finding stars

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Star light, star bright,
The most beautiful star in my sight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
To be with you for just one night.
To shoot through the sky in an endless flight,
To bask in your grace-
Yes, just one night.
But unfortunately you are but a star in the sky
And no matter how hard I try and try,
You're still a star-
In that yonder sky.

- "My Unattainable Star" by Warren Chan

Jason woke up early in the morning to listened to the singing birds. The sky was inky blue. He stretched out his arms and scratched his back. The silence of dawn droned on his ears.

The sun rose over the horizon as he brushed his teeth and got dressed. The skies first rays reached his skin as he walked to the Poseidon cabin. The silence was eerie. The chorus of birds sang in his ears, stark agaisnt the quietness of dawn.

The sun was up, warming his face by the time Jason reached Percy's cabin. He knocked on the door twice an waited. Silence. He knocked again. Nothing. Finnally, Jason turned the handle and walked in. Immediately, there was something wrong.

The sheets were made and smoothed out neatly on the bed and mess was cleaned up. Percy never tidies. The morning sunlight streamed through the windows and made patches and pools of light in the barren cabin. The smell of sea salt seemed overwhelming.


The cabin was empty. Jason felt a tremor travel up his back as he noticed a sheet of paper on top of the folded sheets.

Dear Jason, It read,

I have gone. I don't know who I am. I don't know if this is where I belong. I don't know if I'm truly what everyone seems to think I am. A hero. I don't feel like it. I feel like the opposite.

Maybe I'll be back. But you know why I've gone. Little pueces of me are scattered. Scattered everywhere, like the stars. I'll search for them. I have to. I've left to find my own stars.

I apologize for leaving like ths. It was sudden and urgent that I must go. Sorry.

With much love,
Percy Jackson

Jason shoved the letter in his pocket and ran, not bothering to close the door on his way out. Campers had started to stumble out of their cabins and sleepily walk to eat breakfast. They sent puzzled glances as Jason ran passed them in the opposite direction. No one stopped him.

He ran to the edge of camp, towards the beach. The ocean lapped lazily, sweeping sand aside as if nothing was wrong. Jason squinted and scanned the horizon. With the help of his glasses, he noticed the shape so far into sea, it looked like a dark speck.

"Percy!" Jason cried out. The speck did not move. "PERSEUS!" Jason shouted, ignoringthe lump in his throyat and the stinging in his eyes.

The speck seemed to turn around. Jason summoned wind beneath him and carried himself as fast as he could towards the horizon. The water sprayed and frothed at the sudden gusts of wind. The speck grew larger and clearer as Jason sped closer.

Jason made out black hair and green eyes. Jason stopped and decended.

"Jason, I-"

"You should have told me," Jason managed to cough out, gasping for air.

"I should've," Percy agreed. "But I needed to go. Jason, I need to go! Let me-" Percy turned to dive into the waves, but Jason grabbed his wrist. "Please... don't try to stop me."

"I won't," Jason said firmly. Jason's eyes seemed to swnd electric sparks fown Percy's spine. "But I won't let you go alone." Jason's eyes wouldn't budge. Percy relaxed his shoulders.

"Okay." Percy said softly. The air was so still, it was like the sea and sky were holding its breath. "Okay."

"Then let's go." Jason said.

"You're lucky I packed extra supplies," Percy grumbled.

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