Chapter 23

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The next day I wake up late along with everyone else since the ball went on for a good while I walk to the dining room wrapped in my robe and slippers meeting cousins in similar attire, we smile tiredly at each other and continue. We make it to the dining room my eyes widen a bit when I see Ciel also dressed like us I smile before I sit down and eat breakfast.

I am in my room getting ready in a dress before I head down to the garden and relax under a shady tree I stay there a while and lay down with my eyes closed, I start to drift off to a peaceful slumber untill I feel a  presence me so I open my eyes to see Felix I blink before I sit up. "Hello I didnt know you would be coming" I say as he sat next to me "well after not seeing you in a long time its kinda hard not wanting to see you, trust me I am being civil because if not I would have been begging you to stay at the place with me" Felix explained, ha he's right he would do that.

I see him yawn so I put my arms around his neck making him blush and I pull his head onto my lap and run my fingers through his hair"hush now and rest I can see you are tired" I say and he closes his eyes I smile and hum a soft tune.

I am broken out of thought by Felix as he wakes up he sits up all drowsy and lays his head on my shoulder "Ade are you prepared to start the Academy the following week I am also starting that week so we should get there together" Felix said  "alright but you need to behave should an argument pop up we are to handle it calmly if not you let me handle it" I tell him he looks like he wants to say no I shush him with a look he pouts but nods I smile and pat his head. We sit in a clam silence enjoying each others company untill I hear foots steps and then "Mama mama wear are you" Obsidian I see Felix look around with a confused look untill he see my baby dragon his mouth is open as he see Obsidan in my lap as he cuddles his head into my bosom

"Felix meet Obsidian my baby dragon Obsidain met Felix my fiance and your daddy" I introduce them to each other and he perks up at the mention of daddy "daddy I have a daddy Hi daddy nice to meet you" Obsidain said happily as he jumps into his lap, Felix is shocked untill its replaced with a gentle smile "hello Obsidain it nice to meet you son tell me have you been a good boy for your mama" Felix asked and Obsidian nods "ya mama always said I'ma good boy". After that we spent the day together I laugh as I watch them play hide in seek in the tall grass.

We finish off the day as we eat dinner with my family and he leave back to his home I fall asleep that night content.


I was at the Amarilliys estate to see Adelia I find her and see her all relaxed making me happy but after that I have a nap on her lap as she runs her fingers through my hair it was relaxing. We were having a casual conversation that quickly turned to something else but she kept me quite with one look, I might be a prince but I wana live a long life not an early death when it comes to her it was quite untill I hear a child's voice and I hear someone call Adelia 'mama' it wasnt  untill I see a baby dragon and Adelia introduced us to each other but I am now a daddy. I zone out untill I break out of it I'm a daddy!! I quickly introduce myself and we enjoy the day playing.

It felt relaxing to play like this no interruptions, no schedule just plain old fun. The day was spent playing untill we go and eat dinner and I go home, when I get home I fall asleep tired. I wake up the next day a notice I have a free day so I spent the day making sure that there is a carriage prepared for Monday and pulled some strings so that Adelia can room with one of her female cousins so she can take our child with her, I smile at that though before I spend the rest of my day relaxing.


I was making preparation for school next week, I'm mad though I have to bunk with some unknown person that will be below my status. Honestly I cant wait for when Felix gets ride of stupid Adelia and makes me his crown princess, I want to be empress and I will be no matter what I have to do. I sigh before I walk around the house hoping to pass the time.

*Time skip*


I wake up and dress into my into a pale pink dress before I head down to eat breakfast, After breakfast nanny is making sure I have everything before we start the good byes. when they are finished we head outside and I see Felix and he came in one of the carriage that has the royal family crest I laugh quietly as my bags are being loaded I step inside and Felix hands me Obsidan who is in his carrier napping, next thing I know we are off I stick myself out the windows and wave to my family "GOOD BYE I'LL SEE YOU SOON I PROMISE TO WRITE WHEREVER I CAN" I scream as we get farther away.

During the long ride which is ruffly five hours it was spent with Felix listening to me as I told him what I done during the years I had left.

And he listened and asked me question to which I gladly answer, we make a stop tp stretch our legs before we continue are ride to school.

After a few hours we fall asleep leaning on each other but when we were just a few miles away we are awoken by the driver I thank him and straighten my clothes while making sure Obsidian is alright and Felix's tie is neat.

We stop in front of the school and everyone stops and stares the door opens and Felix steps out I hear his fan girl's scream he turns to the door and helps me out as I hold onto the bag containing my dragon.

It goes quite before they start to whisper and Felix leads me in side where we have a seat.

After a while everyone is seated and the headmaster comes in.

"Hello student's I am happy to be here to greet you to school where you will be here during the years until you graduate. My name is headmaster Griffin after the announcements are over you will be given your uniforms and then lead to your dorms." Headmaster Griffin said

After about an hour or so they are finally over and I follow the females to get my uniform. When I get it I get a good look at it it white with dark blue trimming and it looks like it goes below the knees.

I nod at it "ok everyone who is a girl come here so we can tell you where your room is" a female student yells out.

I go over and get the information needed along with directions and walk. As I walk I look at where the others are going and notice there are a few people going to the direction I am going.

Oh wait! I remember now my cousin once told me that if you are of high status like us we get a slightly better housings then others. I look behind me because I feel that someone is staring at me and guess who I see Irene looking at me with so much hate in her eyes making me wonder if she is dying her hair because of the stress she's causing her self. I giggle at the thought and turn around and continue my walk.

After a while I am at the top of the building and I knock on the door it open with full force and I'm hugged I gasp "cousin Sandra" I say and hug back, we pull apart before we head inside where I see my bags are we grin at each other before we start unpacking are stuff.

A while later an hour before lunch we finish and are sitting in the lounge untill we hear tapping Sandra and I look at each other confused and look twords the window "oh lala Adelia who knew your price can be so daring~" Sandra said making me blush before I go and open the window.

He hopes in and dust himself off "what brings you here" I ask him "well I came to escort you to lunch oh and you to if you wish Sandra" Felix said "of course thank you Felix" Sandra said before Felix jumped out the window and went to the front of the where cousin and I quickly head to. Once down we quickly take an arm and walk to the cafeteria, as we make the walk people stop and stare it wasnt untill we pass Irene that I give Sandra a single to which she nods to "prince Felix look at that lovely bird its color is beautiful" sandra said making him look to where she's pointing.

Everyone else follows to see once there attention is diverted we turn to Irene and glare at her making her shrink back seeing she had no one watching or anyone to back her up I smirk at her and hug Felix arm tighter before I grab his attention once more "Felix dear lets go eat I am absolutely famished from our ride here aren't you" I tell him from the corner of my eye I see Irene turn red.

"Ah of course lets us go now" Felix said leading us away with students following to also go eat. We make it to the cafeteria and grab some food before we have a seat in the middle of the room seeing that where other were directing us there we smile our thank before we sit and eat.

As we eat I look around and see other royals from other countries around us or nobles to. I finish my meal before I get up and make my way to a pair os siblings from the "Land of the great sand" or called in there native langue "ardu alramal aleazima". I stop in front of the table and greet the two prince "hello you highnesses from the Land of the great Sand allow me to Introduce my self my name is Adelia Balir Amarilliys" I say as I curesty "rise" A masculine voice says and I go so and I come face to face with the eldest prince his younger twin following his lead.

"My thank you for that warm welcome my dear lady my name is Aqail and this is my younger twin brother Aalim" Aqail said to me as he kiss the back of my hand I smile at them "I noticed how since you are sitting alone I was wondering if you would like to sit with my fiance and cousin and I" I tell them the look at each other before they talk to each other in there native langue but I can understand them.

"What do you think brother" Aalim said to him "hmmmm it will do us good to make friends" Aqail said "yes and I can see in her eyes that she does not have any bad intentions" Aalim said they nod at each "we will sit with please lead the way" Aqail said to me I smile and lead them to my table.

"Your Highnesses met my cousin Sandra Amarilliys and my fiance Crown Prince Felix of the Sun Empire, everyone they are the twin princes from The Great Land of the Sand Prince Aqail and Prince Aalim" I say out loud to them Felix and Sandra get up and Sandra bows while Felix shakes there hand "Hello your Highnesses I am Felix it is a pleasure to met you on this fine day pleas have a seat and lets have a friendly chat" Felix said as they shook hand they nodded and sat down at the round table.

We were having a good time chatting and getting to know each other heck we got a few good laughs out of it, and it was al well untill someone bumped into our table making my strawberry juice spill on my dress I gasp and I slid my seat back. Once I do so Aqail and Aalim are pressing napkins on the stain I smile my thanks as I dab the big stain "oh dear and I was having such a good day" I say as my checks turn red from the corner of my eye I see some people blush.

As I look up I see Irene but she has her mask on making her look like she's sorry "oh my I'm so sorry l-let me help" Irene said as she made a move to get near me I hold my hand up making her stop.

"No thank you I think you've done enough for one day it not really that bad as long as you truly are sorry it's fine beside it must've been an accident who knows maybe you tripped but all in all it's fine" I say loud and clear making Irene flush red.

She turn as stomps away away as I continue to dab the stain thats when Felix approaches me and uses magic to get ride of it I smile my thanks before I turn to the princes and grab there hands and I smile brightly thank you so much for trying to help me I really appreciate and for thanks I'll make you a batch of cookies" I tell hem I then see Felix pout while he mumbles "Felix why do you look sad" Aalim asked him.

"It's because I havent had any of Adelias cookies or pastries in a while and now you she making some for you and not me" Felix said with a pout I see the princes trying to hide a laugh as they pat his back.

I shake my head in amusement "worry not  if you stop pouting I'll make you some pudding ok" once I finished Felix sat up straight with a big smile and nods "well follow us we'll make them in my dorm I have everything I need there" I say and start to lead them to my dorm.

*Time Skip*

After a while of making it to the dorm I have three prince looking at my counter as I prep the dough for the chocolate chip cookies, I was placing the cookies on the sheet as I see two of the princes eye balling the spoon and bowl "alright here you can lick the bowl and spoon alright but make sure they go in the sink right after ok" I tell them as I pass it to them and in a blur there eating whats left over I put the cookies in the oven before checking the pudding and see its almost ready.

The thing is I already had prepared it this morning and it readily but I'm only taking it out when the cookies are ready. Oh the cookies I need to check on them I quickly open the oven and check on them and see there ready so I put on some mittens and place them on a cooling rack. While they cool I decide to wash the bowls and everything and see there cleaned already.

I blink before I take out plats and serve everyone pudding as well as a good portion of cookies since I made a lot and hand them as I eat mine I watch there reaction I see there eyes widen and sparkle as they eat both the pudding and cookies and a flash there gone.

"Adelia that was so good can we have more in the future" Aqail said as Aalim nods I smile and pat there heads "of course I'll make you more as long as we continue this wonderful friendship" I say they nod and I stop petting them "Adelia keep petting us it feels really good" Aalim said I put my hands on my hips "alright but lets head to the sofa because I tire from standing" I and make my way to the lounge.

I take a seat on the sofa and they both get on either side of my lap as I continue to pet them and soon they fall asleep I smile at them before I look at the other people in the room, I see Sandra smiling and Felix pouting. "Felix dont pout they are merely friends and as far as I could tell from there reaction they need a touch of love I feel in my heart that they never experienced it so please be reasonable with them" I pled with him.


I pout as I see those boys on my fiances lap that should be me! But then Adelia spoke as I was pouting "Felix dont pout they are merely friends and as far as I could tell from there reaction they need a touch of love I feel in my heart that they never experienced it so please be reasonable with them" she said in a soft voice I look at her and see the sadness in her eyes w-wait I think I see tears!?

"Alright I trust what you say just dont coddle them to much dear" I tell with a sigh causing her to flash me a bright smile, ah I dont know why but I suddenly feel refreshed I look to my right and Sandra has the face as me I guess I'm not the only one. We bask in the light of the smile untill we fall asleep and we are woken up by Adelia who made dinner for us.

We enjoy a delicious mushroom soup with bread rolls and a pitcher of lemonade I watch Adelia as she dots on the two princes by wiping there faces, but I now see what she meant when she said they needed a touch of love she meant a mothers loves.

One she gives that it's comforting to others like our dragon son Obsidian, wait? Actually where is he? I thought before I see him coming out the room tired before he slowly comes to me and I pick him up and feed him some bread.

It's quite and I look over before Aqail and Aalim look at me wide eyed and in a flash there in front of me peering down at my son "wow we've never seen a dragon before" they both said in sync "oh well dont get to close or you'll scare him especially now since he's sleepy" I explain to them they nod and back off.

The rest of the evening was spent in the dorm as right as me and the other boys were about to leave Aalim and Aqail feel asleep and now they wont wake up, "well why not send a note to your dorm head and you boys can sleep in my room and I'll bunk with Sandy" Adelia said. Hmmmmm I might have to just do that because these two wont wake up and I wont to be able to pick them up but at the same time I'm to lazy to use magic to take them with me.

I take the paper from Sandra and write a quick letter before I use magic to send it off. After I watch as Adelia uses magic to change the two boys into night ware and float them to the bed where she makes a second one appear for me "well good night I'll see you in the morning" Adelia said and closes the door I chang with a snap of my finger and lay down falling into a peaceful slumber.


I watch from behind the tree I'm hiding as they all go to the better dorms. I stay and watch the building, I stay for a few hours until dinner but they dont leave it wasnt untill I needed to get back to my room that they dont leave. They just turn off the light I stomp back back to my room stopping to hit at objects but clam down as I enter I fall asleep thinking all I can do to ruin her image.

This is Aqail the oldest.

And this is Aalim

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