Chapter 38

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Hey y'all, sorry I didn't post this until just now. I was feeling very motivated for other things and wanted to work on them while I was motivated for them. Also, this chapter (and likely all future chapters) doesn't have a title because chapter titles are exhausting lmao.

Dylan's POV

The sun was starting to rise when we arrived at Cleburne. Instead of rushing all the way and exhausting the horses out we let them go at their own pace so that we could get to the city with as few stops as possible.

"Ok, let's stop and rest for a few hours or so." I said as we directed the horses towards a gas station on the edge of the city.

Everyone, Elijah most of all since he was the only one that had gotten absolutely no sleep through the night, instantly agreed that we should stop in the gas station and get some sleep. The Brit had stayed awake all night keeping watch over our prisoner while the rest of us had been able to catch a bit of rest while the other person on our horse stayed awake and directed the animal. All of us had offered to take over for him so that he could sleep but he refused each time. We reached the gas station and got off the horses and readied our weapons. Elijah brought Declan over to a bench next to the building and forced him to sit down, after the teen sat the Brit tied him to the arm of the bench then leaned against the wall next to him.

"You guys clear it. I'll keep him in line and make sure nothing sneaks up on us." The Brit said as he nodded towards the teen.

I nodded and raised my pickaxe and tapped it on the glass doors to attract any dead that may be inside. After several moments we saw and heard a small group of walkers coming towards the glass.

"I see nine coming towards us... there's another one stuck under a shelf that got knocked over." Anna said as she looked through a window.

Those of us going inside gave nods of acknowledgement to the woman and got ready to open the door. Mikayla tried to push the doors open but they were locked. I drew my tool back and swung the pointed end at the lock in the middle of the two doors. After a couple more swings of the tool there was a snapping sound from the lock and we shoved the doors open hard enough to push the walkers back.

"Let them come out to us, it'll be more controlled that way." Marcus stated as the corpses began to regain their footing and come at us.

As they came through the doors the four of us killed them and let their still corpses collapse in the doorway. Soon we had killed the nine that had come out of hiding and we carefully walked inside.

"Anna and I will go left, you guys take the right." Mikayla said as she held her machete out in front of her and went left with her girlfriend.

Marcus and I went right and he stabbed the trapped walker Anna had seen earlier in the head, silencing it's hungry moans.

Ok... so far so good... I don't hear any more of them... hopefully it was just the ten that we've already killed.

"We're clear over here." I heard Anna say as Marcus and I looked through the right side of the building. "How 'bout you guys?"

We had looked everywhere except behind the counter so I quickly scanned the space and found nothing but a bloody sleeping bag wrapped around the small corpse of a child. A large chunk of flesh was torn from his upper arm. There was a bloody knife laying beside the kid's head and a hole in his temple where he had been stabbed to prevent reanimation. A second corpse was sitting against the counter, a large portion of it's head missing and splattered against the cash register, a shotgun was stuck inside the corpse's mouth with the stock shoved against the corpse's feet.

"Clear... these ones are already dead." I said as I frowned at the two corpses.

I guess they didn't want to live without their kid.

I stepped away from the counter and walked to the doors, trying not to think about the two rotting bodies or what they reminded me of. Once I was outside I told Elijah that the building was clear and he dragged Declan off of the bench and inside. Anna, Marcus, and Mikayla were dragging the corpses of all the walkers that we had killed out the back door to the parking lot and piling them in a hole that they had dug. I led the horses over to the bench and tied their reins to it so they wouldn't wander away. After that I found the bathrooms, the women's was wide open but the men's was closed so I tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.

Why is this locked?

I held my pickaxe up and knocked on the door with the end of the handle, after a couple minutes I had heard nothing so decided it was safe to bust into. I swung the tool at the door handle and smashed it off, breaking the lock in the process. I opened the door and my eyes widened as I saw what was inside.

"Holy shit that's a lot of supplies." Elijah muttered as he approached from behind me.

We were staring at three large cases of water bottles, two full large water jugs, a box that looked like it was almost overflowing with medical supplies, two and a quarter boxes that were full of canned and bagged food, and finally a box of weapons.

"These people were stocked up... they should've lasted a good long while." I said as I glanced at the growing pile of corpses in the back.

"Well... as unfortunate as it is for them that they didn't, it's very lucky for us." Elijah responded as he shrugged slightly then went in the room. "Do you wanna help me get the horses watered?"

I nodded and helped him carry one of the large water jugs out of the bathroom and to the front where the horses were tied. Once we had the jug outside he went back in and cane back shortly after with the box that had been about a quarter of the way full of food and set it down in front of the horses. I popped the lid off the water jug and then began pouring the water into the box, instantly catching the animals' attention.

"You should go get some sleep Elijah." I stated after we had watched the horses drink for a couple minutes. "Tell the others to get some rest as well, I'll take first watch."

The Brit nodded in response and headed back into the building. After a few minutes I headed in as well and saw that my group members were spread throughout the building laying on the floor. Declan was sitting in a corner tied to a shelf with his head leaned back against the wall. I thought he was asleep until he opened his eyes and looked over at me.

"Can I have some water?" He asked as he glanced at the bathroom-turned-storage room. "It looks like y'all have more than enough."

I walked over to the room and came back with a bag of chips as well as a bottle of water and sat on the floor next to him. I untied his hands so he could eat and drink, handed him the water and chips, and then scooted just out of his reach.

"You're already treating me better than the people I was with... so, thanks... I guess." He muttered quietly and awkwardly before opening the water and drinking some.

"Sounds like you're with the wrong people then." I stated simply as I shrugged.

He scoffed quietly before responding.

"Yeah... it does doesn't it." He stated quietly before chuckling. "My girlfriend said almost the same thing... and I told her she was wrong."

"You should've listened to her. Girls tend to be right about most things." I responded as I chuckled.

"Yeah I guess so." He said as he chuckled as well. "You seem alright, I'm glad we're talking like regular human beings instead of as captive and captor."

"Yeah... me too." I responded quietly.

This is nice, but I can't let my guard down... he's still one of them.

"How long have you known Elijah?" He asked as he looked over at the sleeping Brit.

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.

"Because he looks familiar and I can't place why... I feel like I've seen him before." The teen answered as he shrugged slightly.

Strange... I'll have to ask Elijah about that later.

"Ok, that's cool and all... but what does that have to do with how long I've known him?" I asked, still suspicious of him and his strange line of questions.

He shrugged and stuffed some chips in his mouth. After he had chewed the chips he drank some more water and looked back at me.

"So what's your story?" He asked curiously.

I gotta be careful now... don't want to give too much away.

"I was born in a small town in the panhandle and I lived there all my life. My parents were nice, kinda strict, but amazing other than that. I had two siblings that were both adopted and a foster brother who we were in the process of finalizing the adoption papers for." I said as I thought back on my life. "I was with my family at the start, but now they're gone and I'm here."

I looked down at the floor and felt tears slipping down my cheeks as I thought about my family and decided that I couldn't keep talking about them.

"I'm sorry... losing people sucks." He responded as he gave me a sympathetic look.

I scoffed as I rubbed the tears from my face and then looked back up at him.

"Yeah... that's one hell of an understatement." I said as he finished the bag of chips and took the last sip from the water bottle. "How 'bout you, what's your story?"

"Well, before this started I was a sophomore in high school. I was an only child with a single dad, he was a security guard at the courthouse. Once the reports of 'dead men walking' started he decided that we had to get to the city so we could be in the safe zone until everything got sorted out. He died when the safe zone fell, it was just me and three other people who got out, one of them ended up dying before we met Angela, the other shortly after... Erica and I decided to join them so that we wouldn't lose each other." He said as he leaned back against the wall and stared at the ceiling. "Obviously I didn't go into a lot of detail... but that hits the most important stuff."

"Was Angela always insane?" I asked as I glanced over at him. "And has the group always fought amongst itself?"

"As long as I've known her she's been insane, and yeah they've always fought." He answered with a shrug. "There always seems to be someone picking a fight with someone else over something... sometimes those fights end with one of the people dying, but that's usually only when Matt is one of the fighters."

Well that's some nice insight into the group... I wonder if I can get anything more from him.

"I think I'm gonna try to get some rest." He said before I could ask him any more questions. "Thanks again for the water and chips, and thanks for treating me like a human instead of just some guy you took prisoner."

After that he laid down and closed his eyes, I quickly retied his hands before walking out of the building and sitting on the bench.

I wonder if any of our people are here. If they are where would they be?

Carl's POV

While Talia slowly walked down the hall away from Archer's hospital room we all stood in a somber silence staring at the door. The twins were leaned against Ethan and I, barely holding back tears from falling. Akio stood there for a moment and then went down the hall after Talia. The rest of the group either stayed there staring at the door or slowly walked off to the rooms they had claimed.

"I'm gonna go in and see how Enid's doing." I whispered to my boyfriend.

He nodded in response and Cain, who had been leaning against me, moved so I could go in the room. When I walked in Enid was still sitting at the side of the bed holding her boyfriend's hand and staring at him. I stood next to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She glanced up at me then turned her attention to the pale teen in front of us.

"He's in really bad shape." She muttered quietly as she stared at him. "I... I don't know if he'll make it."

"Don't think like that." I responded as I gave her shoulder a squeeze. "He'll make it, and you'll be right here next to him when he wakes up."

She sighed in response and laid her forehead on the hospital bed. We stayed like that for about ten minutes in complete silence. I thought she had fallen asleep until she suddenly sat back up.

"You need to get some sleep." I said quietly. "I'm gonna go find a cot in one of those rooms and bring it in here for you, then you're gonna get some rest. Ok?"

She glanced up at me and nodded slightly. With that I walked out of room and began looking for a cot. My boyfriend and adoptive sons were no longer in the hallway staring at the door when I walked out.

I hope Ethan took them to go do something to get their minds off this.

I began searching the rooms along the hall for a cot and eventually found one in one of the rooms at the opposite end of the hall. As I carried the cot back to Archer's and Enid's room I noticed Talia and Akio talking quietly in one of the rooms about halfway between where I had found the cot and where I was headed to. Talia was broken down with her face in her hands and Akio was sitting next to her and trying to comfort her. Once he saw me in the hall he mouthed 'I've got this' and gestured towards Archer's and Enid's room with his head. I nodded and headed back on my way down the hall.

Talia's taking this really hard... harder than everyone, even Enid. I guess she has known him the longest of all of us though, so it makes sense.

"Ok Enid, time for you to get some sleep." I said as I pushed the door open with the cot under arm and a pillow under the other.

She looked at the door and nodded slightly as I walked in and unfolded the cot. She pushed the chair she had been sitting in to the side and I placed the unfolded cot next to the hospital bed and placed the pillow down on it.

"There you go. Now sleep." I said as I patted the pillow.

She nodded and laid down on the cot, still holding Archer's hand. I walked out of the room and quietly closed the door behind me.

Now I need to go find Ethan and the boys.

Talia's POV

"There's nothing I can do!" I shouted as I cried.  "Archer, the kid I've known his entire life... the kid I've watched grow... the kid that may as well be my younger brother, is going to die." I muttered as I sat on the hospital bed with my face in my hands.

Akio sat across from me with his hands on my shoulders.

"Talia, you did everything you could for him. Plus he's a strong and healthy young man, he'll make it through this." He said as he squeezed my shoulders. "You're not losing your brother any time soon."

I glanced up at him and saw the hope in his eyes.

How can he be hopeful at a time like this... in a situation like this... I just don't get it.

"The best case scenario that I can think of is that he wakes up with massive brain damage because of the lack of oxygen flowing to his brain." I stated as I looked into his eyes. "Most likely, he's gonna be brain dead... a fucking vegetable laying in that bed... at that point he'd be better off if we hadn't even tried to save him."

With that thought I began crying again and I put my face back into my hands.

"Talia. Stop thinking like that. It'll just make things worse." He replied as he pulled my face out of my hands and gently held my head up so I was looking him in the eyes. "He's going to wake up, and when he does we're all going to help him get back into the swing of things, and he'll be fine."

I sighed and scooted closer to him, laying my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes. Tears continued to fall for several minutes until I had no more tears to cry. I moved off his shoulder and looked over at him.

"I'm an ugly crier... sorry you had to see this." I said quietly as I looked away from him.

"Is there such a thing as a pretty crier?" He asked with a slight chuckle.

"Are you saying I'm not pretty?" I asked as I looked back at him and raised my eyebrow.

"Not when you're crying." He responded with a smirk on his face.

I punched his arm in response and he chuckled again.

"Shut up asshole." I said as I smiled slightly. "Can you go find me some food, I'm starving and exhausted."

He nodded and got off the bed then headed out the door, shutting it behind him. I laid down and stared at the ceiling thinking about every possible Archers could wake up in. Tears began silently falling down my face again despite the fact that I thought I had cried all the tears I possibly could already.

Having Akio in here was a nice distraction... he's good at getting my mind off of this whole situation.

I heard the door open and looked over to see Akio walk in holding a tray of different snack foods. He sat on the bed again and I sat up. The tray was between us and we both started to eat.

"Thanks." I said quietly after I finished my third bag of stale Doritos. "For the food and for helping get my mind off this shitty situation."

"No problem." He responded with a smile. "We're all in this shitty situation together, so we all have to help each other out."

I nodded in agreement and we sat in a comfortable silence that was only broken by the crunching of stale chips and the crinkling of the bags. Soon we had finished eating everything he had brought and I set the trash-covered tray on the floor and laid back down.

"I'll let you get some rest, you had a long night." He said as he stood up to leave.

"Please stay... I don't wanna be alone... not right now." I stated as I glanced over at him.

He nodded and pulled a chair out of the corner of the room and sat down by the bed.

"I'm right here." He whispered as he put his legs up on the edge of the bed and leaned back slightly in the chair. "Get some sleep, Talia."

Ethan's POV

The twins and I were walking along the streets of Cleburne. I was giving them a full tour of the city, pointing out different things and telling them stories about stuff that I did here. I had just finished telling them about the time I had dislocated my ankle while trying to catch a dog I had seen when my mom and her husband were getting gas at the station around the corner when I heard the sound of a horse neighing. I immediately drew my pistol and directed the boys to draw their guns as well.

"Careful... we don't wanna be seen before we see whoever that horse belongs to." I whispered as I crept my way to the end of the alleyway we had been walking down.

"What if it's a wild horse?" Abel asked as they followed me.

"Then we'll leave it alone and be on our way." I answered quietly.

They both nodded in response and followed me as quietly as they could. When I reached the end of the alley I peaked around the corner of the building and saw three horses tied to a bench outside the gas station.

There are people there... why else would those horses be tied up?

As soon as I had the thought someone walked out of the building holding a pickaxe. I ducked back into the alley and motioned for the boys to stay put. They nodded and I took a deep breath and held my gun up in front of me before walking out of the alley and aiming at the person who was now sitting on the bench.

"Don't move." I stared as they jumped up off the bench.

"Ethan? Is that you?" They asked in surprise.

I lowered my gun slightly and actually looked at the teenager's face and instantly smiled.

"Dylan, it's you, thank god." I said as I lowered my weapon all the way. "Yeah it's me. Is there anyone else with you?"

He nodded as he grinned and came over to me, then broke into a full smile when the twins came out of the alley.

"Dylan!" They both shouted happily as we all gathered in the middle of the street.

After the little reunion Dylan led us into the station where I saw five other people. I recognized three of them from the farm, but the other two were strangers to me, and one of the strangers was tied up.

"Who're they?" I asked as I gestured at the two I didn't know. "And why is he tied up?"

"That one is Elijah, he helped me when I got split up from the others." He answered as he pointed at a blond haired young man who was asleep. "That's Declan, he's a member of Angela's group that we took prisoner when we went to get the others back... speaking of which, I have some good news and some bad news, which do you want first?"

"The bad news." I said as I sighed.

"Some of our people are being taken to Fort Worth by Angela's group." He replied. "The good news is that it's your mom, Carol, and Landon. They're all alive, or they were yesterday.

My eyes widened at the news and I smiled as I thought about the fact that my mom made it out alive.

"I've got good and bad news too." I said as I leaned against the wall. "There's a bunch of us staying in a hospital here in Cleburne. Archer is hurt though, it's looking pretty bad for him... Talia did surgery but he hasn't woken up yet."

We all talked for a moment before I decided we should head back to the hospital.

"Come on, let's get them all up so we can get to the hospital and y'all can see everyone else." I said as I gestured at the door.

Dylan agreed and went to wake the prisoner up first. I went to Marcus, Cain went to Mikayla and Anna, and Abel went to Elijah. Once everyone was up Elijah introduced himself to the twins and I while Declan did an awkward wave with his bound hands.

"A bit more good news." Dylan said as he walked towards the bathrooms. "We've got one hell of a stock pile in here." He finished as he swung the men's bathroom door open.

"How're we gonna get it all back?" Cain asked as we looked at the supplies.

We need a sheet... or a tarp... something we can set all of it on then tie to the horses.

"I've got an idea, but I need to go get a couple sheets from that apartment building." I said as I gestured at the building across the street.

Dylan, the twins, and I all walked over to the apartments with our weapons ready and entered the building. We started searching the rooms on the first floor, taking any supplies we found as we went.

"Hey, will this work?" Dylan asked as he dragged a large quilt from a bedroom in the apartment we were currently searching.

"Yes, that's perfect, let's go." I responded as the four of us left, Dylan and Cain carrying the quilt while Abel and I had the small amount of other supplies we had found.

The others had moved all the supplies from the bathroom out in front of the station so that we would be ready to load everything up and leave once we found what we were looking for. I cut holes in the corners of the quilt and then took some rope, which Elijah had removed from around Declan, and put it through the holes while everyone else loaded all the supplies on the quilt. I then tied the rope to the largest of the three horses.

"Ok, I think we're good to go." I said as I looked between each of them and the supplies.

They all agreed and we began the trek to the hospital.

Jen's POV

"Come on, we're moving on. Angela wants to get to Fort Worth before dark." Alesia ordered.

Erica was slowly untying us but she seemed distracted, she kept looking out into the woods in the direction that our people had taken her boyfriend.

"They'll treat him well, don't worry." I said sympathetically as she untied me. "Our people are good people, they only took him because y'all took us."

She just shrugged and continued to worriedly stare off into the woods. Once we were all untied and the camp was ready to move on we started to move. Carol, Landon, and I were forced into the center of the crowd of people so that we couldn't try to run.

-Time Skip-

It was getting dark by the time we stopped in front of a large building in Fort Worth. Everyone went inside and dispersed through the building.

"Welcome to the Blackstone Hotel." Erica said as she and a man named Vladimir led us up to the very top floor and split us into three separate rooms.

After about an hour of being in the room Erica opened the door and carried a small plate of food in, shutting the door behind her.

"Here's some food. I know you turned away food already, but I figured I'd try again." She said as she set the plate down on the coffee table in front of the couch I was sitting on.

"These are pretty luxurious prison cells." I said as I looked at the plate of food for a moment before sighing and taking it, stunning her as I took several bites.

I can't refuse their food forever, I gotta be ready to escape if a chance arises.

"Well, it's a hotel, so there isn't exactly a dungeon downstairs." The teen said as she chuckled.

"So... what's Angela gonna do to my people?" I asked as I looked over at the girl who was now standing by one of the windows and looking outside.

"You're not worried about yourself?" She asked as she turned to me.

"My people come first, then me, then everybody else." I responded with a shrug.

"That's very noble of you." She said. "I kinda like that."

"How 'bout you answer my question instead of avoiding it." I said as I crossed my arms.

She sighed and sat down in a chair across from where I was sitting.

"Well... she'll start out with an interrogation to learn as much about y'all as she can. After that she'll decide if any of you are worth 'working on' to draw to her side. If she determines that you're not worth the time or effort she'll torture you to death... slowly." The girl said as she stared at the coffee table.

I stared at her as I set my plate down on the table. She refused to look at me.

"You're certain of that?" I asked quietly.

"Yes... she did it to my group when we first ran into her... our leader, a guy named Jonathan, was tortured to death for not turning... Declan and I played along after that." She responded as she glanced up at me. "And she's done it to every group we've run into since we joined up."

"You're just ok with that?!" I asked angrily as I leaned back in my seat.

"Of course I'm not ok with it!" She shouted back. "But I don't exactly have a choice... this is how Declan and I have been able to survive, we play along and keep a low profile, we do as we're told to do and we deal with the way things are, that way Angela and her people don't have any reason to hurt or kill us."

I stayed quiet after that, just staring at her for several minutes in silence. She was scrunched up in her chair with her elbows on her knees and her face in her hands.

"I have a series of questions for you... I want you to answer them all." I said suddenly as I stared at her, a plan beginning to form in my mind. "Can you do that?"

She nodded quietly as she looked up at me.

"Do you want to leave this group?" I asked instantly.

"I already told you, I don't have a different choice." She responded in confusion.

"If you had a choice... would you leave this group?" I asked more persistently.

"Yes." She said, an extremely confused look on her face.

"How many walkers have you killed?" I asked.

"Uh... I don't know, a lot, I've never thought about counting." She answered as she stared at me, not even bothering to ask why anymore.

"How many people have you killed." I asked, she looked down and sighed quietly.

"Four." She whispered after a couple seconds of silence. .

"Why?" I asked.

"Honestly... because I wanted to." She said, causing me to raise my eyebrows at her. "They hurt someone from my old group... beat her nearly to death and left her brain dead. I wanted them to die for it, so I killed them."

"I see." I said as I nodded slowly.

Seems like a good enough reason to me. I'll trust her for now because I have to, after we get out of here might be another story.

"Are you ever gonna tell me why you're asking all these questions." She asked curiously.

"What if I told you I could give you a better choice than staying here with this group?" I asked as I leaned towards her. "And all you would need to do to make it possible is help me and my people get out of here."

She stared at me for a minute thinking about what I'd said.

"Were you serious... back at the camp when you said your people are good?" She asked as she looked back at the ground. "That they'd back us up and care about us?"

"Yes." I answered confidently. "Nolan is just a bad example of it, he lost both of his kids and it drove him insane, he wasn't thinking straight so he was easy for Angela to convince that the people who he'd been with, me and my people, were the enemy."

"You're certain that they're treating Declan well?" She asked as she continued to stare at the floor.

"Absolutely certain." I stated. "They're good people."

It was silent for several minutes after that. She just stared at the floor in thought, likely trying to think through every possible scenario.

"Ok... I'll help you guys." She said as she gave a single nod. "What do I need to do?"

"First, do you have anyone in this group that you trust other than Declan?" I asked as a plan started to fall together.

"One... Lilah, the doctor." She answered. "She's a good person, she'll help us if I ask her to. She may even want to leave with us... if that would be ok."

"We'll cross that bridge later... you said she'd be willing to help, so we'll get her help." I stated. "I'm gonna need a weapon, preferably a knife so I don't attract attention. I also need the key cards for the rooms my people are in."

"Weapon is easy, I have one here." She said as she removed a sheath from her belt. "Key cards aren't so easy... each room has a guard and each guard has the key to their room. I'm your guard so I have your key, but I don't have access to any of the other keys."

Shit... I need those keys so I can get my people.

"What about the master keys?" I asked as a thought occurred to me. "The housekeepers at hotels have master keys that can unlock any room, could you get ahold of one of those?"

"Maybe... I know where they are, all but one are in the storage room, Angela has the last one." She said as she squinted her eyes in thought. "I don't have a reason to go into the storage room, but Lilah would since it's where all the rarer medical supplies are kept. I can get her to grab it."

"Good." I said. "Get Lilah on our side and get that key, when you get back I'll have the rest of the plan fully laid out and I can go over it with you."

She nodded then dumped my plate on the table and carried the now empty plate out of the room. I grabbed the sheathed knife off the table and clipped it on.

Now I wait... I hope I made the right choice about trusting Erica.

Ok guys, that's the chapter, I hope you enjoyed!

Question Time!

1. What do you think the child's corpse and the corpse of the parent who had killed themself after losing their kid reminded Dylan of?

2. What do you think happened to the group at the gas station before Dylan and his group got there since it clearly wasn't a lack of supplies that killed them?

3. What'd you think about Dylan's chat with Declan?

4. Where do you think Declan recognizes Elijah from?

5. What do you think about Dylan's family pre-apocalypse?

6. What do you think about Declan's story about his life up until now? Do you think he's telling the truth?

7. Do you think Talia is right about the fact that Archer is gonna die?

8. Talia and Akio? ;)

9. Are you glad shit didn't hit the fan while Dylan, Ethan, and the twins were looking through the apartment building?

10. Any thoughts about Jen's plan to escape the hotel?

11. What do you think about Erica's explanation of what Angela will do? Do you think she's telling the truth?

12. How do you feel about Jen asking Rick's (and now Carl's) questions?

13. Do you think Erica and Declan will be joining the group?

14. Do you think Jen made the right choice by trusting Erica?

Ok, that's all the questions I've got for today. Once again, sorry it took me so long to have this chapter done. I am also working on the next MTB chapter, so that should be coming out soonish.


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