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"Why does Tae-hyung keep giving you the stink eye?" Jungkook found himself asking Jimin as they were setting up everything in the morning. It was almost time for Burger Palace to open, and all of them were busy with their specific areas. However, Jungkook always found a way to talk whenever he wanted. Of course, this tended to get him in trouble, but Yoongi wasn't nearby to lecture him at the moment.

Jimin shrugged his shoulders as he was making sure everything on the food line was in the right spot."How should I know? He doesn't really talk to me much anymore."

This was surprising for Jungkook. He had thought that Jimin and Taehyung were great friends."But you two talk all the time."

"Not lately." Jimin sighed heavily."I think Tae is disappointed in me. I mean, that's the only thing that makes sense to me."

"Why would he be disappointed in you?" Jungkook wasn't fully in the loop of things, but he wanted to be. He wanted to know everything that happened between everyone, despite it not really being any of his business.

Slumping his shoulders a little, Jimin glanced toward the drive-thru to see Taehyung organizing everything he needed. Then, he returned his gaze to Jungkook."Well, I don't know if you've heard, but I slept with Jin-hyung recently. We were drunk, so it's not like it meant much."

Jungkook's eyes widened with a mixture of shock and interest."You had drunk sex with Jin-hyung?"

"Yeah, and Tae's been giving me the evil eye ever since." Jimin was certain that it had to be because of his drunken night with Jin. What else could possibly cause his friend to stop talking to him?

"Ohh." Something clicked in Jungkook's mind."Maybe Tae-hyung likes you." he suggested."You slept with Jin-hyung, and now he's jealous."

Jimin made a small wave of his hand."Nah, I don't think so. He and I have always just been friends." He didn't really see that as a possibility."Besides, he's not really my type."

That didn't really make much sense to Jungkook."How is he not your type? I mean, you two always got along great until recently. I thought you two would be perfect for each other. And he's cute, I guess. I mean, I'd probably find him incredibly attractive if I liked guys."

"I like tougher men, Kookie." Jimin said with a roll of his eyes."Tae's cute, but he has these goofy moments that make me doubt he'd be fully serious in bed."

"But what about his serious moments?" This analysis by Jimin didn't seem fair to Jungkook.

"What serious moments?" Jimin didn't seem to find it possible for Taehyung to be really serious about anything.

A look of disbelief came over Jungkook's face."Have you forgotten that he totally helped Yoongi-hyung get through a panic attack a few days ago? And Yoongi-hyung is training him for a promotion." He made a 'pft' and lightly shook his head."You need to pay more attention, Hyung. I can't believe you've been Tae-hyung's friend for so long and never noticed that he has such maturity under his playful personality."

Jimin made a 'pft' right back at Jungkook."How am I supposed to notice it when he never shows it?" He had never seen or noticed Taehyung being mature.

"He shows it a lot." Placing a hand on his hip as he spoke, Jungkook completely stopped working to explain this to Jimin."He has always shown maturity. Sure, he goofs off occasionally, as we all do, but he actually works a lot harder than you and me. You ever notice that he doesn't chat with us whenever we have conversations like this? It's because he's focusing on his job. You know why he doesn't go to the bar with you? You call him a party pooper for not wanting to get drunk with you, but he is just being responsible. And why do you think Yoongi-hyung is training him for a promotion and not you or me? Because Tae-hyung is showing that he can do it."

"Damn, Kook. Way to shove it in my face." Jimin hadn't realized that he had missed so much.

"Jungkook. Jimin." Yoongi's voice grabbed their attention."Stop gabbing and get everything set up. Just a few more minutes until opening time."

"Sorry, Hyung." Jimin turned back to the food line to finish getting it ready.

Jungkook lightly tapped Jimin's shoulder then pointed to the drive-thru area."Watch."

Yoongi stepped over to the drive-thru area and placed a hand on Taehyung's shoulder to get his attention."Taehyung, you mind coming to the back and helping me with some supply orders?"

"Sure." Taehyung responded with a wide smile. He loved helping Yoongi with the orders."Is it a big order?"

"Not really, but there's been an update to the system for ordering, so I'll show you how to work it." Yoongi smiled back at Taehyung then walked with him to the backroom.

It was such a small interaction, but it showed a lot."I guess you're right." Jimin said with a bit of realization."Yoongi-hyung is treating Tae like a much more responsible person."

"Since you don't work in the back much, you don't see their interactions as much as I do." Jungkook tended to see Yoongi and Taehyung working in the back together since he worked back there as well to organize supplies and clean."Maybe you should give Tae-hyung a chance."

"I'll think about it." Jimin wasn't really sure if Taehyung could ever be his type. Also, he couldn't be fully sure if Jungkook was right about Taehyung possibly liking him. If that was the case, would Jimin be willing to have more than a simple hookup? Hooking up was no big deal, in his opinion. The consequences could be a big deal though, which was why he had been worried after having sex with Jin. But he had gotten over it because he and Jin didn't really have that much of a connection before it happened anyway. This was different. Taehyung had been his close friend for a long time. What if they hooked up and ended up accidentally ruining everything between them? But then again, with Taehyung constantly giving him the stink eye, what was left to be ruined? Jimin really didn't know.

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