Chapter 16: Winged bird

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The word caged has many meanings;
1) trapped physically,
2) mentally trapped,
3) Doomed to fail,
4) To have been free, but now to no longer be.

Wings are freedom, right?
You can just fly away into the peaceful sunset, as danger dissipates around you.
But no matter how far you run, or fly, crawl, flee, danger will always find you.
After all, you cant have a shadow following you without sunlight.

Lumi, my name comes from the word illuminate. My mother had the 'honour' of naming me, she saw the hope in my eyes so named me after light. Some days I wish she had been right, I could have been a light element. Yet, I am here.
The last ice.
"Lumi, you need to snap out of your mind." A familiar voice demanded calmly.
"huh.." I snapped back to the cold sandy beach.
"You were mumbling in your sleep again." Colvin smirked.
"And what is your brand new sarcastic comment on that this time?" I yawned.
"I don't have one." He laughed calmly.
"And why not?" I demanded jokingly.
"The stars are too beautiful, and .." Colvin sighed.
"Colvin.." I sighed.
"You were mumbling about death, and that your destiny is to.."
"is to - - to d-d-ie." He admitted soberly.
I gasped in shock.
"You wont die while I am around, I promise. I wont let that happen." He smiled at the fading grey stars.
"Death is a part of life, you cant prevent it Colvin. I wish time travel was possible, but it isn't and they wont come back. My dad and yours." I sighed and hugged him.
"I know Lumi, but.."
"No buts, they probably knew it was coming. People like us can sense things like that Colvin, but you can't change fate." I smiled.
The stars shifted, as a loud rumbling hit the sky.
"Lumi?" A voice asked.
"Yes, who is this?" I asked back.
"Its Stormy, we were just trying to test long distance communication for emergencies."
"Ok, so we are all alive. And we have found 2 new elementals." I smiled.
"What about Hariet?"
"She was found by Lily and is in the camp recoperating." I replied.
"You need to train the others to unlock their animals, so that they are stronger."
"How do I do that?"
"You will know when the time comes, I did." Stormy explained then the sky returned to normal.
"What was that all about?" Colvin asked awaking from a slumber of confusion.
"Exactly my thoughts on the situation Colvaroni." I laughed strolling down the rocky reamins of peace.
"How do you even know about that?" I heard Colvin mutter.
"I have my sources," I smiled running off.
"What?" He asked in confusion.
"Catch me if you can?!" I sprinted a little faster.
"Game on!" I heard him shout.
We ran back to camp, and for the record I beat him.
But then something unexpected happened..
The Camp was sombre and practically empty..
Harriet was sobbing in her sleep again.
"No, stop.. Leave us alone. We didn't do anything." She mumbled in anger.
Harriet had woken herself up in a panic.
"Its alright Harriet it was just a dream." Lavender smiled at her reassuringly.
"I suppose you are right." Harriet shrugged it off while wiping away her painful tears.

Harriet's account of the following hours.
It must have been about 11 pm, when I gave up on tossing and turning and decided to take a stroll along the beach. It was as if something was about to happen.
"I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river, and it made me complete" I began singing as I plonked myself down on the cold gritty sand.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know
Somewhere only we know
Somewhere only we know?
I was there for the rest of the night, just thinking. Singing slow songs with no music can really change the mood of a song.
A gentle pop ballad can become a rock anthem if screamed loud enough.
A romantic song can become a chant of hatred if it is changed.
There was a small light in the distance I thought I was imagining it at first but I wasn't.

"Come to the edge Harriet." A soft voice sung with a voice like honey.
"Who are you?"
"Come to the edge where the ocean meets the sand,
I'll wait until the day you take a dive.
Come beneath the waves,
Where my kind thrive.
Enjoy the music of a band,
which is silent out of the waves."

I took my chances and dived in.
"Glowing lights up above,
turn my spirit into a dove.
Ships smash into rocks,
Because they heard our songs.
Sleep little one,
hasn't this been fun."
"Breath underwater join us,
We have much to discuss.
Follow me..
Fear not for you are free."

I could breath, because she had put a spell on me.
So I swam down after her into the light.
It was a cave full of lit candles, and she was in the shadows.
"I need you to promise me something." She uttered.
"I will, what is it?" I asked stepping closer.
"That you won't run, that you'll listen. No matter what I am." She smiled through the darkness.
"I promise, but why would I care what you are? Why would anyone care?" I asked.
"I am a siren." She swam out of the shadows.
"So, what?" I shrugged.
"You aren't scared?" She confusedly mumbled.
"No, why would I be. You obviously haven't brought me down here to harm me in anyway. Because you would have tried to do so already." I smiled.
"Anyway," She shook her hair violently and continued talking.. "You need to go and meet mr Reagan as soon as possible, the fate of every universe in existence depends on it."
"Um... Who?" I asked.
"Ah forget it I'll take you there." She shook her fins and they turned into pale legs. Then a swirly portal opened up.
"Why hello, Harriet I presume." A tall dark gentleman greeted me, he was dressed like a victorian inventor, with a long pocket watch in his hand which seemed to be going bonkers.
"I am Mr Reagan the one and only master of time." He introduced himself and showed me through a portal which lead me to a mansion it was huge.
"This is the elemental mansion. You and your friends will live here once you win your battle. There are many more elementals out there in each universe. Some are afraid others hide their powers, my job is to bring them all together here to fight those who want to destroy the elemental stones themselves. At the end of your battle some elementals will be awarded a crystal of their element. It is important that only these elementals are brought here. Your elemental necklace has yours already. So you must bring them here." Mr Reagan explained.
"But we are only in our second year." I explained.
"That will not be a problem." He added then sent me back to the beach.

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