Chapter 1 I Wonder

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I looked around the forge as usual to see if he was there. Nope, no sign of the auburn hair.

I stepped inside and began sharpening my axe. I looked at the desk Hiccup used to sit and draw stuff. I can still see him vaguely. Drawing and blabbering about how Toothless' tail would help him in so many ways.

It's been over a year actually, a year since we ended it. Can you believe it? A year, over a year. A year and we managed not to talk to each other, look, touch, or somehow make each other fall in love again. The way we knew about what was happening with each other was by our friends Tuff, Ruff, Snotlout and Fishlegs. They always kept up to date.

I then noticed I chipped my axe. Damnit.

Daydreaming+Sharpening your axe don't mix. Don't try it at home guys. Seriously, don't.

"Dang it" I mumbled.

"Oh Astrid, chipped your axe again?" Gobber said appearing out of nowhere.

I sigh and examine my chipped axe.

"Yep" I reply.

"I'll.... Ahem... Give that to Hiccup later to fix, and you can pick it up tomorrow when Hiccup's gone" Gobber offered. He knew what happened to both of us, actually everybody knew. He respected the fact that I didn't want be face to face with Hiccup.

"Sure, thanks" I say before handing him my axe and leaving the forge. Just when I went out, I see him walking towards the forge. He took a glance at me and I looked away, walking away from him quickly.

How can one small glance make my heart beat so hard?


"Ruffnut girls are not hotter than guys" Tuffnut groaned. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course they are!" Ruffnut replied.

"Girls aren't even nice" Tuff snapped.

"Oh shut up Tuffnut" I say.

"It's true" He shrugs.

I laid back down on the empty peaceful field.

"Girls have bigger boobs than-"

"RUFF WILL YOU PLEASE" I yelled. I groaned. I don't wanna be talking about boobs this moment.

"It's true right? Astrid just say it's true, then I'll stop" Ruff begged.


"See?" Ruff smirks.

"That doesn't prove a point at all, she IS a girl after all" Snotlout argued.

"Guys go somewhere else to piss each other off, seriously" I say.

"Yeah" Fishlegs say.

"Why go away when we can piss other people while pissing each other?" Tuffnut suggests.

"You guys are hopeless" I mumble and stand up. I see Hiccup waving to the others so I turn around.

"Hey guys" He greets everybody.

I walk away from the group unnoticed.


I laid on my bed. It's too early to be sleeping, but we all know I ain't sleeping. All I'm gonna do is think about Hiccup as usual, like every night.

I think of the times before we ended it.

I love you m'lady.

I hear his faint voice inside my head. I shut my eyes and rolled on my stomach. I cried into my pillow, as usual.

Yes it's been a year, and I still haven't gotten over him unlike he has gotten over me.

What do I do guys? I wanna be able to be with him with no doubts, hesitations, and problems. No matter what I do to get him off my mind, nothing works. No matter how I force myself to like someone else, my heart just points back to him.

And I wonder, just a little, if he feels the same way.



I held the pillow she used to sleep on close to me. Believe it or not, it still faintly smells like her. I bury my face in it.

A tear escapes my eye. I miss her so much, I die everyday. I just wanna rewind to the day I gave her back my ring and sent her that letter. Instead of doing that, I couldv'e held her close. Told her how I didn't care that she kissed Luke, told her that I loved her so much, told her that from then, it was me and her against the world and all it's odds.

But instead, I chose the thing I thought would make her happy, instead of hurting her more,

Setting her free from the burdens I bring.

Astrid, if I could take back anything just to be yours again, I would do it over and over again if I had to.

I just wonder if you want me back as much as I want you.



The feels.


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