Fight To Live: Character Contest

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<]=[> Information <]=[>

Hello everyone!

So, I know this is like the third time I've posted an Author's Note about the character contest, but this is my official character contest page. This will stay up until the contest is over.

Now, a few quick bits of info before we get to the real chat.

First, I will be accepting two characters through this contest, both of them will be introduced in season 6 of Fight To Live.

Second, there are not any real rules about this, make your character however you want, but please follow the character chart farther down in this part, it has all the basic info about your character that I will need in order to portray them to the best of my ability.

Third, this is probably not gonna be the only time I ever do a character contest for this story, I would love to have you guys get even more involved with the story by doing things like creating characters to add to it. Anyway, the point is, if you don't win this time there will be other opportunities for you to create a character for FTL, I promise.

Fourth, I had originally decided that the contest would be over after season 5, but I changed my mind to after season 4 so that I could adjust my plans for season 6 depending on how the characters you guys make are (like personality-wise and relationship-wise). I have a basic set of plans for the characters, but I didn't want to plan super detailed stuff involving them yet because I don't know them and I'm hoping you guys will make deeper characters that couldn't necessarily fit in the place of any character anyone on earth could make, hence why I'm ending earlier so that I can meet the characters and adjust my plans if necessary.



<]=[> How To Enter <]=[>

Entering the contest is simple. All you have to do is vote on and leave comments on chapters of FTL. The more you vote and comment, the more likely you are to win.

<]=[> How To Win <]=[>

A few days after the season 4 finale of FTL I will draw two names from a hat, if I draw the same name twice I will draw again (this process will continue until I have two different winners).

There are two ways to get put in the hat, voting and commenting.

For every chapter (any update except for Author's Notes) you vote for you will get put in the hat.

Current Standings For Votes

BentleyMahaxay 39/42
TWDFan100 36/42
JaradIsMe 33/42
castlebyIers  22/42
Blueninja1905 22/42
GREY_LACE16  15/42
Nightfuryhybrid4  13/42
AdventurousScout 11/42
Davidmal42 11/42
starlightmoon12234 6/42
AdriannaMarie1100 3/42
klynn123 2/42
@-epilogueempire 2/42 (I cant find this account so I couldn't tag you, if you're reading this and you know this is you then please let me know)
Xx_Signless_xX 1/42
LionHeadNight02 1/42
ramnalove  1/42
Dominasantana 1/42
heywhatis  1/42
Tonyparra95QSquad 1/42
lolipops84 1/42

If you were tagged above and you don't want to be a part of this contest let me know and I'll remove you from the hat and from my list.

If you were tagged above and you don't know what parts you haven't voted for let me know and I will be more than happy to tell you.

Now let's talk about comments. You can get put in the hat up to 8 times per chapter (this was originally 7, but I realized I screwed up, so it's 8 now), here is a chart to show how.

Current Standings For Comments

BentleyMahaxay  255
TWDFan100  225
castlebyIers 108
AdventurousScout  48
lolipops84  3
Tonyparra95QSquad  1
KittenLover5278  1
AdriannaMarie1100  1
Sana1231  1
spiderblvthw  1
starlightmoon12234  1
AlfaOfTheWolfPack  1
XxJessieGirlxX  1

Just to clarify, those numbers are how many times you were put in the hat for your comments all throughout the story.

And once again, if you don't want to be in the contest at all just let me know and I'll remove you from my list and the hat.

I will also be throwing a bonus in for the person who has commented the most out of everyone, and that person is...


Your bonus is an extra 10 papers put in the hat!

Obviously those standings are subject to change up until the end of the contest, as is the person who gets the bonus 10 papers for commenting the most out of everyone who comments.

<]=[> After You Win <]=[>

Character Chart:

1. Name (you can do just a first name or both first and last name, it doesn't matter to me which you choose)

2. Face claim (since this story has a cast I would like this please, it can be literally anyone you want, hell, if you want to make yourself a face claim, go for it, just know that if you do that I will need a picture of you, as long as you're ok with your picture being on the Internet)

3. Personality

4. Age (make sure the face claim looks like they could be the age you want your character to be)

5. Relationships with FTL characters (can be friendly, romantic, antagonistic, etc.) [as we get farther into the story you might have to play around with this as some characters will die, other new characters will be added, some characters will start relationships with each other, etc. so pay attention to that kind of stuff]

6. Past experiences

7. Any extra info about your character that you want to add (this is a category that I definitely want you to fill out, as I said before I want deeper characters, the other 6 bits of info are just basic info that every character has, this is the category that really lets you do whatever the hell you want)

And that's it, once I've drawn the names I will let the winners know and you will have a week to PM me your character before I draw a different name from the hat (exceptions will be made if there is absolutely no possible way you can PM the character to me in that time, as long as you let me know) and allow that person to send in a character.

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