Chapter 9 // Million Mosquitoes

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Anyways late question but, HAVE YOU SEEN HTTYD 3?! DAMN I NEED TO KEEP UP HAHAHA.

Anyways I'm back and heres another story part :>



I sat down the empty, cold bed, lightly tracing where Hiccup used to lay and hold me at night. I let down a tear, wondering and regretting why I even let those words out of my mouth. Remembering them makes me disgust myself.

I hear a gentle knock on the door.

"Yeah?" I say quickly wiping my tears before getting up and opening the door.

It was the last person I wanted to see.

"Get out of my face before my foot does it for you"

Snotlout put his hands up in defense.

"I just want to tell you that we're worried Astrid. Hiccup has been gone for 3 days and you're here moping. This isn't like you" He actually looked,


"Look, just because I think I'm physically more handsome, stronger, and more worthy than Hiccup..."

I raise and eyebrow and roll my eyes.

"... and as much as I want to be chief, we need him"

He then looked away and mumbled something inaudible.

"I---I need him"

I smirk. "What was that?"

He turned pink. "Nothing okay? I'm just saying we need to get off our stinky butts and look for Hiccup. I'm worried Stoic will kick it if we stay here and do nothing"

I smiled.

He continues. "I am Hiccup's brother. I will always be by his side even if he makes me want to feed him to Hookfang"

I laugh. "Then what are we waiting for?"


Okay on second thought, we might not be able to leave so soon. I kinda, lost Stormfly?

How im Odin's name does a rider lose their dragon?

I asked everybody but they all have not seen her. I paced back and forth on the grounds, holding my hands to my head.

"She never flies without me. She's always with me. She--"

"Not at the fields" Ruffnut says.

"WHAT THE HECK" I scream.

"Hey hey, we'll find her" Fishlegs put his hand on my shoulder.

"What do I do?" I asked them.

"Take Cloudjumper" Valka says with a sad look on her face.

"And bring my son home" She tears up, I run and hug her.

"I will Valka. I promise you"

• • •


loudjumper is a bit more skittish than Stormfly, but not that hard to maneuver. The wind feels, strange. It's cold, and dense. My guts began to tell me something was up.

"Hey guys? We haven't passed by a single chicken" Tuffnut.

We all slowly turn to him and gave him a confused look.

"So?" Ruff asks.

He shrugs and looks away.

"Hey I know I organized this search but I actually wanna get on the ground and stretch my legs already" Snotlout says stretching.

"We'd be wasting time" I say.

"It's just for one night" Snoutlout replies.

I pause and gave a long sigh. I nod my head, giving them my approval before they descend down under the clouds. I look in the horizon and see the sunset, remembering when Hiccup gave me my first dragon ride. I let a tear out.

"I will find you, Hiccup. Just stay put, okay?"


We managed to set up a campfire under some trees, and the dragons all nestled on the ground, gently snoring. We sat around the campfire.

"I hope we find Hiccup soon" Tuffnut says. "I just wanna find him and go back home to my warm bed instead of the cold ground. Ants are giving my butt allergies"

"Me too. I mean, I thought Hiccup didn't want to be found. He made it very clear in the note" Fishlegs say, gently patting Meatlug.

"He might not need us, but we sure do need him" I reply. Fishlegs sigh and lean on Meatlug.

"Hey, just wondering guys what if like a million mosquitoes bite me at the same time?" Ruffnut says and we look back at here. We gasp as we truly do see mosquitoes resting on her arms.

"Just curious, he he" She says afraid to even moce slightly.

"Ugh gods please help us" I groan and facepalm.

Hiccup, you better be ready to be found.


Hi guysss how are you :> I'm so sorry I'm such an iconsisted updater I dont even deserve your reads T.T but read if you want to.

I still love you and again, I'm so sorry T.T


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