Jaylen isn't dead, at least he wasn't when I got split up from the rest of the group." He answered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "I watched Frank throw him in a pit of walkers."

"Well, he helped us escape. I watched him leave with the rest of the group. As long as he made it back here with them he's alive." Akio said.

I just stared at him.

My son... isn't dead after all. Then who the hell did Frank throw in that pit?

"Let's get out of this car. And let's fucking slaughter all of these people." I said.

"Now that, is the first thing you've ever said that I actually agree with." Akio said as he went back to trying to break out of the rope holding him to the chair in front of him. I went back to trying to break out of the rope holding me as well and finally got the knot loose enough to slip out of. I pulled my hands out and helped Akio untie the knot holding him.

We were about to leave the car when I saw Frank's baseball bat in the front seat. I grabbed it and then opened the door and got out of the car. Akio got out of the other side and we started fighting people around us.

Where the hell is Frank? I'm going to beat the living shit out of him with this baseball bat.

The gunfire continued all around me as I looked for the man. I beat a few people with the bat and took a gun that one of them dropped and used it to shoot down many more people. I threw the now emptied weapon on the ground and picked up a handgun that one of the people I had just killed had dropped, I stuffed it in my pocket and kept searching for Frank. I heard a rocket fire and watched it hit the barn, blowing it up and throwing burning wood around. Several fires had started through the farm and two buildings were completely gone, the barn and one of the two farm houses, both were just burning piles of rubble.

Frank must have used his two missiles already. Good.

Suddenly I heard Frank bellow in anger.

"That is my baseball bat! You do not get to use it!" He shouted as he tackled me from the side. The bat fell a few feet away from me and I shoved the man off of me.

"I'm going to give you the best thing I can. A quick and painless death. You should thank me." He said as he grabbed a gun off the ground and stood up.

He aimed at me but I tackled him again and this time he threw me off. I was right by the bat now and I grabbed it.

"What was that Frank? You said you were gonna give me a quick painless death? How kind." I said as he tried to stand up but I shot him with the handgun. He fell over holding his upper thigh, blood coming from the bullet wound that now resided there. I stood up and walked towards him with the bat.

"This is going to be a lot of fun." I said as I stood above him. He looked up at me and I saw fear in his eyes as he realized what was about to happen.

"You won't do it. You can't. You're to we-" he started before I cut him off by slamming the bat into his face. I heard a loud snapping sound and the man below me screamed in pain.

I started relentlessly beating his head with the bat, blood pooled around his head as I smashed it repeatedly. Even after he had stopped moving I kept hitting. His head was now replaced by a pile of blood and gorey mess. I kept hitting.

Carl's POV

Gunfire started and I looked towards the woods, a line of vehicles was in front of it and people were shooting from behind it. Our people were shooting back. I was in the clearing with a large group of people.

"We're under attack! Let's go!" I shouted as I drew my pistol.

We all ran out and joined the fight, Ethan and I stayed next to each other the entire time.

I wasn't going to let him out of my sight. I couldn't lose him, he's the only thing keeping me sane.

Ethan and I crouched behind a truck as bullets slammed into the vehicle.

We're pinned.

"We need to sneak around and attack them from the side!" Tony shouted from behind a car not far from us.

"I'll come with you, Carl and Ethan are pinned down over there!" Landon shouted.

Tony and Landon ran down by the barn, collecting a few other people along the way.

"We need to get ourselves out of this!" Ethan shouted as he fired several shots over the bed of the truck.

"Yeah, let's get behind that house, then we can go around and get in a better position!" I shouted.

He nodded and ran for the house I had pointed out, I was right on his heels and we got behind it. We ran around and suddenly heard an explosion behind us. We looked towards the sound and saw one of the farm houses was now a pile of burning rubble, luckily it wasn't the one that Cain, Abel, and Jaylen were in.

"What the hell was that?!" I shouted.

Before Ethan could answer we watched as the barn blew up, throwing flaming wood in every direction.

"I guess they have bombs or something!" Ethan answered.

Tony's POV

"Come on! We'll get them running!" I shouted as I shot several people in front of me.

Landon and I had led a group of people around and attacked Frank's group from the the side. We had killed a lot of people but there were some that ran away. We searched each car and found nothing but empty shells from all the bullets and bodies here and there. Fighting was still going on in front of us and we kept pushing forward.

"There! A woman just ran a little ways into the forest!" Landon shouted.

The two of us went after her and she shot at us a few times, then we heard clicking. She was out of ammo.

"I'm out of ammo! I'm gonna surrender, if I come out do you promise not to shoot me?" She asked.

"What's your name?" Landon asked.

"Angela. Angela Collins." She answered as she stepped out from behind a tree and threw a pistol down on the ground.

Landon and I kept our weapons aimed at her in case she tried anything. I looked over at Landon and we had a silent conversation while keeping our weapons aimed at Angela.

"Ok. We accept your surrender. Get down on your knees." I said as Landon crouched down and took his bag off his back and started looking through it.

Carl's POV

"We're pushing them back! Some of our people got around them! Let's go!" Archer shouted from somewhere on the other side of the house.

Ethan and I ran out from behind the house and saw that what Archer had said was true, we were pushing the group back, there were very few of them left. We ran with the rest of our people, luckily not to many bodies laid around us as we passed by our car barrier.

"Frank is dead! We've gotta go! Come on!" A woman's voice shouted. People started getting into cars and driving away. Our people cheered as cars started and left. Many cars were left in place since so many people had died.

Soon silence fell upon everyone. We'd won. Frank was dead. This group was beaten.

"Tony! Tony stay with me buddy, come on!" We heard Landon shout from a short distance away.

Oh no.

Ethan and I ran in the direction the shout had come from. We found them with a small crowd of people. Tony was laying on the ground, a knife sticking out of his stomach, he was breathing, but very slowly. Landon was above him trying to keep him awake.

"What happened?" Ethan asked as he kneeled down next to his friend, tears falling down from his eyes.

"Some bitch surrendered. She surrendered. We decided to accept her surrender and I was searching through my bag to find some rope or something to tie her up with and she launched at me. That knife would have gone straight into my back if Tony hadn't stepped between her and me. Instead of hitting me she hit him. After he fell over she ran off." Landon answered.

I sat down beside Ethan and grabbed his hand. He stared down at his dying friend, tears falling from his eyes as he realized there was nothing they could do to save him.

"T-This is it for me... end of t-the road. I'm g-glad I got to meet you E-Ethan... thanks for... for being such a g-great friend." Tony said as he put his fist out, his entire arm shaking.

Ethan didn't do anything, just sat there crying.

"Y-You gonna leave me... h-hanging... on my... d-death bed?" Tony asked with a small smile.

Ethan gave his dying friend a fist bump.

"Tell... t-tell your m-mom... I... I s-said bye." Tony said as he laid his arm down.

"We... w-we can do something... w-we have to be able to d-do something... we just n-need to g-get you to T-Talia." Ethan said as he continued to cry.

"T-There's... nothing... t-that can... b-be done." Tony said in a weak, pain filled voice.

"Tony... c-come on. We c-can save y-you... w-we just need t-to get you t-to Talia." Ethan said.

Tony shook his head and closed his eyes, his breathing slowed even more than it had been before. I sat down next to Ethan and wrapped my arms around him. He watched as Tony stopped breathing entirely and once that happened he cried onto my shoulder.

"We need to make sure he can't come back. You want me to do it?" Landon said quietly as he sat across from us on the other side of Tony's body.

"No. It should be someone who loved him. We couldn't do that for Brandon, Alex, Ayumi, or Akio, but we can for Tony." I said.

"I'll do it. Just... just give me a second." Ethan said as he moved from my shoulder and stared down at his friend's body.

"Everyone else get into teams. Search the forest for any survivors that are in there. We need to kill as many of these people as we can." I said as I grabbed Ethan's hand.

Landon nodded and stood up, he left and started getting people organized while Ethan and I stayed kneeled next to Tony's body.

"I'm so sorry Ethan. I know how much he meant to you." I said.

"It wasn't your fault. T-This kind of stuff h-happens." He said as he grabbed his pistol from its holster.

He put the weapon up to Tony's head. After waiting a moment he pulled the trigger and the bullet flew through the teen's head. We sat there for a little bit before we both stood up. I grabbed Tony's legs and Ethan grabbed his shoulders. We worked together and carried the body to the graveyard. Other people were carrying other bodies this way as well. Ethan and I started digging a grave for Tony while other people dig graves for the others who had fallen in the attack. After we finished digging the hole we laid Tony down into it and filled the grave back up. Ethan grabbed a couple pieces of wood and made a cross out of them, then carved Tony's name onto it and stuck it in the ground at the head of the grave.

"He always said that he wanted a cross if he died. I didn't know why, he made sure that everyone around knew that he wasn't religious, but there we go... he has his cross." Ethan said as he kneeled down in front of the grave.

We stayed there for a while before we finally decided to leave. We found everyone gathered together in the center of the farm.

Akio's POV

"Your son is here and you're just gonna up and leave?" I asked as Damian and I walked through the forest looking for anyone who may have survived.

"Talia and Carl made it very clear. If I came back I'd regret it. I don't blame them, I betrayed you all and got a ton of people killed." He responded.

"Look... Damian, don't get me wrong, I hate you. But your son is alive. You're alive. Stay at the farm and regain our trust, it's gonna take time, but I'm sure you can do it. Be back with your son while you're both still alive, because you never know what could happen next. You've been given time to be together. Use it." I said.

"I want to. I really, really do. But I don't want him to see what I became after he left. I betrayed my people and got a ton of them killed. I'm a monster. He doesn't know I'm alive, and he's fine without me. Carl and Talia won't let me return, even if Jaylen is my son and he's part of the group now. I'll have to live with this... live with the fact that so many people died because of me... and that because of that I'll never get to be my son's father again. I'm leaving. I have to." He responded.

No. That's not good enough. He needs to stay, needs to be with his son.

"Let me talk to Carl and Talia, explain things to them. I'll convince them to let you stay so you can be with your son. Please... a boy needs his father... a man needs his son. Stay and I can make sure you can have your life back." I said.

"You'd do that? Even after I got so many people killed? Even after I betrayed you? Even after you got tortured because of what all I did?" He asked.

"Yes. Even after all of that. I know you didn't want to betray us, Frank made you by threatening your son. We all get why you did what you did. We still hate you for it, that won't change, but we can get past this and you can be with your son." I said.

"Ok... ok, fine. I'll stay as long as Carl and Talia let me. But I don't want to see Jaylen and I don't want him to see me until we know if me staying is permanent or not." He said.

"Good. Let's head back, I'll talk to them and get them to let you stay." I said.

We started walking back to the farm and soon got there. Everyone was gathered together in the center of the farm so we walked that way. We entered the gathering and I saw Talia, Carl, Ethan, Ezekiel, Carol and Jen talking quietly. I walked towards them and as Damian and I passed by the other farm survivors they glared at Damian and several held weapons up at him threateningly. He calmly nodded to each person as we went and Talia was the first to see us.

"I told you not to come back. I thought I made myself very, very clear. So what the hell are you doing here?" She asked as she pushed by Carl and Carol.

The other people from that group turned and saw Damian and I. All of them glared at Damian.

"I brought him back Talia. He told me that he was t supposed to come back. But let me explain." I said as I put myself between the angered woman and Damian.

"We thought you were dead. What happened?" Carl asked.

"I hid under that car. After a while Frank's people found me and tortured me. Eventually they decided they were going to attack and brought Damian and I with them. We broke out and fought and now we're here. Can I explain why Damian nee-" I started before I was interrupted.

"Dad?!" Someone shouted.


Suddenly Jaylen ran by me and wrapped his arms around Damian. Everyone around us stared in shock at the reunion. Carl smiled for a second then almost immediately got very grim and depressed looking.

"Damian, you lucky bastard. If he wasn't your son you'd be dead right now." Carl said before turning away and leaving the family to their reunion.

Ethan's POV

Carl walked away and I glared at Damian one last time.

"Don't screw this up for yourself. One more mistake. One more problem caused. I will personally see to making sure you experience some serious pain." I said before running after Carl.

"Hey, Carl... what's wrong?" I asked when I found him sitting up in one of the fruit trees.

"Jaylen's and Damian's reunion... it reminded me of something." He answered as he stuck his arm down to help me up.

I took his hand and climbed up as he pulled. We sat on a large, thick branch watching everyone go back to their business.

"What did it remind you of?" I asked.

"When this first started my dad was in the hospital, he was in a coma because of a gunshot he'd gotten while on duty. Because he was in a coma it was just my dad's best friend, my mom, and me until we found a group. After a few weeks my dad found us, he'd woken up in the hospital after the world fell apart, and went searching for us. He met some people from our group while they were on a run in the city and they brought him back to our camp. When I saw him I did the same thing Jaylen just did. Now my dad is gone... he died and I'll never get to see him again." He answered.

Oh my god... that's terrible.

"Carl, I'm so sorry." I said as I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. He laid his head down on my shoulder and we sat there for a while like that.

"Come on. We should go help get things sorted out. There's still a lot that needs to be done to make this place safe." He said.

Before we climbed down I turned his face towards me and gave him a kiss. He put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me even closer than I was before. The kiss got more passionate until we almost fell off the branch so we pulled away.

"Tonight, as long as you're ok with it, we're picking right back up where we left off, let's just make sure Cain and Abel are asleep before we do." I whispered into his ear.

"Hell yeah. I agree completely. Now, let's go help out for a while. Then once it gets dark we can pick up where we left off." He responded.

We both climbed down the tree and walked towards everyone else, hand in hand as we went.

Hey guys! So, I was finally able to finish this chapter! Hurrah! That took me literally forever! School is soooooooooo annoying. Anyway, that's the end of season 2, I hope you enjoyed the finale. I have no idea when I will start to post season 3 because School is still keeping me super busy, I was only able to finish this chapter today because I woke up really early for some reason and wrote a ton before anyone else even woke up, then I finished my homework and wrote more and finished it. If the chapter kinda seemed a bit all over the place that's because I was working on it over the past couple weeks, writing only a paragraph or two in one sitting.

Now, I have some bonus information and things that changed through my writing of this chapter of you want to read that. I'll post a part with all of it after I post this part, it's nothing to special, just some little things that you may or may not have noticed and some plans that I scrapped or changed during the writing of this chapter, so you've got that to look forward to.

Question Time!

1. Did you expect Frank to take that random boy and throw him into the walker pit to make Damian think that Jaylen has just been killed?

2. How did you feel about Damian going full Negan on Frank?

3. Did you see Tony's death coming?

4. How do you feel about Akio sticking up for Damian? Was he right to do so? Does Damian even deserve it?

Ok, that's it for now!


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