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Guuuuys not too many people entered the contest, so maybe I figured that I just write the next chapter :( but to those who entered, I might use your story in the future :) thank you very much for participating! Don't worry, your effort's not gone to waste!


And when Daryl returned to Gabriel's church, do you think he had Noah with him? Or Morgan?! :O

Btw, I'm starting to read some fanfics besides HTTYD, and its expanding to TWD. Don't regret it one bit.

You think that after I finish HTTYD, I should create my own TWD story? I'd probably write a fanfic about Carl cuz you know. Haha lol.

I'm so weird.




I smiled at Hiccup who played with Toothless in the field. I missed him. His smiles are clearly visible as his bright green eyes shine with happiness. Hiccup's the only one who had this ability to make me feel all tingly inside, he's the only one who gets to manipulate me, and he's just too damn gorgeous.

Everybody, take a moment of silence to appreciate his gorgeousness.


Anyways, I hope that no bad things happen to us anymore. I mean, we've been through a lot and we deserved a rest from all the pain and problems. I almost lost my life and his before, and that was the closest thing to possibly losing each other. I just, want to get away and beg the gods to give us a break from all the hurdles they give us. I want the problems to be over.

No more returns of Merida and her orange untamed mane. No more Heather and her deceivingly amazing looks. No more Alvin and his idiotic minions. Just, no more anything. I just want to be happy.

"Hey" I hear someone speak. I turn around and see Ruffnut, and suddenly smelling something really bad.

"Ruffnut, I guess you're done cleaning the stables?" I ask pinching my nose.

"Yeah, it's fun actually" She says.

I stare at her in shock.

She stares back at me.

I stare longer.

She stares at me back.

"What?" I blurt out.

"I had fun"

"Who has fun cleaning out dragon poop?!" I ask.

"I did" She says

"TAKE A DAMN SHOWER" I say waving her off. I sigh and turn back around to see Hiccup and Toothless gone. I tilt my head in confusion.

"Where did-WOAH!" I get interrupted by someone grabbing my arm and tossing me into the air, I land safely behind Hiccup on Toothless and I wrap my arms around his waist instinctively.

"I swear Hiccup, one day I'll hate you if you keep doing that" I growl and Hiccup just chuckles in the air along with Toothless.

I roll my eyes.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Back to the Great Hall"

"We could've just walked you know?"

"Why walk when you can ride a dragon?" He says and I giggle.

"Alright Hiccup, whatever you say"


"Took you both long enough" Snotlout says gesturing at Hiccup and I as we approach the table.

"Yeah, get over it" I snap and we sit down at the table with the others, minus Ruffnut.

"So Hiccup, how was your training?" Fishlegs asks.

"Same as always" He shrugs, holding his arm around my waist.

"What do you do anyway? Do you like, command people to do stuff?" Tuffnut asks.

"We actually help them do stuff. And I need to keep track of supplies, troops to go hunt for supplies, division of responsibilities, what to do in emergencies, learn about all the evacuation ways either with dragons or no--"

"You're boring me" Tuffnut cuts and Hiccup furrows his eyebrows.

"But you asked me what I did at training" Hiccup says confusedly.

"Yeah, but I didn't ask you to bore me" He says and Hiccup rolls his eyes.

"Seriously Tuff, I don't know how you live with your stupidity" Hiccup sighs shaking his head.

"Ruff carries some of my stupidity too so we're both equal" He replies.

"I can't deal with you right now, it's just exactly like Ruff is here" Hiccup groans and I laugh.

"Well, you know what I go through everyday" I pat his back.

"At least you're sane" He mumbles to me.

Fishlegs clears his throat to get his attention.

"You aren't sane in the slightest bit" I say to him.

"I know" He says looking down, accepting the truth.

"But don't worry Fishlegs, I like you the most out of the 3 others" I say gesturing to Tuff and Snotlout.

"I'm right here" Snotlout.

"I know" I smile.


"Astrid?" Hiccup whispers stroking my hair, as I listen to his steady heartbeat poking through his chest.


"I kinda want a little Hiccup or Astrid running around" He says and I smile to myself.

"Me too, Hiccup" I reply and I hear him sigh in relief. He holds me close to him and I place my arms around him.

"Are you certain with it?"

"Yeah. I want to try again" I whisper.

"Okay Astrid, whatever you say--"

"THERE WILL BE NO BABY MAKING IN THIS HOUSE" I hear someone barge in. We flinch and pull away before staring at a wide eyed Valka staring back at us in the same shock we had.

"Mom, for Loki's sake, I'm married"

"I know. I just forgot that for a second there" She says and sighing, placing her head in her hands.

Hiccup gets up and walks over to her, engulfing her in his arms. I smile as I sit on the bed. Hiccup's so lucky to have his mother, and I'm happy that he treats her well. She raised an amazing man, and I could thank her a million times if I could, but she'd just think I'm annoying.

"Astrid, I believe you'll both have beautiful babies"

"Oh God mom" Hiccup groans before gently pushing her out and I laugh.

"Your mom's so cute"

"I know. She's just like that" He replies laying back down on the bed, bringing me down with him.

I yawn and hug him tightly.

"We'll have our little bundle of joy soon Astrid, and when that time comes, I'll be there for you guys 24/7" He says kissing my forehead.

"You better keep your word or it's no dragon racing or flying for you"


"Well, I like men who are a man of their words" I say before closing my eyes.

"I'll be any man you want me to be, m'lady. Good night" He says pulling me into a warm embrace and making sure I didn't get a single cold any part of my body.


So you think a baby should happen next guys? Because I was thinking for that to be the final event before ending my



But I'll make more stories of all sorts :) I was thinking if I could get help from some people so that we all could create their happy ending. I want the lat chapters to be super special and get you guys involved with it as much as possible.

And I'm kinda lost on what to do next so I was thinking I should have the baby then the end. What'you think? :3

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