One: Welcome to Camp

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Elsa made her way through the crowd of campers with a blue duffel bag in her hand. "Anna? Kristoff? Punzie?" She looked for someone she knew, so she would feel at least a little bit more comfortable. She lost Anna earlier when they arrived because Anna ran off looking for Rapunzel.

After about two minutes of searching Elsa finally found Hiccup on the far right side of the crowd.

"Hey." She said walking up to him.

"Hi." Hiccup smiled as he kissed her on the cheek then continued. "So, there's a lot of people here, I thought it was just going to be about-"

Hiccup was cut of by the lady standing on the stage. She was probably a camp counselor, considering she wore the uniform- a green t-shirt with the camp logo in the top left, and beige pants, skirts for the girls and shorts for the boys-She was blonde, pale-faced, and had a mixture of green and blue bracelets on her wrists.

Before she spoke, she dabbed the microphone a couple times, and then cleared her throat. "Excuse me? Could I please get everyones' eyes up here?" She looked around, checking if everyone was listening. "Wonderful! Ok, to start off, Welcome to Camp Disarworks!" After that the campers gave a loud round of applause. "Ok, now that we have welcomed you here, you are going to meet all of the counselors and staff!" Another round of applause filled the stage, and it kept on continuing as each staff member came on to the stage.

"This is North," She gestured to the man who had a snow-white beard, which went down to his belly, also he was very husky.

"Bunny, A.K.A Kangaroo." She joked. A tall muscular man with short dark hair glared at her, "Just kidding, don't call him that." She chuckled awkwardly. "Anyway, this is Sandy," She smiled motioning to a shorter man with sandy-blonde hair.

"And I'm Tooth. We all have nicknames according to our personalities and looks, that you will figure out later in the camp." She smiled warmly and continued talking.

"Okay, so that's all for right now. If you would make four lines by last name, we will assign you to your cabins. A-G with Bunny please. H-M with North, N-S with Sandy, and T-Z with me."

Hiccup kissed Elsa on the cheek again, "I'll find you at dinner."

"Sure." She waved as he headed off to the line that was already starting to form in front of North. Sighing, she walked through the campers to join the line in front of Bunny. A familiar mop of bright, curly red hair was in front of her. "Merida!"

Merida spun around, happy to see a friendly face. "Elsa! So good to see ya!." The teens quickly hugged. When they let go they moved up in the line. "Where's Anna?"

"No idea. She ran off the second we got here to look for Punz," Elsa giggled. "She's going to have to be here to get her cabin number, though."

"True," Merida agreed. They took another couple steps forward. "So where's Hiccup?" Elsa pointed to the line of people in front of North where the tall brunette stood reading a book with the title 'Mystical Dragons'. "I see. How are things going with the two of you?"

"Good. Not much has changed. How about you and Jack?"

"Nothing's changed there either."

They were near the front of the line now. "Where is he? Shouldn't he be in this line?"

"Yeah but he was chatting with Flynn so now he's probably in the back."

The girls peeked their heads around the people behind them and, sure enough, there was the white-haired prankster about twenty people behind them. "Of course," Elsa rolled her eyes and sighed.

Elsa and Merida finally made it to the front of the line and were handed their cabin numbers. Luckily for them, they were assigned to the same one. And they quickly made their way through the trees and down the worn dirt path to cabin 13.

They came across an area with four small cabins numbered 13-16 on the doors. "That one." Elsa pointed to the first log building. They opened the door and heard two girly shrieks.

"No way!" Anna and Rapunzel squeaked, then hugged Elsa and Merida. After letting go of Anna, Elsa looked around the cabin.

It was decent; It had a wooden floor with a rug in the middle and two bunk beds on both sides of the cabin. There was enough room under each of the bunks to put their luggage. She saw that Anna and Rapunzel had already unpacked and chosen the bunk on the right side of the cabin. Unfortunately the bathroom was pretty small. But what could they expect from a summer camp?

"Dibs on top bunk!" Merida said, climbing up to the top bed, throwing her luggage into it.

Elsa pouted, "Okay, fine...considering you're already up there."

Anna was happy that she was in the same cabin as her sister, cousin, and best friend. Though she had a slight suspicion is was Elsa's doing so that she could keep a closer eye on her. But as long as they were together that was all that mattered.

"Here, sis, let me help you with that." Anna offered. She and Elsa began unpacking Elsa's suitcase, taking out the clothes and setting them in the dresser to the right of the bunk bed. "Did you find Hiccup?"

"Oh, yeah. He had to go get his cabin number a second later, though."

"You should text him," Rapunzel suggested, "find out where he is."

"Do ya want her sneaking out and losing her v card?" Merida asked. Anna, Rapunzel, and Merida started laughing the second Elsa's face began to turn a bright shade of crimson.

"Guys..." Elsa warned, attempting to be intimidating. But that only made the three teens laugh harder. "I'm going for a walk." Elsa stood up and stepped out of the cabin. Not a moment later she see Hiccup walk past. "Hiccup!"

He looked up and smiled at her, "Cabin 13?"

"No...9" She said sarcastically.

"Ha ha, very funny." He took a step closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "You know, sarcasm is supposed to be my thing in this relationship." He joked.

"Well, sorry hun, but it's mine now." She grinned as he leaned in and kissed her. Her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him in closer.

"Yo, Hiccs!" Jack called from in front of cabin 15.

Elsa and Hiccup pulled away. "Jack, go away!" Hiccup complained.

"Nope." The white-haired boy smirked. and walked up to them. "Hi Elsie."

Elsa sighed, "Hello, Jack."

"I'm sorry for interrupting your make out session!" Jack said smiling, because he obviously enjoyed irritating Hiccup.

"Just go away." Hiccup said.

"Sorry. No can do. I need to steal him to help with that, uh, well it's a secret. But you get the point, Elsie, we need him."

"Five more minutes." Hiccup whined, kissing Elsa again.

"Fine. I'm just going to have to tell Elsa about that time when you an Astr--"

"Okay, that's enough! I'm coming," Hiccup panicked. He let go of Elsa's waist. "See you at dinner." She narrowed her eyes at him but decided to let it go and nodded her head. He kissed her forehead then ran off to follow Jack.

Hiccup punched Jack in the arm. Jack groaned, "One: what the hell was that for? And two: you seriously need to work on your punch; you hit like a girl."

"You look like a girl." He retorted.

They went inside cabin 15, and Elsa headed back to her cabin. She was about to turn the door knob, and then a hand tapped on her shoulder.

She quickly turned to see a short man with sandy-colored hair. Sandy. "Oh, hi." Elsa said a bit startled. He simply ignored what she said and gave her two different-colored papers that were in a ziploc bag that wrote "13".

"Thanks?" She took the bag inside and read each paper out loud to the girls. The first paper was the rules. Merida volunteered to read it and she ended up reading the first one and then throwing it away. The second paper was a envelope with four keys inside with their cabin number engraved into it. Elsa handed each girl their own key, but she hesitated before she have one to Merida.

"Hey, give it!" Merida shouted.

"Promise me you won't lose it." Elsa demanded.

Merida glared at her but Elsa held her ground, not giving in to the fierce redhead. "Yeah whatever, I promise." She snatched the key from Elsa's hand.

"She's going to hold you to that." Anna whispered.

"I know."

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