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Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

- Lilo and Stitch

Percy gripped the sleeve of Jason's jacket. People pushed and jostled him as he pushed past. Crowded areas made demigods nervous and New York was far from an exception. Fighting a monster would be difficult in a crowded street.

Jason seemed to know where he was going. After passing what seemed to be appartment complex after appartment complex, they stopped in front of a building. Nothing fancy. Far from it. But it felt right. Familiar.

"This is it, right?" Jason said in Percy's ear, his warm breath tickling his neck.

Percy nodded.

They started up the stairs, past doors, labled numerically. Percy counted each number as he walked on, never sure if he was walking towards the right way. But he felt a tug in his chest. This has to be it.

Door 68, his heart stopped.

Percy heard Jason's breathing from behind as he raised his arm to knock. He closed his eyes and listened. He thought of the ocean. Waves was over and pull back in like Jason exhaled. Percy built a sanctuary. A place of strength.

He knocked.

The door swung open.

A middle aged man with graying hair and a warm smile opened the door. His eyes shone with surprise and happiness. "Sally! Come here! Percy's home!"

Percy's chest filled with warmth as a small woman rushed to the door, holding a bowl of what seemed to be cookie dough. Percy smiled and felt a burning in his eyes and throat, because through no words, he didn't remember, he felt that this was right.

They sat down in the kitchen and watched Sally and Percy bake together while Jason explained as much as he could. Paul and Sally couldn't help but send worried and concerned glances Percy's way, because they might not be your traditional family, but they were still parents.

But Percy couldn't seem to reflect their worried faces. He finished the cookie dough without a recipe or second thought. Beaming, he placed a batch of blue sugar cookies in the oven.

Sally put a hand on both of their shoulder's and said, "I know both if you have to leave soon, but at least stay to enjoy some cookies," And neither of them could say no.

Jason and Percy went ham with frosting and star shaped sprinkles. They were a family. Family was all Percy and Jason could ask for. Percy and Jason were both feeling some sort of way as they all picked up a cookie. Jason, whose never had a family other than his sister, now had one. Percy felt his memory stir with recognition. It was the familiar taste of sugar and frosting. It was his mother's beaming face. Ot was the warmth in his chest of being surrounded by family.

And when they left that day, they had sweets crammed in their pockets, their stomachs full, and a warmth they couldn't get rid of. Because in the sky, there was a new star. It warmed the two of them like a fire.

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