Chapter 10 // Deal

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The next morning we got a move on, desperate to find a clue about Hiccup's whereabouts.

"Hey guys look, it's a whole village and--" Fishlegs was cut off.

Suddenly nets sprang up from the sky and caught only Fishlegs and I. We came down spiral from the sky, Cloudjumper desperate to make a soft landing on the ground. The others followed cautiously.

"Heh for the first time Astrid is actually below me" Snotlout says as he lands.

"Is this a good time?" I glared at him from under the nets.

"Uh guys?" Fishlegs say motioning somewhere with his head, making us focus more on what was actually happening around us. Strangers, everywhere. One was kneeled in front of me, his eyes scanning me curiously. He tilted his head.

"You can get us out, oh you know, when you're finished observing?" I said with sarcasm.

He didn't reply. "Call him, tell him we shot down some folks" He motioned to the scrawny boy beside him and sent him off running somewhere.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" He asks standing up. The others and the dragons are already surrounded by men holding spears and giving us stern looks.

"Well, we just happened to casually fly past, minding our own business, when I don't know, YOU SHOT US DOWN?!"

"This is not your territory" He replies.

"Hey listen man we don't want any-" Snotlout attempted to step close but gets cut off when the man trips him with the spear and points the sharp end inches away from Snotlouts eyeball.

"I wasn't asking you"

"Hey" A very familiar voice says from behind. The crowd makes a path for...


"HICCUP" Everyone exclaims.

"Thank God your alive!" Tuffnut runs and hugs him.

Hiccup doesn't react, only looks down at me wide eyed. It took a few seconds before he could finally kneel down and help me out of my net.

I got up and hugged him, he put his arms tightly around me in return.

"I thought I lost you" I whisper. He sighs and buries his face in my neck.

Someone clears their throat and it was the very 'welcoming' man that shot us down.

"Oh Greg, this is Astrid. My wife"

He emphasizes the word wife too aggressively that I furrow my eyebrows at him.

Greg lets out a frustrated sigh. "That cannot be. tsk tsk"

"And you are?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Greg if it wasn't crystal clear to you. I rule the village of  Barba (made up lame like myself)"


"I, young lady, have prepared an arranged marriage between this young man..." pointing to Hiccup

"and my daughter for stronger bonds with other villages in return for his dragon"

I glared at him and got up. The others gather beside me.

"You dude, are CRAZY" Tuffnut says. He high fives Ruffnut.

"IT IS YOU WHO IS CRA-ZY" Greg glares at Tuff. He was bald, but his mean face actually makes up for it. He was tall, slender, and in dire need of a bath.

"Calm down, mister. We're just here to collect our friend, peacefully, and we'll be on our way" Fishlegs spoke up. The dragons suddenly roared. We turned around and saw men tying them down and we attempted to run to them, but more men held us back. They tied us up in the process.

"Cloudjumper!"I yell trying to break free from the grasps on my arms.

"Why don't we settle this matter in a more-" Greg says, looking around at the curious crowd.

"... private place"

● ● ●

We all were sitting in chairs, with guards behind us. Except for Hiccup, who was standing beside Greg looking guilty.

"So Berkians? You guys look as savage as you sound" Greg scanned us.

"Damn right and if you even try to think about even taking our friend here or his dragon we WILL get out of here and we will burn all-"

Greg sighs and snaps his hands, and immediately someone ties a cloth around Tuff's mouth, forcing him to keep quiet.

"Anyways" Greg looks at me and smirks. He steps closer.

"Astrid is it?"

"What's it to ya?" I snap.

"Suitable match for my daughter" He looks at Hiccup.

"Change of plans"

What? We all looked confused.

"Sierra!" Greg calls out. Second later, a black haired girl about my age comes in. She carried some sort of confidence in her walk, giving each of us looks. She was pretty, but her eyes radiated evil.

"Yes, father?"

Greg points to me. "You will fight for Hiccup's hand"

"WHAT?" I say along with pretty much evrryone in the room.

"Hiccup's married to Astrid!" Ruffnut yells.

"YEAH and besides he prefers blondes" Snotlout adds.

Sierra looks at me, up and down. She smirks and walks close to me.

"There must be some other way" Hiccup adds and Greg shushes him with his hand.

"So, Astrid? Hm, mediocre" She says and I give her a dirty look.

"So is your face when I fix it up for you" I snap. She chuckles.

"I'd like to see you try. You see, Hiccup left you. That means he doesn't want you anymore. And anyways, no match is needed. I think we all know who wins" She leans down at me.

"Astrid? Yep, I think so too" Ruff says to Snotlout.

"Yeah I think so too" Fishlegs says and the others start discussing my skills while I stay glaring back up at her.

Sierra clenches her jaw. "ME!" She yells at them and they snap their mouths shut.

She puts away a strand of hair on her face.

"Don't forget what happens to your precious dragons when you don't obey me Hiccup" Greg warns. I loo kat him.

"Dragons?" I ask.

"He's got Stormfly"

As soon as Hiccup says that, I get up from my chair but the guards held me down.

"Feisty. Anyways, you win I set all you free. Sierra wins, she marries Hiccup" Greg says bluntly.

"Win what?!" I ask.

"Basic. Archery. Combat. Anything to prove your strength"

"Don't be so confident blondie. I've been training my whole life" Sierra taps my nose before giving Hiccup a flying kiss.

"I'll remember that finger and I'll make sure to cut it off with my axe" I growl.

She looks back at me angrily. "Save your anger for the real deal, savage" She struts out of the room. Greg approaches me and traces my cheek.

"I've never seen, a more suitable match for my Sierra. I might consider keeping you as my daughter if you win"

"We had a deal!" Hiccup says.

"Fine. Tomorrow at 8pm. Be ready" He says before the guards follow him outside the room.

● ● ●

"Okay, what just happened?" Tuff asked in shock after we took the cloth from his mouth.

"That" I exclaimed my head in my hands while sitting.

Hiccup sat beside me and engulfed me in a hug.

"Why in Thor's name would I need to combat for your hand?! It's actually supposed to be the way around"

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I ran away and none of this would happen if I didn't" Hiccup apologized.

We looked at him with pity. We all hugged him.

"It's okay, it's actually about time I see 2 women fight for 1 man. It's actually the first time" Tuff says with a smirk.

"Yeah about fighting? Can I just use my axe? Or?" I turn to Hiccup.

"Fight like men, err, women? Make use of fists as much as possible which actually isn't a problem for you. Sierra relies mostly on her weapon. Find a way to disarm her and you'll be good. Besides, I already know you're gonna win" Hiccup smiles before kissing me.

"Ugh save it for when you actually win" Tuff says.

"She will. Astrid is pretty good in using her strength in combat, I've seen it" Fishlegs points out.

"Creep" Ruff mumbles.

"I have to literally fight for our dragons' lives" I sigh.

"And mine?" Hiccup adds.

"Yeah yeah. I wonder if they even Stormfly" I worry.

"And me?" Hiccup jokes trying to cheer me up. Which always works I mean, his eyes are very relaxing to look at.

"Can we like just skip to the part when we beat his stick butt up?" Ruff punches her palm. With an evil look in her eyes.

"We will beat him when he doesn't get what he wants, which is Sierra winning" I explain.

"Hey no pressure but if you lose you're gonna have to give Hiccup up and find another loser to marry" Sbotlout nudges me.

"Gee thanks for the motivating words" I sacrcastically say.

A loud knock comes from the door.

"Sir Greg requests your presence in the dining hall" A voice comes from the other side.

"Yes! Food! Finally" Tuff sighs in relief.

● ● ●

"Welcome" Greg says smiling putting his hand out. I smack it away and walk in the hall.

And let me just say, this dining hall looks like it was built for the gods. With enormous dining chairs and a long table. Statues of family members I assume sit on either sides of the room. Greg had the tallest chair.

"Hiccup! Stay beside me" Sierra ordered patting the place next to him. Hiccup pretended that he didn't hear and rushed beside me, dragging me to sit down beside him as well.

"TURKEY" Tuff and Ruff yell in excitement. Snotlout was already and Fishlegs still examining the food.

Someone taps my shoulder.

"This is my seat" Sierra says.

"Sorry my butt's in it" I smile fakely.

"Still, I technically own all these chairs and I can sit anywhere I want"

"I already farted on it" I reply.


"Astrid! That's Sierra'a chair" Greg says busy talking to the guards.

I glare up at Sierra who was smirking. I hear Hiccup gulp.

"Just wait till your precious daddy isnt around to fight your battles. Then, you'll see what I can do" I whispered in her ear. She gives me a dirty look as I smirk and walk off.

I sit beside Fishlegs who was the most tolerable of the bunch. Hiccup looks at me with a plea for help as Sierra just babbles.

I smile and wink at him.

"Alright. This is to celebrate the upcoming marriage of Sierra and Hiccup, let us--"

I cut Greg off as I stood up.

"And what makes you so sure I'll lose?" I ask.

"I just know" He smirks.

"Well, wait till I see pure defeat on your face" I smile.

"Yeah, Astrid can mess you up with just one throw of her battle axe" Tuff says, his mouth full of turkey.

"I have never lost" Greg smiles.

"Well it's about time you did old man" Ruff laughs.

"Disgusting" Sierra mumbles.

Hiccup stares at me. He mouths that he missed me. I smile at him. I mouth back to him.

The rest of the night was really awkward but the presence of the gang's aura made it more comfortable.

I just wish this battle tomorrow goes the way I hope.

● ● ●

Guys ahhh I'm on my 3rd year I'm almost graduating! How about you guys? How's life? I missed you. Talk to me :>


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