Chapter 22

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I am woken up early for today is the day of the party. My morning is spent getting ready and having a bath and the maids rub oils into my skin, I have a light breakfast in my bath before I am into my room with maids fussing over me. Being honest I've never felt so relaxed I thought as I am being messaged it wasn't untill right after lunch that the maids start to fuss again My hair and make up is done before I am putting on my dress. I come out my room to the family sitting room where everyone including Ciel were waiting.

I enter and I hear people gasp "oh Adelia you look beautiful just beautiful" my Aunt Lillian said "give a spin dear" Uncle William said and I do showing my dressed self off.

"Adelia dear you look stunning you'll truly be the bell of the ball" Ciel said I smile "thank you Ciel you look handsome as well you might just steal some hearts tonight" I tell him with a wink causing him to blush.

(This is what Ciel is wearing he still has his eye patch on tho)

After all that Ciel and I wait up stairs waiting to be called on but as we wait I see that my guess was right Adam is here. I pout in anger and Ciel asked why and I point to Adam he frowns as well.

"Calm down he cant do anything now lets enjoy the ball" Ciel said I nod as we continue to wait. My breath hitched as I saw Felix enter I continue to stare untill he looks in my direction but I hid around the corner.

I take a breath as we are signaled out so we approach the top of the stairs and everyone gaps.

"Everyone I would like to thank you all for attending the ball of my niece and nephew and introducing them to society today. My nephew Ciel Phantomhive and my lovely niece Adelia Blair Amarillys" Uncle Kairo stated and we ascend down the stair way.

We walk to the center of the room and smile we get in position and wait for the music to start.

When we started dancing it was quite but everyone was drawn in by our skill and the dance. As we dance I look at Irene and look her in the eyes and smirk at her making her face turn into a angry scowl before she quickly covers it with her fan.

As the dance continues I feel a certain pair of eyes on me and I knew who they belonged to but I dared not look at him. I smile at Ciel as we finish our dance and everyone claps we bow and I hear words of praise making pride swell in my chest.

After that we leave to mingle and everyone comes up complementing me about my attire and how beautiful the dance looked. I smile and continue the small talk untill they leave, and right after they do I feel a arm go around my waist I was startled at first untill I see who it was.

I look away in shame but he gently guide's me to the empty balcony. I back away a little all is quite.

"Adelia look at me" Felix said but I dont "Adelia look at me" Felix said in a firmer tone and gently lifts my face, but all I do is look at him with big sad eyes.

"Oh Adelia why'd you leave why didn't you tell me you needed help" Felix said "oh Felix I'm so sorry I should have told you but I had to follow my heart something was telling that I had to do this. I'm sorry that I hurt you but it more that I left you. There wasnt a day where I didn't think about you, I understand if your mad" I said my back facing him.

But I'm enveloped in warm arms and pulled into a broad chest. "Yes I must say I am mad but only a little, but I care to much for you so I forgive you if something told you to do this then fine. I say it was a good choice because seeing you here I can see you glowing in pure happiness and this is the way I love seeing you. Now may I have this dance" Felix said as he bows with his hand toward me.

I put my hand in his gently "yes you may" I say in a soft whisper and with that he leads me inside to the middle of the room and everyone parts and watches us as we get in position the music starts and surprisingly my Aunt Lillian starts to sing along with my female cousins making the scene all more magical for us.

During the dance we never look away from each others eyes. As we danced it seemed like everyone else disappeared and it was only us in the room. As the song finished and Felix dips me we are brought back to reality by the clapping of the people around us. I blush lightly and Felix smirks a little as he see's this.

After that we walk around and I introduced him to my family, but when he and Atticus met each other it's like they clicked with something and they became best friends. I roll my eyes as they make a joke and laugh about it. We were having a good time untill Irene comes up to us looking innocent and timid god I feel like puking. "Hello Ciel" Irene said before Ciel cut her off "that is lord Ciel to you child and I by any means have no intentions of associating myself with you" Ciel said and looked away making bitchren turn red in embarrassment.

"I apologize Lord Ciel, uh who might you be" Irene said to Atticus who all but ignores her it wasn't untill another song came on and quickly Irene grab Felix and dragged him to the dance floor "your highness lets dance" she said and forced him into position I glare. "Atticus be a dear and lets dance I need to teach someone there place" I say holding my hand out and he all but gladly leads me to the center before Irene and we dance to the music,

Third person(pov)

As people watch the dancing couples they wonder who is the one dancing with his Highness Felix, Adam over hears this and looks proud as he see's his daughter dancing with the prince himself. Although the attention doesn't last long as they look at another graceful pair who look like they are dancing on air, Adam looks and grits his teeth in anger as he see's that his daughter isn't in the spotlight anymore. You see his whole reason to be here is to try to get more political power seeing that he barely   has any after the Amarillys with drew there help from him, he was hoping if his sweet Irene manged to capture the attention of the prince or noble it will help him.

But NO! His useless older daughter is here taking away the attention from the true beauty here tonight.

(Ha what other beauty are you talking about you fool. The true bell of this ball is Adelia, while your daughter is a two faced bitch with a greedy black heart)

Mean while every young noble lady is laughing at Irene for she is a terrible dancer for she keeps messing up the steps and tripping making the wrong turn.

Irene trips once more and she turns red as she hears the nobles laughing at her. Once the dance is finished all she hears is prise that is for Adelia once again, she quickly turns to Prince Felix ready to charm him but he walks away quickly with out spearing her a glance. Irene turns red and quickly leave outside to cool down so she wont ruin her image.


I sip on juice as I have a seat on a chair near an open window feeling happy about one upping bitchren. I smile as Felix comes to us "ah Felix dear I wonder what happened to you" I say but he pouts at me "Adelia I just went through an uncomfortable experiences help me erase it and dance with me" Felix said  I smile but agree. What I didn't see what Felix giving my Aunt lillian a signal.

When we danced my Aunt once again sang for us drawing attention to us making me feel embarrassed and even more so when I see its only us dancing.

After that night I spend the rest of the night enjoying myself, all was well untill Irene ruined it by spilling red wine on my dress. Everyone's attention was on us "o-oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" Irene said acting innocent ah so that how you want to play it alright I thought.I smirk in my mind but put on a look of concern "that's quite alright it's noticable that you arent quick on your feet" I say out loud cause some young noble children to laugh "be sides nothing I cant fix with a flick of my wrist, and wala" I say flicking my wrist making the stain disappear making my dress look like before.

Everyone gasped at the use of magic not a of people can do what I just did I mean they can but it takes practice "oh my her mana must be very strong to be able to just flick her wrist and poof gone" a noble said "yes if you remember she is the oldest daughter of Lord Falcon she is very skilled though something must have happen since she isn't in her father care anymore" a noble man said.

"Oh didn't you hear right after Lady Mariana Falcon passed Lord Falcon waisted no time to get back to his territory" a noble lady said after that I ignore them "yes well not much harm was done, well if you excuse  us" I say and we turn around and walk off into the crowd. We head outside to the garden where they all laugh out loud once out of ear shot "oh man did you see her face when you called her clumsy" Atticus said before laughing again Felix and Ciel following him.

I shake my head with a smile "now now boy get it all out we still have an image to maintain" I say and Felix hugs my waist "of course dear dont worry we boys know to behave right lads" Felix said and they nods I laugh before we head back in and enjoy the rest of the evening with no interruptions along the rest of the night I make some friends with other noble children who I knew back in my past life.


Father mother and I arrive at the ball being hosted at the Amarillys estate I look at aw seeing how big the house was how expensive everything looked, hmmmm if I can met someone from this family and  sink my claws into them all this can be apart of my life. All this wonderful luxury with Adelia out of the picture for a few years now they maybe looking for some sort of comfort. We head inside and everywhere I look around is people with expansive clothing and jewelry, as I look around I notice the head of the family hmmmm maybe I should go and talk him. I thought that before I notice Prince Felix arrive perfect.

It wasn't untill Lord Amarillys introduced the people who the ball was for untill I heard him say Adelia did I look up see her walking down the stair way with who I assume is her cousin. WHAT!! She was supposed to be gone! MISSING! not here. I felt envy as they danced and I heard people praising them, praising HER. After they danced I went to look for Prince Felix but I cant find him anywhere, after a while I find him only to see him with Adelia.

I watch as they danced but to add salt to my wound I hear singing making everything look so much better for her. As they dance I hear people praise her and how they look good together, after that Adelia looks me the eyes and smirks before she looks away. I grit mt teeth in anger before I cover it with my fan. When they finish dancing they quickly and I go to find his Highness and I do find him and he's with Lord Amarillys nephew Ciel Phantomhive could this be any better,

I go to introduce my self but he completely hates me the other just ignores me. I hear another song come up and quickly ask His Highness to dance with and take him to the dance floor. We dance but I noticed Adelia come to dance to and she completely humiliates me by being better I turn red with embarrassment as people laugh at me so I run and hide for a while. By the time I come back in I see Prince Felix and Adelia dancing again. That's it I wont stand for this anymore she keeps ruining every chance I try to get with His Highness.

I grab a glass of wine and quickly go over and trip so I can ruin her dress, and I do I quickly act innocent and everything and she still manges to humiliate me and to make matters worst she used magic to fix her dress. After that we leave and in the ride home I force tears and make my self look pitiful making mother and father comfort me and quickly get mad with Adelia for making fun of me. Once home I go to my and trash it in anger before I change and make some maids come clean.

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