Chapter 3 Find A Way

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I gathered up the courage to march up into the forge whether Hiccup was there or not, and pick up the damn axe I was supposed to pick up yesterday.

Unfortunately, he was there. Sitting on his bench, doing, forge stuff.

"Hey Astrid, picking up your axe?" Gobber asks.

"Sure am" I smile.

"Hey Hiccup! Hand Astrid her axe will you? I've gotta deliver some axes to the lumberjacks" Gobber walks out dragging along a wagon full of axes with him.

Hiccup sighs and grabs an axe that was hung on the wall with other different repaired weapons, and walked over to me with a weak smile.

I held my hand out and he gave me the axe.

"Thanks" I mumble studying it.

"Anytime" He shrugs and looks down. I took the opportunity to study him and gaze at him. He hasn't changed the past year actually, hair still auburn and messy, just the way I like it. His eyes still piercing green, and his smile still breathtaking.

Alright, I'm going to apologize and clear things up.

"Hey, I wanted to--" I started but realized that we both said the same thing at the same time.

"I just wa-" We did it again and we laughed softly.

"You first" He says.

"About the other day, I'm sorry about that. It's just--"

"You don't feel the same way, I understand" He cuts me off.

What? He actually, wants me back too?

"No no, it's not that. I-"

"Am probably over me? I'd be over me too" He cuts me off again. I smile annoyingly and I feel my eye twitch.

"As I was saying, I-"

"Astrid it's okay, you don't have to say anything. I understand" He cuts me off for the third time.

"Hiccup I swear if you cut me off I will cut your tongue out" I growl and he puts his hands up in defense.

He sighs.

"I just don't want to hear you say words that'll hurt me, so just don't say them at all. Please. You already made it clear how you feel about me, so I understand. Let's just drop this. I'll see ya around" He says turning back around and walking away.

I stomped my foot and glared at him in rage. Why won't he let me talk?!

"HICCUP FOR GODS' SAKES I'M SORRY I LIED TO YOU!" I say suddenly bursting.

"What? What are you talking about?" He asks turning around.

"I want you! I don't know what got over me that day but I want you! But being the stupid idiot you are, you always cut me off assuming things you weren't even sure of and it pisses me because I never get to let you know that-"

He cuts me off by hugging me. I was shocked at first, but I gradually put my arms around his waist and brought him closer to me. He nuzzles on my neck and kisses it.

"I want you back too" He whispers and I feel him smile.

"I love you" He adds.

"I love you to--"


I snap my eyes open and hear my roof being banged on.

Gosh it was all a dream? *sigh* I thought maybe that that was the time. I sat up straight and hear Stormfly on my room.

"Stormfly what are you doing?" I ask. I got ready and went outside, and saw Stormfly asleep. What?

She started kicking in her sleep and growling. Oh, guess she was having a dream. I sigh and fix my skirt.

"Morning Astrid" Fishlegs walks by me holding pails of fish on each hand.

"Let me help" I say grabbing the other bucket and walking alongside him.

"What's this for?" I ask.

"Meatlug won'g get up again, she's feeling lazy" He replies.

"Oh" I reply.

"You know, you should really sort things out with Hiccup" He says.


"He misses you a lot Astrid. And I know you miss him too. Your face is what he doodles most of the time in the forge, and he's been also acting a bit strange" He says and we arrive in Meatlug's little house.

"Strange?" I ask. We pour fish in front of Meatlug and she just moves out her tongue.

"I heard he isn't really doing good in his chief training without his second-in-command. He also zones out at random times and he never accepts dragon races unless your'e participating. You're kinda his inspiration and motivation to do things Astrid, and he's going to be chief soon, he'll need you" Fishlegs finish saying.

"So he doesn't hate me?" I ask.

"He could never hate you" Fishlegs laugh.

I should probably talk to Hiccup. I mean, after all, I didn't mean what I said the other day. I want to clear things up.

"Alright, I'll talk to him" I say.

"You won't regret it"

"I know" I smile.


I found all my strength to march up into the forge. Just like in my dream. Except Gobber wasn't there, but Hiccup arranging the weapons on the wall.

I clear my throat and he turns around. He looked shocked but it washed off him immediately. He looked as if he realized something, and took my repaired axe down from the wall and walked over to me to hand it.

I accept it and as soon as I recieve it, he turns his back to me and acts like as if nothing happened. I stood there gazing at him for a few moments.

"Do you still need something?" He asks coldly.

"I want to talk to you" I reply.

"I'm busy, please come back again after I'm dead" He replies.

"This can't wait until your'e dead" I say.

"I still can't talk now"

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because I don't want to!" He snaps. He groans and grabs his sword on the table before exiting the forge.

Well it wasn't what I expected. I expected my dream to happen, but it didn't. I have to find some way to talk to him without him running away from me.


Chapter 3 of Finding each other!

Another chapter again later guys! Don't worry! :3

Things will be a bit happier ;)


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