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"What're we having today kid?" Jinx asked out loud while looking through the fridge, it only held a few frozen pizzas left and some macaroni leftovers she had swiped from her sister's place. That's what they get for giving her a key.

There was a thump behind her and then she felt a small tap on her back after a few seconds. She turned around and noticed her kid holding up a cup of noodles. Jinx grinned. "Ramen it is! You sure do have some good tastes." She lightly patted her on the head before heading over to the stove to heat up some water.

It was quiet for a bit as they worked before her little one spoke, "Hey Jinx?" She hummed to let her know she was listening.

"Do you have to go to class tomorrow?" She asked simply and it made the older woman stop for a moment. Lilith never asked about when she had to go to class, she always seemed to accept whenever Jinx had to leave, that's why Jinx fully turned around to show the kid she was fully listening. She watched as the little girl squirmed in place under her undivided attention.

"Why, what's up squirt?"

"Well um," She started and couldn't seem to look Jinx in the eye, but that didn't make her turn away. Instead, she lowered herself down to her level and grabbed her hands so they were much closer.

"You can talk to me about anything you know? No need to be scared. It's just me, lil' ol' Jinx, the least threatening person in the woorlldd." She dragged out the world and the girl giggled, both of them knowing how untrue her statement was, but it seemed to help the girl get over her nerves.

"I saw a flyer in the store we went to last week," she took a deep breath, "There's a big event happening in-n town tomorrow, it's a scavenger hunt thingy, and-and I remember how you said you knew all the places in town and um... maybe we could..." Her eyes started to falter the more she talked but Jinx had gathered the gist of what she wanted.

She started to go over in her head what she would miss tomorrow, luckily it was only 2 classes, but she knew it would ruin her perfect attendance that Vi seemed so proud of. It didn't matter though, not when she was looking at the face of her kid, she looked embarrassed but Jinx also knew she never asked for anything like this, and there was no way in hell that she was turning her down.

"This event, I think I saw a few posts about it." She also recalled a few conversations she overheard outside of classes about it. "There were 3 separate ones, right? One for couples, one for big groups, and one for..." Lilith quickly snatched her hands out of Jinx's and turned around, "Families."

"Hey, hey, no, what's this all about? You want to go to the family event right? It's okay! We can go." She placed her hands on the girl's small shoulders before turning her around, and her heart broke at what she saw. Her little girl looked so lost and unsure of herself, and it was also easy to tell she didn't know what to do by how she kept clenching and unclenching her fists.

"Talk to me rogue, what's wrong? Would you rather not do the family group? I can gather a few people for the big group event if you want, we'll just have to work on a cover story." To her surprise that seemed to be the wrong thing to say as her girl's eyes started to water and she shook her head before pressing her face into Jinx's shoulder and staying there.

"Please can you tell me what you want? I promise I'll do it." Jinx started patting her head to help the girl calm down from whatever was upsetting her, she really wanted Lilith to talk more often, but she also didn't want to pressure her. It was a tough line to balance, when she should get her to talk and when she should let her be. Though right then seemed like a moment when she really should get a response.

"The family event please." It took her several minutes, but Jinx stayed in that same position holding her until she finally spoke. She let out a sigh of relief, happy that she told her what she wanted, and then she nodded.

"Absolutely, anything for my little munchkin." At that, the kid seemed to press herself closer to her and she got the hint before bending down and picking up the small 6-year-old.

"Hmmm, I wonder if I spoil you too much?" She asked out loud, but she didn't get an answer from the kid in her arms making her chuckle. "Nah, you deserve the whole world, who am I to deny you." She gave her a little tickle on the side and she got a light squeal in response making her grin, though a second later the same little tummy gave a light growl.

"You're just too cute for words. Now can I put you down and finish making our noodles, before your stomach starts eating itself?"

"Stomachs don't do that." She protested as Jinx started putting her down on the couch in front of the tv. She gave a small chuckle while getting the remote and handing it to the child.

"Of course not, what do I know? I'm just an old college student studying engineering, how could I know anything about the human body?" She mocked and the kid gave her a glare so she playfully raised her arms before heading back into the kitchen.

She listened to the tv turn on and her kid scrolled through a few channels before stopping on some show talking about different animals.

"A family event huh?" She mumbled to herself, not able to deny how ecstatic those words made her.

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