Chapter 29

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I smile as we make it to the camp site which is a large field surrounded by trees its beautiful

(Like that just a whole lot bigger)

Soon we are picking spots to set up our camp.

Sandra chooses a spot in the shade of a tree to keep us cool.

Soon Sandra and I set up our tent before using magic to make beds.

Right beside us is the boys who just finished with there's.

The day is spent relaxing cause tomorrow we start the fun.

I sigh happily as I lay in the sun on the soft grass, I am soon joined by Sandra and some other ladies.

We have a light chatter as we just enjoy our selfs but our attention is drawn away as the boys are playing Dodge ball.

Hmmmm that looks fun I'ma join. I get up getting the attention of the ladies around me as I make my way over.

The boys stop as they see me "my I join" I ask hands behind my back with a smile "uuhhh but we dont wish for you to get hurt" one said "oh its fine you won't hurt me besides I'm tougher than you think" I said to them "alright" they say I smile as I clap my hands.

After I did that I am now in long black pants and and a yellow dress shirt.

Soon we start and and my team quickly start winning because of my excellent reflexes and aim.

Although on our last game I decided for it to be them against me they nod determined. I smile as I stand with my back facing them soon I heard on of them scream and throw a ball but I dodge it with ease before I turn around and face them.

Soon  they all take aim and throw but I dodge all by flipping before I run along the trunks of the trees, I land another attack is made but I just dodge it, although one last ball is thrown at me but I catch it between two more dodge balls I had picked up before I kick it back right at the person. I watch as he slides back from the force soon I start my attack untill all but one is left,he looks nerves as he looks around and sees a pile of dodge balls and runs to them but all I do is kick one into my hand before I throw it with such force at the pile that the boy is flung away with the other dodge balls

(Adelia did what was basically shown by Kick)

With that the game is over and people start to cheer it was then I noticed the crowed that had gathered I smile as I wave at them and soon my friends are by my side.

"Adelia that was amazing" Aqail said his brother on my right nodding his head in agreement.

"Hmmmm maybe I'll join you next time I might win" Delun said with smirk I smile at him "we'll see seeing how everytime we have a tie breaker I always when" I say he huff and looks away

The others look amused before we head to our camp. I huff as we play a card game and I am currently losing. It wasnt long before the game ends with Sandra winning, we head to the area that was set up for lunch. I pile my plate before I thank you to the chef and go sit down.

I sit at an empty table with Sandra which is soon filled with other ladies, so much join that Sandra and I fused the tables and make a big rectangle table, "ladies I am over joyed on how many wished to sit with us, so let me ask how are you all since we've arrived" I ask before taking a bite of my lunch I watch as they hold hands looking happy.

"Yes I am Trina Flowerette in repons to your question it has been lovly so far although it takes time to get used to from how we did thing" she said ladies nod I give a gental smile "thank you Lady Trina, but dont worry ladies it might seem hard but its also quite fun and if needed just ask for assists" I tell them they smile and we keep up the talk untill lunch is over as I walk to my camp I see Irene who looks at me with rage filled eyes I open my fan a put it to cover my mouth from others before I smirk at her.

Her hands ball up in rage but she does well in hidding it after that I continue  untill I go into my tent.

*Time Skip*

It was after dinner and we just ate and it is time for us girls to bathe I'm so exicted becuase near here is a big hot spring I cant wait to relax in the hot water. I smile while gathering my bag of clothes lost in thought untill a tap on my shoulder breaks me out "soo why are you so smilely" I smile once agian "I'm kinda exicted about the hot spring thats all" Sandra grins before jumping onto my back I mange to hold us up thanks to my training.

Soon I lead the girls to the hot springs where the teachers had set up a gaint tent outside the cave entrance we enter through the front and change before exting thought the back where we enter and soak in the hot water. I sigh happily as I sink into the water with only my head out "oh my this feels great" I say people who are around me nod in agreement. The next few hours is just is girls enjoy ourselfs.


"Sooooo the girls are gone for a while untill its our turn for the spring what should we do" Atticus asked thats a good question what should we do, we all think for moment before heading outside "hey everyone lets play a game of doge ball!!" I scream out causeing everyone to gather "it simple really we will be divided evenly into two team and once its settaled we'll play an all out game of doge ball untill the winner is left standing" Delun said they nod and everyone is into team.

In my team I have Aquil and Aalim while Delun has Atticus, pretty soon its an all out battle with dodge balls flying everywhere oh we also allowed the use of mgaic. As the game goes on I see the teachers on the side watching. I chose to ignore them in favor of the game in, two hours later it is just Delun and I.

The atmosphere is intense as we just stare at each in silence waiting for the other to make a move, I stare at him untill untill I make a move and attack Delun reacts and dodges and attacks me. It goes on untill we have no more dodge balls but I am hidding one behind my back I smirk and infuse it with a spell and throw it at him only to be shocked and see him do the same, with both of us in shock we fail to doadge in time and end up in a tie.

Its quite until Delun starts to laugh I follow him and soon everyone is laughing "goodness what a game seems like we'll have to settle the score another day" he said I nod and we have a seat and have idle chat. It wasnt long before the girls arrive looking extreamly content and happy.

It only took a few mintnues for my lady to come to my side with a relaxed posture "hello I see you had fun buuut now you need a bath so gataher your clothes and get to it" she told me before walking off I shake my with a fond smile before doing as I was told to.

I led the group to the tent but when we entred "wow it smells good in here" someone said others agree and there righ it does smell good. Soon we are in the bath.


I was outside I made a big fire in the middle of camp so any of us girls can relax and I  think all the girls are here, as that went through my head I was looking through my bag "huh that strange" I mumble "what wrong Lady Adelia" Lady Trina said causeing others to look "its nothing although my sencted body oil is missing, I know I put it in my bag" I say "really" she said I wave it off with a smile "Its fine I might have lost yes it was my favortie but I brought a different bottle of oil to switch off" I say with a shrug.

The ladies start to talk among them self as I enjoy the warmth pretty soon I get sleepy and walk off to my tent.

No One(pov)

It wasnt long before the boys arrived and headed to bed, all was quite and everyone asleep expect on clocked person who stalked off into the woods with a vicious smile.

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